How to improve your English grammar

Many people learning English are frightened by even the very phrase “English grammar”; they consider it an impregnable fortress that they cannot conquer. In this article we will tell you how to learn English grammar in order to speak correctly. Use our tips and you will see: grammar is not as scary as it is made out to be!

There is an opinion on the Internet that there is no need to learn grammar. Allegedly, you and I mastered the Russian language even before learning the rules at school, which means the same will happen with English. However, the principle of information perception in adults is somewhat different from that of infants. Firstly, you and I are not immersed in the language environment, but can only imitate it for a few hours a week at best. Secondly, logic is no less stubborn than facts. Psychologists say: if a child takes everything on faith, without understanding why one word comes after another, and not vice versa, then an adult needs to justify everything from a logical point of view. That is, in order for us to be able to use a phrase in our speech, it is not enough to simply memorize it; it will be much more effective to understand it: why it is constructed this way and not otherwise. This logical explanation is precisely what grammar provides us with.

6 Fundamental Principles for Learning English Grammar

Before we begin with practical advice, we will present the most important principles for studying grammar that we have formulated over the years of operating our school.

1. The bicycle has already been invented

The principle from simple to complex works in any field. This is exactly what you should follow when studying English grammar. The optimal sequence for studying it has long been deduced and presented in grammar textbooks, for example, in the Grammarway textbook.

2. Understanding, not cramming

There is no need to memorize the rules in the form in which they are presented in the textbook; the main thing is to understand and remember how to use this or that construction.

3. Theory without practice is useless

Our main advice is practice, preferably daily. Practice your acquired knowledge to the maximum in classes with an English teacher, do exercises from the textbook and on Internet resources, try to use a variety of grammatical structures in oral speech more often. Bring the skill of using them to automaticity.

4. The salvation of students is the work of the students themselves

It doesn’t matter whether you learn English with a personal teacher, in courses or on your own, in any case, spend time on self-study. That is, in addition to lessons, study the language every day for at least 20-30 minutes, this will allow you to quickly and easily master English in general and grammar in particular.

5. Simplicity is not a panacea

There is an opinion that Americans mainly use the three tenses of the Simple group, making life easier for themselves and those around them. Therefore, some students do not consider it necessary to study and use other tenses. This is the wrong approach to learning English. When communicating with a foreigner, you may be able to get your point across using only the simplest grammar. However, native speakers are unlikely to try to use only the tenses you are familiar with in conversation. You run the risk of not understanding what you are being told. Why we need 12 tenses of the English language and how to learn to use them correctly, you will learn from our video course “The English Tenses System”.

6. The path to success lies through mistakes.

Get rid of psychological pressures: some people are so afraid of mistakes that they try to make do with elementary sentences, avoid complex constructions, etc. This is a fundamentally wrong approach: only in the process of communication can you understand what you have learned well and what you need to work on. Feel free to apply the acquired knowledge in practice: the path to the goal lies through mistakes.

Practical steps to help you learn English grammar

Now let's look at what specific tasks you need to complete in order to successfully master English grammar.

1. Choose a reliable textbook

Use quality grammar guides, such as Essential Grammar in Use or Grammarway. You can work with them either independently or with a teacher. The textbooks contain clear explanations and exercises for practice. To choose the most suitable textbook, check out the features of each of them in the article “The 6 Best English Grammar Textbooks.”

By the way, if you want to understand the tenses of the English language, use our book “Conquer English: The Book of Times,” into which we have invested the experience of our school’s teachers. And if you are just starting to learn a language or want to quickly review its basics, our article “English Grammar for Beginners, Part 1” will help you with this.

2. Determine which topics should be emphasized

If you are not learning English “from scratch”, you probably have a question: what to grab first? We recommend using the Study Guide section in any of the textbooks in the Grammar in Use series. This chapter is a grammar test. Go through it and check your answers at the end of the textbook. Note to yourself which questions caused difficulties: textbook units related to a specific grammar topic will be indicated next to them. This way you will get a complete list of topics to study. Take it and study the indicated constructions using the selected grammar textbook.

3. Take grammar tests

It is not enough to practice constructions solely using exercises from the manual. To learn English grammar faster, take online tests on different websites. A wide variety of activities can be found at and grammar-monster.

4. Read articles and books

Read texts in English, and do it not only silently, but also out loud. This is a good way to see the practical use of English grammar in real life. In addition, when reading, visual memory works (and when reading aloud, also auditory memory), and you will remember correctly constructed phrases. In the article “How to Improve Your English Grammar While Reading a Book” you will find 8 ideas on how to remember useful constructions. And to choose a text that suits your level, read our article “What books to read in English and how to do it correctly.”

5. Watch special training videos

The wonderful site offers you wonderful videos that help you understand grammar. The undoubted advantage of the resource is the easy presentation of the material and explanations from native speakers. If your level is Pre-Intermediate or higher, you will be able to understand speech on video. We invite you to watch a video from the super positive Ronnie about how to learn grammar.

