How to choose a cream for wrinkles around the eyes

The very first wrinkles we notice are usually around the eyes. Various means purchased to eliminate this problem do not always give good results. Therefore, today we will talk about good creams for wrinkles around the eyes, which will not only help smooth out the skin, but even eliminate emerging wrinkles. Reviews about a good cream for wrinkles around the eyes are numerous and mostly positive, so this cosmetic product ranks first among products that fight aging eyelid skin.

The skin around the eyes is the first to age as it does not have any sebaceous glands. Not only is the skin thin and dry, but it also experiences very heavy stress from blinking, squinting and facial expressions)

Expression wrinkles can appear even at the age of 18, and if you do not pay attention to this, then by the age of 23–25 they will group together and a mesh will appear, which is called “crow’s feet.” The elixir of youth, alas, has not been invented; the aging process of the skin cannot be stopped, but every woman can prolong the youth of her skin.

The best treatment is prevention, which will help us fight wrinkles around the eyes. Intensive hydration is our main ally. All serious cosmetic companies have a light cream for moisturizing young skin around the eyes; it is recommended to use it from the age of 19–20.

Now a little about the sun. Cosmetologist experts believe that it causes 90% of all our wrinkles. The sun makes us squint, dries out the delicate skin around the eyes, and overall makes the skin rougher. Therefore, a good anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes with SPF (sun protection factor) must be present in a women's summer cosmetic bag. Besides this, a hat and sunglasses should be permanent accessories for sunny summer days.

Today, there are many anti-aging products that refresh the skin and eliminate wrinkles.

Composition of creams for wrinkles around the eyes

The benefits of creams for the skin around the eyes depend to a greater extent on the oils used in them and to a lesser extent on the active substances against wrinkles. Creams spread less, spread across the skin, and as a result do not get into the eyes.

In order to prevent any swelling and increase blood microcirculation in thin capillaries, eye creams based on tonic pharmaceutical substances such as caffeine are used. Like all regular creams, anti-wrinkle eye creams smooth out fine lines for several hours. There are products containing substances that increase the tension of the skin surface or optically hide wrinkles with the help of tiny, shiny pigments.

We should not forget that creams and anti-aging masks containing complex and expensive components are not cheap. The composition of the cream and reviews about it can be very different, so you need to select the cream only for yourself.

There are products that contain tretinoin, which leads to changes in the structure of the skin and therefore in some countries masks and creams containing large amounts of this substance are classified as medications and are sold only in pharmacies.

You need to be extremely careful with anti-wrinkle creams around the eyes that contain alpha hydroxy acids, which can enhance the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, leading to damage to epidermal cells and painful redness of the skin.

A quality anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes includes retinol and pentapeptides (long-chain amino acids), which help collagen production and also have a good effect on wrinkles.

How to choose an anti-wrinkle cream

Let's try to understand the huge range of specialized creams against wrinkles around the eyes and choose the most optimal solution for ourselves.

Cosmetology experts advise using a good special anti-wrinkle cream for the eyes every day from the age of 25–26, preferably 2 times a day after washing the skin in the eye area, which will greatly slow down the formation of wrinkles.

Serums have a lighter composition; they are absorbed faster by the skin than creams and can smooth out wrinkles and make the skin shiny and smooth. If your eyes are often swollen, have increased sensitivity or you use contact lenses, then you should use gels, as they are more useful and have a greater effect.

At a young age, it is better to use products that do not contain active (for example, lifting) components, have a light structure, moisturize well and do not overload the skin. Gels are the best option.

A cream marked anti-age should be chosen at the age of 25–30, since with age, due to a lack of estrogen, the skin does not retain moisture well, loses its former elasticity, and becomes dry and thin. After 35 years, if there are obvious wrinkles around the eyes, choose a cream marked anti-rides.

Apply creams for skin care around the eyes carefully to the upper eyelid (direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples) and the lower eyelid (from the temples to the nose).

