How to whiten skin after a burn

Traces from thermal or chemical burns, as well as radiation burns, do not cause any pain. However, such spots look very unattractive and therefore belong to the category of cosmetic defects.

Photo 1: Severe burns can leave blisters and spots on the skin. Source: Flickr (Arsie Jiwajinda)

Causes of burn marks

Thermal and chemical burns heal rather slowly, and spots and scars are more pronounced, which is due to:

  1. protein coagulation under the influence of high temperatures and chemical reagents. In this case, the curled up cells are naturally removed, and the depressions formed in their place are very difficult to smooth out;
  2. fibrin formation. Connective tissues are more rigid and rough, formed very unevenly, which causes the appearance of unevenness or very noticeable roughness;
  3. the appearance of keloid-type formations. In the process of accumulation of collagen fibers, active growth of scar tissue occurs, which is very well nourished by blood vessels;
  4. atrophy of the skin. The result of disruption of metabolic processes is the formation of translucent, thinned skin, which has the appearance of a characteristic post-burn spot.

Note! The size and appearance of the post-burn spot directly depend on the degree of damage and the correctness of the therapeutic measures taken. If the treatment regimen is violated and prevention is not properly organized, the risk of a difficult-to-remove stain or scar increases significantly.

How to remove a burn mark

The problems of post-burn scar changes, accompanied by active tissue growths and the appearance of spots, can be solved in several ways:

  1. laser resurfacing. The procedure is based on the effect of a laser beam on the spots and scars left after a burn. Polishing is indicated for removing burns on the face, where it is highly effective;
  2. deep peeling. As a rule, it is carried out with fruit acids of organic origin. Such compositions are repeatedly applied to skin defects and make their relief less noticeable;
  3. cryodestruction. This method of getting rid of post-burn marks uses liquid nitrogen, which helps exfoliate scar tissue, improves the general condition of the skin and accelerates tissue regeneration;
  4. phototherapy. A feature of the modern procedure is the targeted effect of light rays of a certain wavelength on small burn spots. The result of herbal treatment is the acceleration of skin regeneration and active tissue renewal.

A relatively new method is collotherapy, which is based on injections of collagen, which can easily fill all the voids formed in scar changes.

Note! The presence of rapidly growing keloid changes requires the use of aesthetic medicine methods, which involve excision of scar tissue followed by laser resurfacing.


Despite the emergence of new and modern methods, the most accessible way to make post-burn spots less pronounced is still the use of time-tested and well-proven medications.


The cream is used to remove scars and burn marks in patients of all ages, due to its composition based on natural plant components, as well as natural beeswax. A drug helps to significantly improve blood circulation, due to which damaged skin becomes lighter and smoother.


The ointment has a softening and moisturizing effect, which significantly improves skin elasticity and eliminates discomfort, itching or tightness. During the formation of medicinal silicone film, inhibits the growth of scars and the entry of pathogenic microflora under the skin. The course of treatment is, on average, from two months to six months.


Injectable glucocorticoid drug, not recommended for use if there is a history of pathologies such as liver cirrhosis, renal failure, HIV infection, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis and osteoporosis, neurosis, and various fungal infections. In case of cicatricial skin changes caused by a burn, the drug prevents the proliferation of soft tissues and inhibits metabolic processes within the formations, eliminating inflammation.


Urea-based ointment Helps soften and moisturize scar tissue, and also smoothes damaged skin. The main advantages of this drug are the absence of contraindications and side effects. The applied medicinal composition is easily absorbed and goes well with moisturizing night compresses.

Folk remedies

All known folk remedies are very accessible, and therefore are objectively in demand for getting rid of redness caused by sun or mild thermal and chemical burns.

Regular treatment of red spots with sea ​​buckthorn oil, freshly squeezed aloe juice or parsley, gruel from crushed raw potatoes or fresh cucumber, helps whiten scars or spots, as well as effectively moisturize the skin.

