How to cleanse dry skin

facial cleansing at home for dry skin

All owners of dry facial skin know about its features and “whims”. This skin is very thin and susceptible to external irritants; it often flakes, cracks, tightens, and various types of irritation appear on it more often than on other types of skin. In addition, it is women with dry facial skin who suffer from the premature appearance of the first wrinkles. That is why you need to take care of dry skin especially carefully. To look young and attractive, you need to regularly apply measures to moisturize, nourish and cleanse your face at home for dry skin. By the way, if finances allow, then you can entrust your precious face to professionals from beauty salons.

Facial cleansing at home for dry skin: washing in the morning

facial cleansing at home for dry skin

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend cleansing your face at home for dry skin at least 2 times a day. You need to use fatty oil or milk. A contrast wash will have a good tonic effect. Please note that products for cleaning and caring for dry skin should not contain alcohol; it is advisable to purchase oil-based products.

In order not to harm the skin, it is recommended to abandon toilet soap as a means of cleaning the skin. Also, some cosmetologists do not recommend washing your face with running water and recommend giving preference to boiled water.

Facial cleansing at home for dry skin: washing in the evening

Facial cleansing at home for dry skin in the evening should be more thorough. This is explained by the need to wash off the face of decorative cosmetics, dust and impurities that have come into contact with the skin throughout the day. Makeup and dirt can be washed off with milk or makeup remover oil, but this will not be enough for intensive cleaning. Therefore, we recommend using one of the recipes for facial cleansing lotion at home for dry skin.

Homemade facial cleansing lotions for dry skin


This infusion is prepared by mixing honey and linden infusion in a ratio of 1 tsp. dried linden flowers per 1 cup of boiling water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey

Apply the lotion to the skin with gentle movements using a cotton sponge, after absorption, use night cream.


Milk lotion is very easy to prepare. Dilute 0.5 cups of milk with 0.5 cups of warm herbal decoction (melissa, mint or chamomile are suitable as a base), if desired, you can use ordinary boiled water.


This is less of a lotion and more of a cleansing mask for dry skin. To prepare a miracle remedy from oats, pour one teaspoon of oats with 3 cups of boiling water and set aside for 30 minutes. Let it brew. Apply the mask to the skin and leave it on for about five minutes, tone the skin with cool water and finally apply the cream.

Facial cleansing at home for dry skin: peeling

Peeling dry skin

Stubborn dirt and blackheads on dry skin are usually less noticeable than on oily skin, but this does not mean that there is no need to resort to a deep cleansing procedure for dry skin. We offer several options for deep facial cleansing at home for dry skin; it is not advisable to use the methods below more than once every 10 days.

Coffee based peeling

Take heavy cream and natural coffee grounds. Mix both ingredients and apply gently on your face. Gently rub into skin to remove impurities, then rinse face with water.

Almond peeling

Take ground oat flakes, grind 3-5 almond grains, pour green tea over them, add a little heavy cream and 1 drop of rose oil. Let the peeling agent sit for at least twenty minutes. Apply the peeling to your face using massage movements, then rinse your skin and do not forget to lubricate it with a rich nourishing cream.

As you can see, methods for cleansing your face at home for dry skin are simple and affordable.

Facial cleansing at home for dry skin: video

Dry skin looks very good if it is properly cared for. Once you break the rules of care, or start treating your skin carelessly, you are guaranteed to get premature wrinkles.

After all, dry skin is less protected than other types, since the sebaceous glands produce less oil, and the natural protective film on the skin is almost not formed. This becomes especially noticeable with age: fat production decreases after the age of 20, and at the age of 30, dry skin definitely requires special care.

Cleansing dry facial skin

Dry skin does not tolerate washing with both hot and cold water: cold water narrows the blood vessels, and hot water dilates them, which is why wrinkles appear earlier.

On dry skin, you need to preserve as much natural oil as possible, and not wash it off completely when washing your face in the morning, otherwise the skin will become even more sensitive to external influences.

