Carrot oil for tanning


What woman doesn’t want to be the happy owner of a delightful, even golden tan that makes her body seductive? Unfortunately, store-bought products, despite their high cost, often disappoint our hopes and do not give the desired effect. If you're frustrated with all your many creams, sprays, and lotions, we recommend trying Nourishing Tanning Oil. It's cheap, effective and completely safe for the skin. In this article, we will look at all types of herbal and essential oils that will help you achieve a flawless tan.

Vegetable and essential oils for tanning

Unlike ready-made products, natural vegetable tanning oils not only help protect the skin and obtain an even shade, but also carefully care for the epidermis. You can evaluate their benefits yourself: there are no preservatives, flavors or stabilizers. Therefore, even girls with very sensitive skin can use the oil. Which one is the best?

You have a very wide choice: you can use any oil, be it regular sunflower oil or rare exotic one. It all depends on your skin type and the desired degree of tanning. Each oil has its own amazing and unique properties.

  1. As base oils you can use olive, coconut, hemp, jojoba, peanut, rose hip, avocado, cedar, wheat germ, cocoa and many others.
  2. If you have very sensitive skin, then you need a high protection oil that will prevent sunburn. Such properties are possessed by products obtained from plants accustomed to survive in harsh desert conditions, that is, cacti. Prickly pear seed oil, as well as pomace with extracts of aloe, agave and Kalanchoe, will do an excellent job of protecting the skin.
  3. If you plan to additionally use essential oils for tanning, which will increase the degree of protection, then give preference to the following options: chamomile, lavender, myrrh, patchouli, hyssop, basil, sandalwood, geranium, rose and mint.
  4. For a dark tan, use St. John's wort, walnut, Brazil nut and baobab oils. Sea buckthorn oil is also a powerful remedy.
  5. Among the essential substances that contribute to an intense tan are turmeric oil, wild carrot seeds, lime, neroli, bergamot and green coffee.
  6. Let us separately highlight carrot tanning oil, which will provide a very lasting and beautiful shade.

Tanning oil mixtures

For a quick, beautiful and safe tan, it is best to use a mixture of oils prepared by yourself. There are a huge number of options, but in this article we will only talk about the most successful combinations.

  1. Mix walnut and rosehip oil in a ratio of 1:3 and leave the mixture for 3 days.
  2. Combine pumpkin seed and walnut oils in a 2:1 ratio. You can add 10 drops of wild carrot, lavender and cypress esters.
  3. If you burn very easily or have problems with skin pigmentation, then add 15 drops of lavender essential oil to any oil with an increased level of protection.
  4. To moisturize the epidermis, use a mixture of jojoba and cedar, taken in equal proportions with the addition of rose and blue chamomile esters.

Skin protection products after sunbathing


After sunbathing, it is also best to use natural remedies prepared by yourself. Carefully selected combinations of substances will not only reduce the likelihood of sunburn, but will also restore skin moisture levels after aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

  1. Take 50 ml of jojoba oil as a base for the mixture, add 10 drops of lavender, blue chamomile and neroli esters.
  2. A healing mixture on any base base, to which 2 drops of sandalwood, lavender and rosemary esters are added, will calm overheated skin.
  3. A mixture of 15 ml of hazelnut oil, 10 ml of orange or tangerine juice, 5 ml of almond extract and 3 drops of wheat germ extract will help reduce the dryness of the epidermis and avoid the appearance of wrinkles after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Remember that ultraviolet radiation is very harmful in large quantities. If you get too carried away with a beach holiday, your skin will end up looking like parchment paper. The compositions described above will help prevent this cosmetic problem.

Carrot oil for a beautiful tan

Truly unique and very effective is the intense tanning oil obtained from carrots. This product can stimulate the process of melanin production and thereby fix a beautiful shade on the skin. In addition, the bright extract perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, protecting it from scorching sun rays. Using this substance, you will get a chocolate tan.