Features of the cream for the skin around the eyes and its differences from regular face cream:

  1. To avoid swelling, the cream should not be greasy.
  2. To prevent the skin around the eyes from stretching when applying the cream, the cream should not be very sticky.
  3. To prevent the cream from irritating the eyes in case of accidental contact, its acid-base balance should be identical to that of tears.
  4. To avoid allergies, the eye cream should contain a small amount of active substances.
  5. Creams for wrinkles around the eyes undergo ophthalmological control, and this is a rather complex procedure that requires a lot of time, which is why creams for the skin around the eyes appear six months or a year later than similar face creams.

Review of anti-wrinkle creams around the eyes

Cream from Mary Kay “TimeWise Firming Eye Cream” (Timewise)

Mary Kay TimeWise Firming Eye Cream is a firming cream for the skin around the eyes. The positive effect is felt immediately, the skin around the eyes immediately becomes elastic, wrinkles are reduced, circles under the eyes are noticeably reduced, and the look becomes youthful. Here is such a miracle cream that gives many effects: 96% of participants in clinical trials reported an improvement in the condition of the skin around the eyes.

ZhenFei series - anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes

Anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes ZhenFei contains avocado and witch hazel extracts, vitamin E, and natural moisturizing elements. The cream quickly penetrates the skin, increases cell activity, stimulates the regeneration mechanism, and slows down age-related physiological changes in the skin. The skin of the eyelids retains moisture longer, wrinkles, dark circles around the eyes, and swelling are removed. The cream restores elasticity to the skin and gives it a youthful glow. The cream is applied and evenly distributed onto well-cleansed skin around the eyes in the morning and evening.

Yeux Vichy - anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes

Yeux Vichy - anti-wrinkle cream for sensitive skin around the eyes regenerates the skin, reduces dark circles under the eyes, relieves swelling, improves blood circulation, refreshes the eyelid area. The cream contains actifein and fibrocyclamide. Just four weeks of using Vichy cream and all deep wrinkles will be reduced quite noticeably.

"DELUXE - VITA RETINOL" - Eye Cream - rejuvenating cream for the skin around the eyes

This eye cream contains anti-aging and soothing ingredients. Retinol (vitamin A) and allantoin - promote renewal and regeneration of the skin around the eyes, accelerate the process of exfoliation of dead cells, and activate the growth of new cells. Panthenol, also included in this cream, promotes the healing of skin microdamages, gives it elasticity and strengthens collagen fibers. Bisabolol - prevents the risk of allergies, the skin is soothed, the vegetable oils included in the composition nourish the skin and protect against any negative effects.

Regular use of DELUXE - VITA RETINOL cream makes it possible to prolong the youth of the skin and fight the aging process. Your skin will become more toned, wrinkles will be smoothed out, signs of fatigue will disappear, thanks to the strengthening of the recovery process, the skin will look rested and fresh.

The components included in the anti-aging cream eliminate any possibility of allergic reactions: vitamin A - 0.2%, sunflower oil, tocopheryl acetate, lecithin, citric acid, panthenol, jojoba oil, allantoin, castor bean extract, imperata cylindrical extract, ascorbyl palpita, peanut oil, bisabolol, tocopherol, peach oil, glycerin, aloe Barbados extract.

Application of the cream: twice a day, on well-cleaned skin, without approaching the moving eyelid, with light massage movements, distribute the cream over the skin around the eyes from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one along the upper eyelid and, conversely, along the lower one. The cream can be applied pointwise, distributing it by lightly patting your fingertips.

SUCCESS EYE TECH. Eyelid Lifter Wrinkle Minimizer

This is an anti-aging tightening cream around the eyes, combining two technologies: lifting - a tighter fit of the dermis to the epidermis, injection - an effective effect on the origin of wrinkles. Wrinkles are filled from the inside, while the surface of the skin is gradually smoothed. The cream tightens the skin of the upper eyelids, as after a surgical lift, the gaze becomes open, the eyes become a little larger. The skin of the lower eyelids is smoothed, softened, and signs of age-related changes become less noticeable. After application, the cream leaves a velvety, light, non-greasy film on the skin, which quickly smoothes the skin, filling wrinkles from the inside.