6. Study as many examples as possible

Try using the dictionary. Use it in a slightly unusual way. For example, you are learning Present Continuous tense. Enter “I am writing” into the program window (you can use any other frequently used verb). The program will immediately give you several hundred examples containing these words. So you will see how the Present Continuous is used in real speech: in what context, with what adverbs, etc.

7. Work with educational applications

A large number of applications have been created for mobile devices to help you learn English grammar. Use them so that not a single free minute is wasted. For example, the Learn English Grammar program for Android or iOS is a good way to practice grammar and test your knowledge without requiring Internet access. And you will find even more useful free programs for your gadget in the article “28 best applications for learning English on Android and iPhone.”

8. Learn grammar from videos and songs

Auditory and visual memory are your main assistants in learning. Listening to an English song or watching a video in English? Pay attention to how native speakers use grammatical structures. Write down some phrases with articles and prepositions, and re-read them periodically. Gradually, the correct use of this or that construction will be stored in your memory. In the article “How to learn English through songs” you will find 9 sites where you can learn grammar and new words with the lyrics of your favorite compositions.

9. Identify common mistakes

Your English teacher will identify your common mistakes and help you eliminate them. In addition, you can independently study the topics in which mistakes are most often made and get rid of inaccuracies. To do this, read the life hack article “TOP 13 mistakes that prevent you from learning English grammar.” And also use the tips presented in our teacher’s article “Getting rid of the fear of grammar. Let's learn English easily."

10. Use social networks for study

We advise you to subscribe to groups for English language learners on social networks, including our communities: Let's recharge with English! and Inglex, an online English language school. Your news feed will be replenished not only with photographs of fluffy cats and demotivators, but also with useful information, for example, various tables explaining English grammar in an easy way.

11. Try unconventional teaching techniques

You can learn grammar in verse; rhymed wording is easy to remember. Try to learn English irregular verbs from funny author's rhymes, it's not only easy, but also fun! Now you will not hesitate to give the desired form of the verb in the Past Simple or Perfect tenses.

You can also try taking writing lessons from famous authors. This is easy to do: choose a book in English that interests you and start rewriting it. The lesson is quite monotonous, but you can not only see grammatical structures, but also use them in practice in writing. What is written with a pen not only cannot be cut down with an ax, but is also well remembered. By the way, this is why we recommend doing grammar exercises not only in the form of online tests, but also copying them into your notebook: this is how mechanical memory comes into play.

We hope our tips will help you shed the unnecessary burden of difficulties, you will understand how to better learn English grammar, and continue your path to knowledge with ease. Good luck in your lessons!

Is it difficult and boring to learn English grammar on your own? We invite you to try learning English via Skype at our school. Competent teachers will teach you to use even the most complex grammatical structures without thinking.

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  1. How to improve your English grammar

    Download: Practice English Grammar for iOS (free)/Android (free)

    Grammaropolis Complete (IOS $12.99 and Android $9.99)

    Download: Grammaropolis Complete for iOS ($12.99)/Android ($9.99). And also demo versions: iOS/Android

    Grammar App (iOS $0.99 and Android free)

    Grammar App has an "HD" version, available only for iOS.

    Download: Grammar App HD for iOS ($0.99)/Android (Free)

    Grammar Up (free for iOS and Android)

    The basic version of the application is free. You can purchase the full version within the app. Some interesting features: timer for users, error checking in real time.

    Download: Grammar Up for iOS (free)/Android (free)

    English Grammar Book (Android, free)

    Download: English Grammar Book for Android (Free)

    Do you want to work in international companies, but only speak Russian? We tell you how to improve spoken English as a programmer.

    The good thing about being a programmer is that there is no connection to a particular company, region, or country. There are many vacancies, which means it’s quite easy to find the most interesting one. And ignorance of the language should not be an obstacle for a serious specialist. Agree, it’s quite strange when a professional works in a boring company on a low salary, and only language separates him from working in a corporation.

    If you are not satisfied with this barrier, then read our material and improve your spoken English.

    It is ideal if you do not waste time on those sections that you are already doing quite well with, but instead improve your weak areas. For example, let's take the average programmer and try to understand his strengths and weaknesses further.


    Logical thinking - everything is clear in the grammar, so it will be quite easy for you to understand how and what works there.

    Large vocabulary − in the process of learning programming languages, you have already mastered many English words, so perhaps it will be easier for you. On the other hand, many words in programming mean something completely different from what they mean in the original.

    Weak sides

    Poor knowledge of grammar − as a rule, in technical texts everything is written as simply as possible, but in complex words. Because of this, complex sentences are much more difficult to perceive. The problem is solved by studying the basic structures of the language and performing practical exercises.