In winter, it is better to use water at room temperature for washing, and in summer, cool water; Before washing, lightly lubricate the skin with sour cream or vegetable oil. Washing with water will be easier for the skin to tolerate if it is first cleansed with fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, acidophilus - the substances contained in them soften and nourish dry skin, while normalizing its acid-base balance. You can also lubricate your skin with cream or rich cream 15 minutes before washing your face.

Before taking a shower or bath, swimming in the sea, swimming in a pool - in general, before taking water treatments, dry skin must be protected - apply a special protective cream, or simply lubricate your face with sour cream, vegetable or unsalted butter. Contrasting washes, after which cream with vitamins are applied, are very helpful for dry skin.

In the evening, it is also better to cleanse dry skin not with water, but with a cleansing cream, herbal infusion or kefir, and then apply night cream.

All cleansers for dry skin should be oily and not remove natural oil from the skin - for example, special milk or cosmetic cream with moisturizers. Day creams must be selected with a UV filter to protect the skin from radiation that leads to early aging.

It is better to use soap as little as possible – both when washing and bathing. You can wash the skin of your face and body using oatmeal: to do this, you need to put it in a linen bag and rub it like a washcloth. The beneficial substances contained in oatmeal will nourish your skin and will not wash away the protective fat layer from your face.

To cleanse dry skin, use gentle lotions, such as those made from red rose petals. Dry rose petals (3 cups) are poured with peach or almond oil until they are covered; then put in a steam bath and hold until the petals lose color. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion 2-3 times a day.

Toning dry facial skin

A very important step in caring for any skin is toning. Some women think that it is not necessary to use a tonic, and that cleansing is quite enough, but this is not the case. Tonic prepares the skin for the application of other cosmetics and increases their effectiveness.

After using the tonic, microcirculation in the skin improves, blood flows to the capillaries, even the smallest ones, and cosmetic care products are absorbed much better - almost by a third. So, by refusing toner, we waste expensive cream, gel or other cosmetics; the tonic enhances their effect. It is advisable to use cleansers and toners from the same cosmetic line - this way they can complement each other.

Tonics for dry skin should never contain alcohol, but they should contain enough softening and moisturizing ingredients.

You can use glycerin lotion and rose water to tone dry skin - they gently cleanse and moisturize. Fading dry skin can be toned with nettle juice.

It is good if the tonics contain wheat or silk proteins, algae and wheat germ extracts, marine collagen, and vitamins.

Moisturizing dry facial skin

After cleansing and toning, dry skin should be moisturized. Choose lotions and creams that are easily absorbed and quickly create a protective barrier. Moisturizer should be applied in a thin layer, and after 20 minutes, remove the residue with a soft cloth.

For dry skin, a warm massage with cream is useful - it is done using a heated teaspoon. The spoon is heated in hot water, but not too much, and it is gently massaged onto the cream-smeared face, neck and décolleté area, moving along the massage lines.

Nourishing dry skin

Nourishing dry skin also requires a special approach - it is advisable to warm it before applying a nourishing cream. A compress of herbs and flowers will help you do this. You can take a mixture of mint, linden, sage, chamomile - 2 tablespoons, and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water; After 15 minutes, strain, soak gauze, folded several times, into the infusion and apply to the face and neck. When the skin warms up, you can apply a nourishing cream.


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Dry skin is highly sensitive to adverse effects. It lacks shine, quickly loses elasticity, and wrinkles appear early on dry skin. When caring for such skin, the main thing is regular nutrition and hydration, protecting it from sun rays.

Dry skin is thin, flabby, pale, with an insufficient number of blood vessels, with wrinkles and folds, and flaking. Even teenagers can develop wrinkles on their cheeks, under their eyes, and at the corners of their mouth. Dry skin causes broken capillary lines, flaking, dry patches, redness that becomes inflamed in the cold. The sebaceous glands do not produce enough oil, and the skin becomes dehydrated.

Dry skin should be carefully and properly cared for. If you don't do this, wrinkles will appear.

How to care for dry skin

For washing, use only boiled or softened brown water. If possible, you should do without soap; Do not use eau de toilette containing alcohol.

Wipe your face with warm sunflower oil. You should cleanse the skin with a cream, then remove the remaining cream with a very mild tonic such as rose water or herbal tincture (decoction).