Apply the cream in the morning or evening, applying light movements starting from the lower eyelid, then gently apply to the upper eyelid, covering the eye.

According to reviews, a good cream for wrinkles around the eyes does not have to be expensive. The “correct” composition for each age may be different. The best cream is one that can provide complete protection for a specific skin type and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.

Can I use regular cream?

Any quality age cream should reduce puffiness, improve skin texture and smooth out fine wrinkles. Compositions for the eyes were singled out into a separate category only for the reason that most women have skin in this area that is too delicate, and conventional products often cause irritation. That is why they try not to include allergenic drugs in such cosmetic products.

In most cases, such creams do not have a special formula. If you look at the list of ingredients, it differs little from the list present in ordinary creams. Serious manufacturers may include more moisturizers, decongestants, and substances that whiten the skin and make dark circles under the eyes less noticeable.

Advice! If the skin is not too sensitive, you can lubricate the area around the eyes with any high-quality moisturizer with the addition of vitamins A and E, mint or rose petals.

What should be on the label?

Before purchasing a cream, you should carefully study the composition. After all, its action directly depends on the substances it contains:

  1. vitamin A, which regenerates the skin and promotes the production of new callogen cells; sometimes the packaging indicates retinol, which is a more advanced, ready-made form of vitamin A;
  2. vitamin C: an antioxidant that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and removes radicals;
  3. Ester-C: one form of vitamin C;
  4. vitamin PP: activates the production of callogen;
  5. vitamin K: strengthens capillaries; improves blood circulation;
  6. vitamin E: improves skin structure, fights free radicals;
  7. manganese: relieves swelling, removes toxins and removes dark circles under the eyes;
  8. Essential fatty acids: moisturize, prevent wrinkles;
  9. hyaluronic acid: helps retain moisture;
  10. linolenic acid: restores the protective layer;
  11. tocopherol: anti-aging antioxidant;
  12. dextran sulfate: moisturizes, improves drainage;
  13. alpha lipoic acid (ALA): antioxidant, smoothes wrinkles, increases skin density;

Before purchasing a cream, you should carefully study the composition. After all, its effect directly depends on the substances it contains.

  1. haloxyl: accelerates the exchange of bilirubin, whitens the skin;
  2. Eyeliss: relieves inflammation, strengthens small capillaries;
  3. acetyl hexapeptide-3: stops nerve signals, making muscles less noticeable, helps prevent wrinkles;
  4. resveratrol: antioxidant;
  5. argirelene: “freezes” small muscles, preventing expression lines;
  6. alpha hydroxy acid (AHA): exfoliates dead cells;
  7. copper peptides: heal microtraumas, remove radicals and damaged cells;
  8. coenzyme Q10: stimulates the immune system, removes radicals;
  9. kinetin: retains moisture.

Advice! You should also pay attention to the order of the listed ingredients: the most active component should come first.

What should not be in the cream?

In order for the cream not to harm the skin, it must not contain aggressive substances:

  1. parabens: hormonal disruptors;
  2. caffeine: can temporarily tighten the skin, but can dehydrate it;
  3. Octyl Stearate: Due to clogging of pores, skin takes on a dull appearance after use;
  4. Isopropyl Myristate: often causes allergies, may even temporarily impair vision;
  5. Propylene Glycol: also causes toxic and allergenic reactions;
  6. Sodium Chlor >

Advice! The early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes can trigger muscle spasms in this area. Special exercises with a simulator or lifting massage help them relax.

What is hyaluronic acid?

With age, metabolism slows down. Due to a decrease in the production of callogen and elastin (proteins responsible for elasticity), the turgor in the skin decreases. The content of hyaluronic acid, which ensures their correct relative position, also decreases. At the same time, the skin begins to lose moisture.

Of course, no cream can speed up the production of such proteins. After all, this requires a restructuring of the entire body. However, the introduction of hyaluronic acid into creams allows you to create a breathable film on the skin that retains moisture. This substance also fills the free space between small wrinkles, so the skin looks more toned.