    The language barrier - most likely, you spoke little English if you live in the CIS countries: you can understand, but cannot express thoughts. This can be achieved, for example, by communicating online with English-speaking Internet users.

    Hearing barrier - for some reason, the least amount of time is devoted to understanding English speech, and without this, it will not be possible to understand the interlocutor’s speech. Again, as an option, it is worth practicing online calls.

    Now that we have figured out what problems programmers may have when learning English, we give tips that will help improve their spoken English.

    Rule #1

    Focus on learning English grammar: this is one of the main sections of the subject. Why is it important? Knowing the basics of grammar will help you correctly construct oral speech and learn to write, as well as transform unfamiliar words on an intuitive level. We advise you to first understand the theoretical part, and then practice by listening and talking to others, communicating on forums. This book is suitable for learning grammar from scratch to a serious level.

    Rule #2

    Don't chase the perfect accent - British, American or other - from the very beginning of learning. Most likely, you won’t be able to get the desired result even in a few years. Instead, you should focus on grammar to use words correctly and express your thoughts correctly. The accent comes when you start living in another language, in an English-speaking environment.

    Rule #3

    When learning something new, do it in English. Surely you yourself thought that it is better to study a programming language in your native language in order to absorb more information. But programming languages ​​are not something rare; they contain many terms in English - debugging, compilation, framework. Then why worry that you'll miss something important or waste more time? In the end, you still win.

    For example, you want to know what .NET is and read the term: “NET is a platform and framework that allows you to build applications using many .NET compliant programming languages ​​and even deploy and run those on many non-Microsoft platform OSs.” Most of the text is not translated into Russian at all, and in general the essence is clear without a literal translation.

    Instead of building your vocabulary by reading fiction, try reading specialized books. Don't skip sections like “About the author”, “Dedicated to my friend” - they will help you learn important communication techniques in English. So it's better to spend time developing your skills rather than reading Harry Potter, which is several thousand pages long.

    Rule #4

    It is extremely important to learn to listen, or, as school teachers say, to practice “Listening.” There is an opinion that listening to English songs helps in learning the language, but at first it is quite difficult, and the set of words is quite boring. By the way, listening to English music or speech while reading English texts at the same time is a so-so idea - it will not be easy to concentrate.

    Listen to lectures or podcasts from people you care about in your free time. It may seem like an optional part, but listening allows you to learn how to use words and form sentences correctly, accent and pace, without much stress - all of which are necessary if you want to improve your spoken English. If you don't know where to start, you can watch videos on Youtube.

    Rule #5

    Studying slang expressions is a separate block. You should start it after you can perceive speech, form sentences and read. While all this is gone, you can simply add as many “Yes”s as possible to the ends of sentences. This is almost always appropriate, as is “Yeah”, “Bro”. In addition, this prefix is ​​usually added when talking about something unusual or sharing emotions, so this word helps fill pauses when excited.

    Rule #6

    Spend time with useful people - in this case, those who have a good level of English. Doing this while in a Russian-speaking country is not as difficult as it seems. Just invite your friends to help them improve their language, and if you are shy, you can turn it into a game. You may even be able to find a conversation club: as a rule, it is practically free.

    Rule #7

    Dream big, start small. If you notice a person trying to explain something in English to someone who doesn't know him, try to help. And the more time you spend figuring out what the problem is and how to solve it, the better off you will be. If you notice someone discussing a topic in English that you are good at, join the conversation. It is important, even in your native country, to interact as much as possible with people in another language.

    Rule #8

    Speak slowly - it seems that it is good when you speak quickly, but it is not. People who speak English always speak differently, but the best speakers are those who speak clearly, softly, and slowly.

    Rule #9

    Pronunciation and accent are two different things. An accent is like a desire to be like others, and pronunciation is an opportunity to correctly express your thoughts. The fact is that in English the same word can be read in different ways, so it is not enough just to remember the meaning of the term, you need to be able to pronounce it so that others understand what you want to say. You can understand the pronunciation of words using this service.

    Rule #10

    Stop speaking English words the way you are used to doing it in Russian. For example, in our word “marketing” the emphasis is on “e”, but when speaking English, speak correctly, putting the emphasis on “a”.

    Another example: Most Indians, even doctors, call calcium "Cal-Shi-um", but it actually does not have the "Sh" sound. Culture influences speech style. This, by the way, is not exactly pronunciation, but more the formation of speech without unnecessary attributes.

    You can only develop this skill through practice, when you feel that other people’s speech sounds clearer and more correct.

    You can improve your spoken English even in six months. To do this, it is enough to devote at least a few hours a week to focused study and listen to lectures several times a day and communicate online in your free time.

    How did you study or are you learning English? Share your experience in the comments.

    Did you find out how to improve your spoken English? You might be interested in the following:

    Source: Rules to help improve spoken English on C# Corner