Carrot oil can be purchased at a cosmetic store, pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. The second option is much better, since you will get a completely natural product. Every woman has regular butter and carrots at home. How to make orange extract? There are 2 ways.

  1. Peel the carrots, grate them on a fine grater, put them in a small glass jar and fill them with oil. Cover tightly and place in direct sunlight. After 2 weeks have passed, filter the product and pour into a storage container.
  2. The second method is much faster: place the mixture of viscous liquid and carrots in a water bath and heat at low temperature until the vegetable mass settles and the oil acquires a pleasant orange color.

This product can be used before tanning to protect the skin and after sunbathing to soothe, moisturize and protect the epidermis from aging.

Basic rules of use


For tanning oil to live up to your expectations, you need to use it correctly. There are some simple tips.

  1. The day before applying tanning product, be sure to cleanse the skin of dead particles using any soft scrub. You can use folk remedies based on salt, coffee, oatmeal or brown sugar.
  2. The product should be applied only to damp skin before and after tanning. For additional nutrition, you can use green tea instead of water, which is convenient to apply with a spray bottle.
  3. After this you can go to the beach. If this is your first time using the oil, limit your time in the sun to 10 minutes. On subsequent trips you can linger a little under the warm rays.
  4. The same essential oil should not be used continuously for more than three weeks. After 21 days, it is recommended to take a short break or change the healing substance.
  5. It is better to apply any oil an hour and a half before sunbathing, waiting until it is completely absorbed.

What product to choose for tanning in a solarium?

Not every product is suitable for tanning in a solarium. In order not to harm the skin, it is better to choose cosmetics designed specifically for these purposes. You can use natural tanning oils in a solarium. They are completely safe and provide gentle care. Excellent options are grape and peach seed oils, avocado or olive oils, as they perfectly moisturize the skin. But more often they use combinations of different extracts: basic, essential and enriched with vitamins.

  1. You can use coconut oil as a base for the mixture; it perfectly fixes the chocolate shade.
  2. For tanning in a solarium, esters of chamomile, ylang-ylang, cypress and rose are effective. Extracts from citrus fruits, cloves, cinnamon and cumin are best avoided.
  3. To make the product even more useful, you can enrich the composition with liquid vitamins. It is enough to add just one capsule to 100 ml of oil.
  4. You need to use the product twice: before and after solarium. If you don't like the greasy feeling on your skin, you can turn the oil into an emulsion by diluting it in equal proportions with water. It is more convenient to apply the substance using a spray bottle. Be sure to shake the emulsion before each use.
  5. A little advice: if you want to get the most even tan, start using the oil a few days before your planned visit to the solarium. A pleasant bonus will be a sufficient level of skin hydration after systematic use of the healing product.
  6. Before using a new oil, be sure to do an allergy test. If your skin reacts negatively to the substance, you should not use it in a solarium.

In this article, we told you about oils for a beautiful tan and taught you how to prepare a wide variety of mixtures. As you can see, nature has everything we need to maintain beauty, youth, charm and attractiveness. In conclusion, we invite you to watch an educational video on how to maintain a tan using oils.

The selection of tanning products must be approached carefully. Some of them are designed to speed up tanning, others soothe the skin after sunbathing, and others reduce the effect of light. Which tanning oil should you choose when going to the beach? There are a lot of options here.


Composition of oils

Many women (and men) strive to achieve a perfect tan without blemishes, redness and flaky skin. To do this they use a variety of means. When choosing an oil, you have two options:

  1. buy a finished product at a cosmetic store;
  2. use natural pure oils.

The difference is that manufacturers mix several components, trying to get the most effective product that does not deteriorate for a long time. You may find a tanning oil that is completely synthetic or one that contains natural ingredients, and choosing the best one can sometimes be difficult.

