How to distinguish a wart from a pimple

How to distinguish a wart from a pimple

The content of the article:
  1. What is a pimple
  2. What do warts look like?
  3. How to distinguish a wart from a pimple

A wart or a pimple is a question that people ask when faced with a new growth on the skin. These growths have similar features and are easy to confuse if you do not understand in detail the nature of the appearance of warts and pimples. It is important to find out what kind of formation you are dealing with before you begin treatment.

What is a pimple?

Acne on a man's face

Photo of acne on the face

Pimples or acne are a very common dermatological disease. Almost every inhabitant of the planet has encountered these pathological formations on the skin at different periods of their lives. The nature of the appearance of neoplasms has not been fully studied. There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of acne.

Experts believe that with the help of acne, the skin removes harmful substances from the body that internal organs cannot cope with for various reasons. Acne can occur with or without inflammation. Inflamed pimples are easier to identify - they provoke redness of the epidermis, can be painful, and have purulent contents.

Often, inflamed pimples appear in the place of non-inflamed ones after unsuccessful independent attempts to squeeze them out. For this reason, doctors do not advise squeezing them out, so as not to aggravate the situation.

According to the type of origin, the following types of acne are distinguished:

  1. Hormonal. They occur when hormonal levels fluctuate, most often during adolescence.
  2. Stressful. The body's reaction to various nervous exhaustions.
  3. Due to excessive personal hygiene. They appear when the upper sebaceous layer of the epidermis, which protects against the penetration of harmful microorganisms, is washed away.
  4. For pathologies of the immune system. When the body's protective functions fail to cope with harmful factors, acne may appear.
  5. For hyperkeratosis. Pathology accompanied by thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin.

There is also a special group of pimples, which usually have a white tint and are not inflamed. There is a dry core inside, and the surface of the new growth looks like a nodule with an enlarged pore. As a rule, the question “wart or pimple” arises in relation to these growths.

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What do warts look like?

Wart on a woman's face

Photo of warts on the face

Warts are a group of skin growths caused by viral activity. Various strains of papillomavirus provoke the appearance of growths.

Neoplasms are the result of chaotic proliferation of skin cells under the influence of a pathogen. They look like uneven growths with a rough surface. Most often they have a round shape and protrude above the surface of the skin. Some types of warts have black dots on the top. They are thrombosed small blood vessels.

Warts usually do not hurt or itch. They bring discomfort to a person only when injured, which can happen often if the tumors are located in places such as the feet, fingers and toes. Warts can also be localized on the elbows and knees.

There are several types of warts: flat, vulgar, plantar. They may vary in appearance, but all are caused by non-oncogenic HPV types. Such growths almost never degenerate into malignant tumors.

The human papillomavirus, entering the body, penetrates into the upper layers of the dermis and remains in the body forever. Therefore, there is no effective treatment that could completely rid a person of it. However, it is possible to suppress the activity of the virus, reduce the load on the body and put HPV into a dormant state. In this case, warts will not appear.

Before you figure out how to distinguish a wart from a pimple, it is important to understand how infection with the papilloma virus occurs. HPV is easily transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through personal and household contact. The virus spreads especially quickly in the humid environment of swimming pools, saunas, and gyms. Provoking factors for the appearance of warts are stress, hypothermia, malfunctions of the immune system and hormonal levels.

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How to distinguish a wart from a pimple?

How to distinguish a wart from a pimple on the body

Warts and pimples have some similarities. For example, they have an overall round shape and contain blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, if such growths are damaged, bleeding and pain may occur.

Also, when palpating warts and pimples, the patient may experience physical discomfort, even severe pain. However, there are also characteristic differences between these neoplasms. Let's look at them:

  1. Surface. In acne, it is usually smooth. They look like inflamed, swollen skin in the shape of a cone. Warts have a rough surface formed by the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Also, at the top of the plantar growths, black dots of clogged capillaries can be seen.
  2. Color. Pimples are usually red, pink, and can sometimes have a whitish tint due to the purulent substance contained inside. Warts can be flesh-colored. If the growths are old, then they are covered with a layer of dead epidermal cells and become yellowish, gray, or brown.
  3. Localization. Acne can occur on different parts of the body, but, as a rule, where there is a pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat. Usually this is the face, chest, shoulders, back. Before distinguishing a wart from a pimple on the face, you should remember that only flat growths and occasionally vulgar ones can form in this area. In addition, warts form in places where acne almost never occurs - on the palms, fingers, knees, feet.
  4. Availability of content. Acne usually has a purulent discharge, which can be discharged when the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged. Warts are made up of diseased skin cells that divide randomly. They also contain blood vessels and pain receptors.

If you want to distinguish a wart from a pimple, you can steam the growth and remove the upper layers of dead skin. Underneath there will be a pinkish area of ​​the epidermis with affected blood vessels.

You should not self-medicate warts, just like acne. If the pimple is small, it is better to leave it alone until it is completely ripe and dry. If you are dealing with a large boil, you need to consult a doctor. Warts should be treated only in a special beauty salon using instrumental methods or chemical exposure.

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