Photo 2. Cucumber has long been used in cosmetology as a moisturizer and whitening agent. Source: Flickr (Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet).

Popular and publicly available means can also be considered honey and cinnamon mixture, tomato-cucumber paste, solution based bicarbonate sodium and a mask from badyagi.

Note! Essential camphor, peppermint and rosemary oils promote rapid tissue regeneration and can also make relief burn surfaces as smooth and least noticeable as possible.

Preventing stains

Burn marks and scars often pose very serious problems, and not only in aesthetic terms. The skin after healing of a burn may be too wrinkled, dull and lifeless, with complete or partial loss of elasticity. In these areas, superficial or deep cracks are noted, causing discomfort, represented by a feeling of tightness or tingling. Very dry skin, as a rule, is hypersensitive to external influences.

To prevent the appearance of spots and scars on burn healing sites, it is necessary use special emollients, which form a protective microemulsion on the healed surface.

A good effect is achieved by using a modern dermatological emulsion for preventive purposes. OILATUM, which has a pronounced soothing and softening effect on the skin, and also restores the necessary moisture levels in regenerated tissues.

Among other things, it is important competently approach the prescription of treatment regimens burns of any etiology and the choice of anti-burn drugs to prevent such skin defects. To do this, it is important not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help.

Burns are common household injuries that people are exposed to in everyday life. In mild forms of epidermal damage, victims rarely seek medical help; the burn can be removed in a short time at home. For this purpose, antiseptics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs sold in pharmacies, and traditional medicine recipes are used.

In what cases do stains remain after burns?

Usually, marks in the form of red spots remain on the skin after thermal, chemical, or sunburn. The medical term for this change in skin is pigmentation. Often the spots go away on their own over time. The younger the body, the faster healing occurs.

Depending on the extent and size of the lesion, redness may remain on the body for a year or more. When a person is susceptible to diseases (diabetes, allergies, etc.) or the initial treatment of a skin injury was carried out incorrectly, additional measures are necessary to remove the burn stain.

Lesions from salicylic acid, iodine, and celandine suggest the appearance of brown or dark red spots on the skin. These defects can be removed using medicated gels, creams, and folk recipes.

A burn to the lips due to chemical, solar or thermal exposure is an extremely unpleasant injury. In addition to pain, swelling, and redness, the victim has a high probability of infection of the wound. A prerequisite for treatment is a course of anti-inflammatory drugs that will eliminate the possibility of infection.

How long does redness last?

Redness, dark red or white pigment spots on the skin (depending on the method and severity of the lesion) last for several days. The following time frames are distinguished:

  1. in case of sun damage, the dermis turns red, a burning sensation is felt, the symptoms disappear in 7-10 days;
  2. in case of chemical, thermal light damage, the spots disappear in 3-5 days;
  3. redness after a 2nd degree burn disappears in 10-20 days;
  4. the infected wound disappears after a few months;
  5. Grade 3 lesions take a long time to heal, but scars, scars, and redness can remain for life. For such injuries, systematic drug treatment, cosmetic procedures, and surgical intervention are necessary to remove defects on the skin.

How to remove burn marks

Dark burn marks can be removed with the help of medications, folk recipes, and cosmetology.

Among the traditional medicines that can be easily found in pharmacies and freely available, the following are effective:

  1. Contractubex;
  2. Solcoseryl;
  3. Actovegin;
  4. Mederma;
  5. Panthenol;
  6. Bepanten;
  7. Furacilin ointment;
  8. Levomekol;
  9. Clearwin;
  10. Strataderm;
  11. Aldara;
  12. Akriderm GK;
  13. Eplan;
  14. Fenistil-gel;
  15. Sudocrem;
  16. Diprospan;
  17. Kelofibrase.