Many oils are prepared using chemical ingredients. Cyclopentasiloxane (a type of silicone) is added to make the substance easily distributed throughout the body, and benzyl alcohol is used as a preservative. They may also contain chemicals that act as UV filters, fragrant components and fixatives that prevent the odor from evaporating. All of them are generally harmless, but can cause allergies and adversely affect the condition of overly sensitive skin.

The basis for most of these products is coconut oil. It is relatively inexpensive and has a positive effect on the skin. Prestigious brands also add fat-soluble vitamins E, A, as well as other more expensive oils.


Variety of natural remedies

The choice of natural products must also be approached with care, since some of them enhance the tan, while others are more suitable for soothing and softening the skin.

  1. Natural remedies that allow you to tan faster include walnut oil, carrot oil, and rose oil. The last two are obtained by oil extraction of beneficial substances from plants.
  2. Almond oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, avocado, and passion fruit will help reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation. They prevent rapid drying and aging of the skin.
  3. To relieve inflammation after a sunburn, use oily extracts of sea buckthorn, avocado, and eucalyptus. But sea buckthorn, as reviews show, is rather poorly absorbed, so it is used in minimal quantities.

Tanning oil is most suitable for those with dry or normal skin. If your skin is oily, then it is better to use milk to prevent blockage of the sebaceous ducts, because in the heat they work especially intensely.

How to use

Any oil quite weakly blocks ultraviolet rays, so it is used on already slightly tanned skin. For those with white skin, it is better to use sunscreen at first. This reduces the chance of getting burned. But the oil extract also performs a softening function, and some of its types can be applied to the body after sunbathing to relieve inflammation, soften, and moisturize the skin.

Most often, tanning oil is applied after a shower, when the skin is fresh and slightly damp. Rub it in and wait for a while until it is absorbed.

A high-quality product is absorbed quite quickly and almost completely, so you don’t have to worry about getting your clothes dirty.

There is advice to exfoliate beforehand so that the tan goes on more evenly. In this case, the peeling agent should act gently so as not to damage the skin. For very delicate skin, it is better to use soft scrubs.

The body can be re-lubricated during the tanning process. In this regard, bottles with dispensers are convenient, since they will allow you to use the product economically.

Oil compositions based on raspberry seeds, watermelon, and grape seeds are useful to apply at night, lubricating the face with them. They will promote cell restoration, making the skin smooth and soft.


If you want to choose an oil for quick tanning, then opt for walnut. There are numerous positive reviews about it, as it helps to care for delicate facial skin, softens, nourishes and promotes an even, flawless tan. It should only be used on a slightly tanned body.


Another cosmetic product that few people know about is carrot tanning oil. It slightly tints the skin, giving it a golden hue. Unlike walnut oil, it is not squeezed out of carrots, but is obtained through oil extraction. To prepare at home, you can use the following recipe.

  1. Finely grate half a cup of raw carrots.
  2. Pour in 150 ml of sunflower oil.
  3. Let it brew for at least a day, then strain and store in a dark place.

The composition turns out to be quite greasy, so it must be applied in small quantities. But there are unusually many benefits from it. It contains vitamin A, melanin is produced better after its application, so the skin darkens faster, while at the same time remaining soft and well-groomed. If you do not want to make the product yourself, you can purchase a ready-made one with various additives in the store. There is also carrot seed oil, which is very beneficial for hair.

Multi-oil formulations

Compositions of several oils will be more effective. You can choose the recipe you like and prepare the product yourself at home.

The first intensive tanning oil protects the skin from severe burns, softens it and promotes cell regeneration. Composition contains:

  1. 5 drops of ylang-ylang or jasmine;
  2. apricot oil 25 ml;
  3. avocado 25 ml.

The following recipe again includes 5 drops of ylang ylang, almond and walnut oils each 25 ml. After applying the composition to the skin, the tan adheres better and lasts longer.


The recipe including oil received good reviews:

  1. coconut - 70 ml;
  2. shea - 10 ml;
  3. apricot - 20 ml.

You can also add 4-5 drops of ylang-ylang there, since it has a positive effect on the skin, fixing the tan, and also has a pleasant sweetish, but not cloying smell.