Wash your face with water and cleanse it well. If you are afraid that your skin will dry out, apply a fairly large amount of moisturizer.

Try washing your face with milk. Instead of soap, you can use almond or oatmeal flour (oatmeal).

Nutrition and protection are very important for this skin type. Don't go outside in the evening without moisturizing cream. If the skin is very dry, restore it with a rich, nourishing cream and remove excess cream after about 20 minutes.

You need to know that the skin absorbs the required amount of cream in 10 minutes, and excess fat only clogs the pores.

Dry skin is highly sensitive to adverse effects. It lacks shine, quickly loses elasticity, and wrinkles appear early on dry skin. When caring for such skin, the main thing is regular nutrition and hydration, protecting it from sun rays.

Cleanse dry skin 2 times a day.

  1. In the morning, dry skin of the face and neck is cleansed with liquid cream, vegetable oil, and toilet milk. Then wipe the face with a tonic infusion of linden blossom, marshmallow root, and flaxseed. Cream is applied to damp skin; after 15-20 minutes, excess cream is removed with a paper napkin.
  2. In the evening, cleanse the face with cosmetic milk or cream. After cleansing the skin, apply a rich nourishing cream containing vitamins.

For dry skin, you need to make nourishing and moisturizing masks at least twice a week.

Masks are a salvation for dry skin

Curd mask. 100 g of fresh fat cottage cheese, 0.5 teaspoon of borax, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Almond mask (wrap like paraffin). 100 g almond oil (or Vaseline oil), 2 cm. spoons of castor oil, 5-10 drops of benzaldehyde. This mask should be applied warm, almost hot, for 25 minutes.

  1. Fold gauze into 4 layers, moisten it generously with this fat, squeeze it out a little so as not to drip, place it on your face (make holes in the nose and mouth for breathing), cover the gauze with wax paper or tracing paper, and top with a warm scarf.

After such a mask, the facial skin will be very hyperemic, the blood flow will increase, and the nutrition of the facial skin will also improve.

The mask can be an independent procedure, as well as with the addition of a facial massage, which is done after it.

Yeast mask.

Yeast without soap powder, with the addition of cream or sour cream - for 15 minutes. If the skin feels tight, use a nourishing cream.

Nourishing flaxseed mask for dry skin irritated by cold and wind.

Flaxseed, 2 tbsp. spoons, cook in 2 cups of water until softened.

Apply to facial skin as hot as possible for 20 minutes.

Nourishing mask for very dry and irritated skin.

  1. Naphthalene ointment - 1 g,
  2. lanolin - 10 g,
  3. peach oil - 10 g,
  4. distilled water - 10 ml.
  5. Herbal infusion.

5 g of oak bark, string, chamomile, linden blossom, sage, mint - per 1 liter of water. Brew all this in 1 liter of water. Leave for 30-45 minutes, strain. Wipe your face; after cleansing your face, you can dilute a drying mask with this herbal infusion. If there are no pustules, it is also good to dilute drying masks with calendula and distilled water after cleansing the face.

Yeast mask.

Dilute the yeast with warm milk (1/2 packet of yeast + 1/2 tablespoon of milk), combine with fairly warm olive oil. If you get a liquid mass, add yeast.

Orange mask.

  1. Grate orange with peel on a fine grater, honey - 1 tsp. spoon,
  2. liquid spermaceti - 1 tsp. spoon,
  3. nourishing cream - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  4. hard-boiled yolks - 1-2 pcs.
  5. Grind separately in a small mortar, adding a good pinch of salt, then grind everything.
  6. And at the end add sea buckthorn oil - 0.5 teaspoon.

Mask for dry, dull skin.

  1. Yarrow, flaxseed, linden blossom, chamomile, St. John's wort - 2 parts;
  2. birch leaves, rosemary (ledum), lemon balm (mint), coltsfoot - 1 part.

Preparation: pound each herb separately in a mortar, then mix all the herbs, distribute 2 parts of the herbs and one part of oatmeal (rye flour). Brew to the consistency of sour cream. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

A mash for dry, irritable skin.