Such compositions also have contraindications: they are not recommended for use by people with highly sensitive skin or a tendency to inflammation. Hyaluronic acid of animal origin is more toxic and allergenic. In addition, its effect is less long lasting. Safer and more effective are formulations containing biosynthesized hyaluronic acid.

It is used mainly in age-related cosmetics for women over 30 years old. There is simply no point in applying creams containing it to young girls - the effect will be barely noticeable. Moreover, according to most cosmetologists, such compositions can even cause significant harm.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the composition of creams allows you to create a breathable film on the skin that retains moisture

Advice! Anti-wrinkle cream is not a Botox injection; it does not give an immediate effect. To see if it suits your skin, you should use it daily for a few weeks.

Day, night and broad spectrum creams

Any cream should be applied to cleansed and slightly damp skin, being sure to remove any excess after 10–15 minutes:

  1. the effect of day creams is mainly temporary; due to their gel structure, they smooth out fine wrinkles and are able to whiten dark skin under the eyes; high-quality compositions must have UV filters that absorb ultraviolet radiation;
  2. night creams contain nourishing components; with long-term use, they improve the structure of the skin and rejuvenate it;
  3. broad-spectrum creams mainly moisturize; high-quality formulations, like daytime ones, contain ultraviolet protection; they often include special reflective particles that protect the eyes.

It is better to store creams in the refrigerator. In heat, some substances included in their composition quickly decompose. In addition, applying cold cream to the eyelids provides an additional tonic effect.

Any cream is applied with the pads of the index and middle fingers, first on the upper eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the temple, and then, continuing the movement, on the lower eyelid back to the bridge of the nose. Under no circumstances should you get too close to the eyelash line - otherwise the composition may get into your eyes. To avoid swelling, you should not apply the cream before going to bed - this should be done an hour and a half before falling asleep.

It is better to store creams in the refrigerator. In heat, some substances included in their composition quickly decompose

Advice! There is no need to rub the cream. It is enough to “drive” it in with light, slightly patting movements. This should be done with the ring fingers - they are weaker than the others, so the risk of causing strong blows will be minimal.

The composition of the cream for a specific age

At a young age, the use of skin products in the eye area is required only if it is excessively dry and prone to swelling. After all, a prolonged lack of moisture can provoke the early appearance of “crow’s feet” in the eye area.

Using creams with the addition of potent agents, including hyaluronic acid, for up to 25–30 years can cause harm to the skin. If necessary, you can only use formulations containing moisturizing components, vitamins, beeswax, fruit extracts, floral acids and phytoestrogens: chamomile, calendula, green tea, etc.

You should start actively using anti-wrinkle creams after 30. Such formulations are labeled anti-age. Aging skin is suitable for creams containing peptides, lactic and succinic acid, which relieve stress at the cellular level and stimulate the synthesis of callogens.

Top best products in the low price category

Russian GOSTs and standards of the former CIS countries are very vague, so the quality of cosmetics often remains on the conscience of the manufacturers. According to Internet users, the best inexpensive eye care products are:

  1. "Green Mama";
  2. "Garnier";
  3. "Clean line";
  4. "Black Pearl";
  5. "Vitex";
  6. "Belita Q10".

You should start actively using anti-wrinkle creams after 30

You can make a rejuvenating night cream for the skin in the eye area yourself. To do this, you need to mix cocoa butter (dessert spoon), sandalwood (a couple of drops) and fennel (also 2 drops).

Advice! If you have allergies, conjunctivitis or a runny nose, you should consult a doctor. In such cases, you can help the area around the eyes with the help of special cooling gels or masks.

Ideal mid-priced creams

Creams costing from 500 rubles:

Compositions costing over 1000 rubles:

  1. Clinique;
  2. Vichy Liftactiv Yeux;
  3. Benefit;
  4. Uriage IsoFill.

Advice! High-quality creams must contain the inscription: Ophthalmic certified, meaning that they have passed ophthalmological control and are absolutely safe for the eyes.