If your skin is fair and sensitive, then use the recipe with the following oils:

  1. coconut - 50 ml;
  2. shea - 50 ml;
  3. sesame - 25 ml;
  4. carrot seeds - 20 drops;
  5. raspberry seeds - 1 teaspoon.

For normal, slightly tanned skin, prepare a mixture of the following composition:

  1. 2 large spoons each of sesame and wheat germ oil;
  2. 2 small spoons each of hazelnut and walnut oils;
  3. 5 drops each of lavender and ylang-ylang.

Mix all ingredients in a glass jar or bottle. After this, it is closed and shaken thoroughly. It is advisable to leave the mixture to infuse for a day. Apply it 30 minutes before sunbathing and store in a cool, dark place.

After sun products

Having the necessary ingredients, you can make excellent after-sun products with your own hands. They will soothe the skin and promote color fixation.

For the first after-sun product, you will need to mix 4 types of oils: 40 ml peach oil, 30 ml each of wheat and avocado germ, as well as 3-4 drops of sea buckthorn.

Considering that peach after-sun oil is especially beneficial for dry skin, it can be used separately for the face and hands. It relieves inflammation and improves complexion.

The following recipe consists of the following oils: 80 ml of peach, 10 ml of wheat germ and jojoba, 4 drops of mint ether. Peppermint ether slightly cools inflamed skin and imparts a pleasant soothing scent.

After tanning, you can apply any oil to your skin: sesame, coconut, grape seed, and olive oil. Essential products include chamomile, rose, geranium, and lavender.

You can find them in pharmacies, soap making stores, cosmetic centers, and distributors.

What not to use

Making their own mixtures, some women begin to experiment, trying to create a new scent, add invigorating or calming notes. It is important to remember that some essential oils are phototoxic. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. lemon;
  2. grapefruit;
  3. orange;
  4. lime;
  5. tangerine;
  6. caraway;
  7. thyme;
  8. bergamot;
  9. verbena;
  10. cinnamon;
  11. rosemary.

All of them can cause dark spots and even burns on sensitive skin. If they are part of creams that you regularly use, then after applying them you should not immediately walk under the hot sun.


How to get an even tan

Whatever products you use, it is important to follow a few rules in order to get a beautiful, long-lasting tan and not harm your health.

  1. When staying in the sun for a long time, be sure to wear a hat (hat, scarf, baseball cap or cap) and glasses that reliably protect from the sun.
  2. If you sunbathe near water, try to be in the shade of an umbrella or canopy.
  3. Every 10 minutes, change your position, exposing one side or the other to the sun.
  4. Always use sunscreen as it prevents skin aging and the development of cancer cells.
  5. Apply tanning products while you are still at home so that it has time to absorb. And if you took a swim and dried yourself with a towel, then repeat the procedure.

Proper nutrition helps you get a beautiful tan. Eat 1-2 carrots daily or drink 250 ml of carrot juice. This product stimulates pigment production. Apricot juice, peaches, watermelons, and peppers have a positive effect on tanning. Don't forget to include legumes, meat dishes and greens in your diet. All these foods are good for health, and health is reflected in skin color.

Carrot oil is often used for massage. It contains many nutrients that are important for healthy skin and hair. Consumed in capsule form, the oil benefits the eyes, liver and immune system. In the summer, you can use carrot oil for tanning to provide nourishment and hydration to the skin, as well as prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet exposure.

Types of Carrot Oil

It is important to differentiate between the two types of carrot oil so that you can use the right one to address your specific skin concerns.

Carrot seed oil is an ester. It has a lighter yellow color (carrot oil is more golden and rich in color). It is obtained by cold pressing. The resulting substance can be used for massage in diluted form, combined with other vegetable and essential oils. It is widely used in aromatherapy: it calms the nerves and relieves stress. May relieve muscle pain. You can also add carrot seed oil to your skin care products to boost the nutritional benefits, but it does not have the SPF protection benefits.

The oil from the fruit is obtained by macerating (dissolving plant cells) dried or fresh grated carrots in organic vegetable oil. This product is rich in vitamins B, C, D and E, contains carotenoids and beta-carotene, which our body converts into active vitamin A. It is this type of oil that is used in sunscreens.

Properties of carrot oil

Carotenoids are believed to protect dermal cells from damage and exposure to UV radiation. Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties and helps the skin resist the damaging effects of sun rays and fights the formation of free radicals, which are the main cause of premature aging. According to some experts, carrot oil contains more than 600 antioxidant compounds.

Carrot seed and fruit oil is famous for its many beneficial and regenerating properties and can be added to cosmetic masks, moisturizing creams, and body lotions. It stimulates the growth and renewal of skin cells, maintains its elasticity, helping to remain soft, smooth, and youthful. It also has the ability to soothe and prevent possible irritations, reducing dryness and cracks.

Benefits of carrot oil for tanning

Carrot oil accelerates the development of tanning and increases its intensity by increasing the production of melanin, the pigment that determines skin color. Therefore, it is widely used in many sunscreens and tanning activators.

To improve the condition of your skin before and after tanning, add a little carrot oil to your regular body lotion or shower gel, or take it in capsule form to prepare your skin for sun exposure.

Warning! Carrots, carrot juice and carrot oil, when used in excessive quantities, can cause toxic and neurological effects. Consuming large amounts of carrot-based products can also lead to hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, which results in the opposite effect: the skin becomes dry, flaky and takes on an orange tint instead of a nice tan.

When used correctly and in the right doses, carrots and carrot oil can be very beneficial for your health and skin.

Additional Benefits of Carrot Oil for Skin

Here is a basic list of carrot oil benefits for skin that you should know:

  1. Removes sebum.
  2. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.
  3. Rejuvenates.
  4. Has strong anti-aging properties.
  5. Brightens and tones.
  6. Gives shine.
  7. Treats and reduces rosacea.
  8. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Reduces wrinkles resulting from photoaging.
  10. Soothes sunburned skin.

Carrot oil stimulates melanin production when applied before sun exposure. But you shouldn’t replace sunscreen with it. It can be an additional boost to UV protection, as well as activate tanning and nourish the skin.

How to use carrot oil for tanning

Here are the best tips for using carrot oil:

  1. Apply a carrier oil or cream to your skin to see how it affects your skin. If there are no undesirable manifestations, you can add a few drops of carrot oil to the base and mix thoroughly. You will receive an improved skin care product with protective properties.
  2. You can make a great anti-aging serum yourself by combining carrot oil with other essential oils and serums. This preparation must be applied before using the cream.
  3. Use carrot oil for massage. Apply it to the affected area and rub into the skin along massage lines.

It is not advisable to use carrot oil in its pure form for daily care, as it can give the skin an unnatural tint. With it, you can get your own, completely natural sunscreen. Shea butter, avocado or red raspberry seed oil are suitable for the base, as well as aloe and beeswax.

Precautionary measures

For the most part, carrot oil is non-toxic and does not irritate the skin, but if applied in large quantities, it can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, you need to know that its use has a number of limitations:

  1. Never take carrot essential oil internally; it is not a food product.
  2. Do not use the oil during the first three months of pregnancy. An excess of vitamin A can cause negative consequences.
  3. If you are taking any medications for your liver, talk to your doctor about the safety of carrot oil.
  4. Use the oil with caution if you have asthma or epilepsy.
  5. Keep it away from children.
  6. Do not overuse if you do not want to acquire a carrot color.

Tips for buying and storing carrot oil

Always look for cold pressed oil as this can ensure maximum purity and quality of nutrients. Choose organic brands that are certified.

Store cold-pressed oils in a cool, dark place to maintain maximum benefits. Refrigerated bottles should be brought to room temperature before their contents are used.