  1. Cold boiled water - 100 ml,
  2. starch - 1 teaspoon,
  3. titanium dioxide - 1 tsp. spoon,
  4. glycerin - 1 tsp. spoon,
  5. olive oil - 1 tsp. spoon.

Mask for dry and normal skin "Green".

  1. Lecithin-cerebro - 1 jar, grind in a mortar,
  2. camphor - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  3. honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  4. glycerin - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  5. yolks - 2 pcs.,
  6. lanolin - 2 tbsp. spoons - dissolve herbal infusion, menthol oil - a few drops,
  7. Vaseline - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  8. olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Add a few drops of greenery.

Nourishing mask for dry sensitive skin.

  1. Yolk - 1 pc.,
  2. olive oil - 0.5 teaspoons,
  3. lemon - 1 slice,
  4. parsley - a bunch.

Beat the yolk, olive oil and lemon into an emulsion. Pour a bunch of parsley with boiling water (in a small amount) and 1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of this decoction with the emulsion.

Yolk mask for flaky, aging skin.

To 1 egg yolk add 0.5 teaspoons of dark honey (for example, buckwheat), 3-4 drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Beat the mixture until foam forms, and then add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal or ground oatmeal. The mask not only cleanses and nourishes the skin, but also regulates the water balance.

Nourishing toning mask.

Grind 1 egg yolk with 100 g of sour cream, then add lemon peel to the thoroughly crushed powder and leave in a closed container. After 15 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture and stir well. Then apply a thick layer to the skin and leave until dry. Wash off the mask with a water solution of parsley. Finish the procedure with a cold compress. This mask is recommended if you need to look good after a working day, for example, if you have to go to the theater or visit.

Honey nourishing and moisturizing mask.

It is suitable for those whose facial skin is very flaky. Take 100 g of honey, 2 yolks, 100 g of vegetable oil. Mash well and heat slightly. Apply the mask in several stages with an interval of 5-7 minutes, and rinse with a cotton swab dipped in linden decoction.

Toning mask with elderberry infusion.

Softens and tones any skin. Take 0.5 cups of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal and the same amount of elderberry infusion. Boil the flakes in milk as you would cook porridge. When the mixture becomes soft, add the elderberry infusion. Apply the resulting mass while still warm to your face and neck in a thick layer. Rinse it off with warm water and then rinse your face with cool water.

Curd mask.

Nourishes, moisturizes, whitens the skin. It is prepared from cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice. Take the components in equal proportions, rub well and apply a thick layer to the face. Rinse off the mask with warm water and then wipe your face and neck with a piece of ice.

Nourishing cucumber mask.

For aging, tired skin.

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of cucumber juice,
  2. 1 tbsp. spoon of thick cream,
  3. 20 drops of rose water.

Mix everything and beat until foam forms. Then apply the mask in a thick layer. Remove the mask with a warm towel and wipe your face with rose water.

Nourishing moisturizing mask made from berry juice.

1-2 cups of fresh or frozen strawberry or currant juice, 1 dess. a spoonful of lanolin and oatmeal crushed to powder. First, dissolve the lanolin in a water bath, then add the flakes. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous mixture is formed, and while continuing to beat, gradually add the juice.

Potato mask.

  1. 1 boiled and peeled potato,
  2. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh milk and an yolk.

Mix everything thoroughly. Heat the resulting puree in a water bath and spread the hot mixture on your face. To keep the mask warm longer, cover your face with a cloth.

Egg-oil mask.

  1. 1 egg yolk,
  2. 0.5 teaspoons of camphor or castor oil.

Beat the yolk with butter until smooth.

Berry mask.

1 tbsp. a spoonful of strawberry pulp (peaches, apricots, raspberries or 1 small apple), 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of starch. Mash the berries (grate the apple), add sour cream, mix thoroughly, add starch and mix again.

Yolk-apple mask.

1 apple, 1 egg yolk.

Bake the apple, peel and mash with a fork.

Beat the egg yolk and add to the apple pulp.

Mix everything thoroughly. published by

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