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of methods and recipes to whiten the skin after burn injuries, help regenerate damaged tissue, and get rid of pain and discomfort. According to reviews from both doctors and those who have recovered, the most popular methods are:

  1. Squeeze juice from aloe leaves onto the reddened area, place a leaf cut lengthwise on top, apply a bandage for 30-60 minutes. To achieve the effect, compresses need to be done daily, lubricate the stains with aloe juice;
  2. brightens, relieves swelling, moisturizes the skin potatoes. Every day for 2 weeks you need to prepare a compress from grated potatoes;
  3. sunburns are treated with masks made from sour cream, yogurt, and fresh cucumber;
  4. for thermal and chemical injuries, a mask of whipped egg whites helps;
  5. swelling and redness on the skin disappear when using sea buckthorn oil in its pure form or as an additive to the cream;
  6. in case of slight damage, a decoction of flax seeds brightens the dermis and relieves swelling in a few days;
  7. Herbal decoctions of nettle, chamomile, and clover reduce redness, soothe, and help speed up tissue regeneration. They are used as compresses or baths;
  8. Lemon juice has bleaching properties. It can also be added to cream;
  9. lavender essential oil promotes rapid healing;
  10. a paste of soda with added water - simple. an effective peeling method. This method quickly removes dead cells from damaged skin;
  11. overnight applications of camphor oil help get rid of burn marks;
  12. compresses made from mint and rosemary oils promote rapid healing and regeneration of the skin;
  13. crushed parsley leaves relieve redness;
  14. a mask made of butter, beeswax with the addition of lemon juice nourishes and whitens the epidermis.

In case of deep damage, it is impossible to remove scars and peri-scar redness using medication or folk methods. In such cases, the help of dermatologists is needed. They advise cosmetic procedures. The prescribed methods are painless and effective.

  1. Deep and superficial peeling. With their help, the dermis is cleansed of dead tissue, and a rapid process of renewal of the epidermis occurs.
  2. Cryotherapy. Liquid nitrogen cools the upper layers of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes, activates blood supply, and new healthy dermal cells appear.
  3. Laser treatment. This method of alternative medicine has an effective anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, and stimulates the regenerative processes of skin tissue.
  4. Phototherapy. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, inflammation disappears and epidermal cells are quickly renewed.
  5. Mesotherapy. Light therapy improves blood flow, which speeds up the healing process of the burn.
  6. Aesthetic surgery. It is used in cases where the above methods do not work.

How to avoid marks

To avoid the subsequent formation of a mark in the form of redness of the skin, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory procedures in the following sequence:

  1. after receiving a burn, the cause of the injury must be eliminated;
  2. immediately cool the lesion with water, this will quickly relieve pain. The skin should be under the flow of water for 10-15 minutes;
  3. Only a doctor can remove clothing from the affected area;
  4. apply a gel, spray or anti-burn wipe to the injured area;
  5. use anti-inflammatory drugs;
  6. severe pain will be relieved by painkillers;
  7. If blisters appear, if internal tissues are affected, call an ambulance.

To ensure that there are no post-traumatic marks (swelling, redness) left on the skin of a child or an adult, daily use of gels, creams, compresses, and ointments is mandatory until all defects disappear. Scars after injury can be removed a year after the injury.

Hello, dear visitors of the dermatological site! Pigment spots after a burn remain quite often, especially in cases where the injury was located on the face or other open area of ​​the body.

This unpleasant consequence is caused by improper treatment of the burn and insufficient care of the injured skin. Disturbed pigmentation can now be treated at home, as well as with the help of hardware cosmetology.

Do you want to know how to get rid of a pigment spot after a burn? Then read this article carefully.

Prevention is easier than cure

Let's say you get burned by boiling water or a chemical. Such injuries must be treated, fully and competently.

If you do not want to experience pigmentation problems, then do not treat the burn with vegetable oils. The injured epidermis must “breathe,” and oils will interfere with this process, causing the healing process to take a long time.

In addition, it is not recommended to open blisters, which almost always appear at the site of burns. During treatment, protect injured skin from the sun. Ultraviolet rays affect pigment cells that secrete melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its dark color.