Better creams of the highest price category

Creams from the following manufacturers ideally moisturize and nourish the skin:

  1. Shiseido (Japan): contains high-quality hyauloronic acid, as well as elastin and callogen; are considered almost ideal care products;
  2. Skin Doctors (Australia) with retinol, hypoallergenic products that make the skin more elastic and toned;
  3. Dr. Brandt (USA): also contain retinol, can even out skin color and structure in just a month of use; upon application, a slight shine may appear on the eyelids;
  4. Guerlain (Germany) with honey and royal jelly can cope with fine wrinkles, but it is not recommended to use if you are allergic to honey;
  5. Ahava (Israel): contain extracts of dates, calendula, centella and aloe, B5; effectively nourish the skin and quickly eliminate signs of fatigue.

However, the cost of one jar of any of these creams is often $40–50 or more.

Advice! Famous manufacturers include, in addition to creams, special balms, serums, exfoliating discs, etc. in their eye skin care series.

Massage the skin in the eye area using creams or gels

To drain excess fluid that accumulates in the lymph and remove bags, a special lymphatic drainage massage is used. It can be either manual or hardware. It can also be done at home:

  1. Apply any suitable cream, serum or mask to the area around the eyes.
  2. The massage is performed simultaneously on both eyes using the pads of the index or middle fingers or all four fingers (except the thumb).
  3. Circular movements are made clockwise.
  4. The pressure on the skin should not be too intense, without displacing the skin.
  5. First, 10 circular movements are made at the outer corners of the eyes.
  6. Next, apply 3 light pressures on the eyelids from the temple to the nose, then 3 more in the opposite direction.
  7. For a couple of seconds, press the lower and then the upper eyelid with 4 fingers.
  8. The next stage is light tapping movements on each eyelid (on the lower one from the temple to the nose, on the upper one from the nose to the temple).
  9. The middle fingers are carefully “rolled” one by one over the eyelids.
  10. Light pressure is applied to the outer and inner corners of the eyes.
  11. Pressures are made along the circular muscles.
  12. The last movement is tapping each eyelid from the temple to the nose and in the opposite direction.

Massage will help the cream penetrate the skin better

The average duration of the entire procedure should be about 3 minutes.

Advice! If the cream is completely absorbed during the massage, it must be reapplied. This will prevent the skin from stretching.

Good cream for wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

Angelica, 27 years old: I use Clinique (USA). Perfectly moisturizes and even slightly brightens the skin. True, it costs about 2000 rubles. But if you waste money now and don’t take care of your skin, in 10 years it will be too late. No expensive drug will save you.

Olga, 41 years old: I have been softening the skin around my eyes with almond oil for a couple of years now. True, not regularly. But the effect from it is no worse than from the coolest lifting creams. In any case, according to my colleagues, I look about 35 years old at most.

Tatyana, 32 years old: I didn’t find the Librederm cream filler that I use on the list. It's a pity. His price is reasonable (last time I paid 600 rubles), and the quality is beyond praise. Three types of hyaluric acid. A clear improvement - a reduction in fine wrinkles - is visible within two weeks after use. Convenient and very economical dispenser.

Creams containing peptides, lactic and succinic acid, which relieve stress at the cellular level and stimulate the synthesis of callogens, are suitable for aging skin.

Anna, 19 years old: The cosmetologist said that at the age of 19 I had terrible expression lines (I went to her about acne). Moreover, most of the skin is oily, while the eye area is dry. She recommended me the simplest L’Oreal eye treatment and massage. She said that there are no age restrictions; even a 20-year-old can use it. I've been applying it every day for a month, but I still don't see any results, unfortunately. If anyone has a similar problem, please respond.

Olesya, 33 years old: After a couple of wrinkles appeared in the corners of my eyes, I was horrified and rushed to my cosmetologist. She explained to me that there is no better Japanese cosmetics. Such compositions not only protect against new wrinkles, but also remove (!) existing ones. I chose Forlle'd. I've been using it for six months. Of course, this may be self-hypnosis, but I see the effect with my own eyes. Wrinkles seem to have faded and are less noticeable.

Natalya, 44 years old: “Merz” suits me quite well. Contains hyaluronic acid. The skin no longer becomes dry or flaky. Well, to be honest, I don’t believe that wrinkles can be removed with the help of a cream. Maintaining the skin in a more or less normal condition - yes, it is possible.

