How to properly massage your child's head?

Massaging a child's head is a very serious and responsible matter. This should be done by a qualified specialist or a parent who has learned proper baby massage and consulted with a doctor.

Massage cannot be performed until the baby’s skull is completely formed. The cranial area should be massaged very gently and carefully. A correctly performed procedure will have a relaxing, strengthening effect.

Baby head massage

Properly performed massage has a beneficial effect on the entire child’s body.

Technique for head massage for a child

For a more comfortable and convenient massage, sit on a chair with your legs crossed. Place the baby on his back so that his head is light in your hands. In this position it will be convenient for both the baby and you to perform massage techniques.

Complex of head massage for a child:

  1. We start with light circular stroking. We move our hands from the temples to the back of the head. Next we stroke the parietal and occipital parts. Hold your head with one hand and perform the movements with the other.
  2. Light pressure on the sides. Spread your fingers wide to cover almost the entire surface of your head. Press lightly on your head and hold this position for a couple of seconds. This massage technique will allow the child to get used to the massage taking place.
  3. Let's move on to massage the behind-the-ear area. Using light circular movements, we begin to massage the back of the head, gradually moving towards the ears. Then we move on to massaging the parietal area.
  4. We massage the ears. To do this, use the thumb and index finger. Using gentle, light rotational movements, we move over the entire surface of the ears, starting from the lobe and ending with the upper corner of the ear.
  5. Next, we move on to a light finger massage of the entire head area. Imagine that you are lathering your hair with shampoo. Use your fingertips to massage every inch of your baby's head in a circular motion. This technique is very relaxing and calming.
  6. The final technique of our head massage for a child is a combing massage. Your hand will act as a comb and your fingers as teeth. Use gentle, calm movements to comb the baby's hair and head.

Does a child need a massage?

Undoubtedly, massage has a restorative and general developmental effect. But only a doctor will tell you how to perform a massage correctly, when and to what standards. According to experts, massage is definitely necessary if:

  1. The pregnancy was complicated or the baby was born premature.
  2. The child has low immunity, poor appetite, and general health is sluggish.
  3. The child's head is constantly tilted to one side.
  4. For muscle hypertonicity.
  5. There is a lag in motor development.

A head massage should be performed when the child is in a good mood. If the child is naughty, it is better to postpone the massage to another time.