If you follow the recommendations described above, then most likely you will not encounter age spots. But what to do if they have already appeared? I would like to present to your attention the most effective methods for treating pigmentation that occurs after burns.

Folk remedies - affordable medicine

With the help of traditional medicine, you can remove dark spots after a sunburn or any other. Alternative medicine offers several of the most effective remedies:

  1. Apply aloe juice to stains.
  2. Apply raw grated potatoes to the burn.
  3. Instead of potatoes, you can use fresh cucumber pulp.
  4. Regularly treat the area with disturbed pigmentation with a nourishing cream with the addition of lemon juice (a couple of drops per standard dose of cream that you use).
  5. Apply a mask of beeswax and butter (proportions 1:2) to the stains.
  6. Apply chopped parsley to the pigment defect.

Natural substances in folk recipes act effectively, but slowly. You will have to use the prescriptions for at least two months until complete recovery.

If you want to get results faster, then use traditional therapeutic measures. How to remove pigment marks from a burn using traditional medicine?

Traditional medicine - treatment of pigmentation with drugs for external use

You can get rid of a post-burn pigment defect on the face or body using various creams and ointments. I recommend starting this treatment as early as possible - as soon as the burn heals. Using the following ointments, you will remove not only stains, but also scars:

  1. Solcoseryl;
  2. Contractubex;
  3. Actovegin;
  4. Mederma;
  5. Synthomycin.

In addition, to improve the condition of the skin, you can use creams based on hyaluronic acid, such as Millennium Neo, Active Longevity. The drugs are applied every day until complete recovery.

Hardware methods for treating pigmentation disorders after burns

Modern cosmetology offers us a lot of options on how to get rid of post-burn pigment spots.

At present, iontophoresis is considered the most effective technique. This hardware procedure is carried out using low voltage current.

First, the specialist applies a medicinal anti-pigmentation drug to the problem area of ​​the skin, and then acts on the skin with a joystick with special attachments.

Using attachments, the device delivers microcurrent into the skin. The procedure is completely painless, and its beneficial effects make it popular:

  1. blood flow in the skin increases;
  2. cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients;
  3. epidermis regeneration accelerates;
  4. the complexion is evened out;
  5. skin absorption increases, due to which the pre-applied preparation is absorbed more intensely and, therefore, gives a more noticeable result.

In addition to iontophoresis, phototherapy is used to treat pigmentation disorders. This is a hardware technique that is carried out using a photo laser.

The device, when exposed to the epidermis, burns out pigment spots, after which they peel off on their own. To remove a post-burn defect, 4-6 procedures will be required.

Laser peeling is a relatively safe procedure if performed by a specialist with extensive experience. Therefore, you should not use advertised devices for home procedures.

During the procedure, laser beams evaporate the upper epidermal layer. It consists of dead cells, so the procedure is painless. Laser peeling has many beneficial properties:

  1. accelerates skin renewal;
  2. restores the epidermis;
  3. strengthens the protective functions of the skin;
  4. rejuvenates;
  5. evens out complexion.

Whitening peels help remove pigment defects quite quickly. During the procedure, special whitening preparations based on various beneficial acids are used. The choice of peeling agent depends on the depth of the pigment defect.

A fixing procedure that is recommended to be carried out periodically after removal of post-burn pigmentation is mesotherapy.

It is carried out using a hand-held device equipped with the finest needles. In some cases, the procedure is carried out manually using a cosmetic syringe.

Mesotherapy allows you to saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins and microelements. The drugs used during the procedure are driven into the deep layers of the dermis. Thanks to this, the effect is achieved faster than with external use of nourishing creams.

That's all the main methods for treating post-burn pigment spots. I hope the article was interesting and useful for you. If this is the case, then be sure to share what you read with your friends on social networks and subscribe to site updates. See you again!

Author of the article: Elena Smirnova (dermatologist)

Publication date: 11-10-2016