The eyelids are a high-risk area that requires special attention. Therefore, creams for wrinkles around the eyes are included in a separate category of anti-aging products. They are created taking into account the problems, needs and characteristics of the skin in this area. Which ones? Now we’ll tell you and help you choose the best product, according to the editors of

  1. Causes of wrinkles around the eyes
  2. What causes wrinkles to appear on the eyelids?
  3. When to start using anti-wrinkle cream
  4. How to choose an anti-aging eye cream
  5. Composition of creams for wrinkles around the eyes
  6. Rules of application
  7. Rating of the best creams

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes is necessary because the skin of the eyelids, by its nature, has a limited margin of strength and is more susceptible to age-related changes. It is different:

a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands;

loose subcutaneous fat tissue;

lower content of collagen and elastin compared to skin on other areas of the face.

All these features reduce the ability of the eyelid skin to resist aggressive external factors and age.

Remember: the skin around the eyes is forced to constantly be toned. Working in tandem with the orbicularis oculi muscles, it stretches and contracts every time we blink, squint, squint, or strain our eyesight.

What causes wrinkles on the eyelids

Every day your eyes are exposed to serious stress.

Do you think that the main culprit of wrinkles is age? You are partly right, but there are other factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Eye strain and active facial expressions. Try to close your eyes, relax your face, and completely “let go” of the skin of your eyelids. You'll be surprised how difficult it is to do this. Total relaxation of the eye contour, especially the inner corners, may take a quarter of an hour.

Edema. The periorbital zone tends to accumulate fluid, which, when stagnant, stretches the skin.

Gravity. Yes, no one has canceled it: under the influence of gravity, the heavy tissues of the lower and middle parts of the face gradually descend, taking with them the thin skin of the eyelids.

Sun. The defenseless skin around the eyes is especially susceptible to photoaging.

Glycation. This is the name for the process of “sugarification” of collagen and elastin: as a result of biochemical reactions, glucose damages collagen fibers, and the skin loses its elasticity.

Age-related changes. The rate of cellular regeneration and the synthesis of protein fibers and hyaluronic acid generally decrease, which is especially noticeable in the condition of the skin in the area around the eyes.

Give your eyes rest as often as possible.

Choose adequate care based on your age and skin condition.

Never use face creams in this area: too heavy, greasy textures can cause swelling, and too liquid ones can irritate the eye mucosa.

Finally, and most importantly, the products you apply to the skin near your eyes must be approved by ophthalmologists!

When to start using anti-wrinkle cream

The best test for the presence of wrinkles around the eyes is to smile.

If you want to maintain a youthful look and delay the appearance of wrinkles and other signs that indicate age (dryness, bags, dark circles), learn to properly care for the skin around your eyes. Get started now by identifying your immediate needs and beauty goals.

Eye contour creams serve different purposes. At 25 years old, deep hydration and prevention of photoaging are important. At 30 - the fight against facial wrinkles, dark circles and swelling. At 40 - lifting, protection, nutrition; and after 50 - a complex effect: lifting, moisturizing, nutrition, protection, combating swelling and dark circles.” Olga Gorokhova, cosmetologist, aroma expert, national trainer of Decléor.

You can identify problems yourself, without the help of a professional. It is enough to look carefully and impartially into your own eyes - using a mirror or a smartphone camera. Circles and swelling, if any, will appear immediately.

How to choose an anti-aging eye cream

Choose an eye cream according to your needs.

The best cream for wrinkles around the eyes will be one that meets the needs of the skin in that area. However, without exception, all gels, creams and serums for the eyelids are united by one universal function - moisturizing. It's simple: the skin around the eyes is always either thirsty or on the verge of drought.

Other problems are solved as needed using different formulas. The thicker and denser the texture of the product, the richer, as a rule, its composition and the wider the range of tasks it can solve.

Those with sensitive skin should prefer cosmetics from pharmacy brands: they undergo ophthalmological and dermatological control and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction.