How to disguise acne on your face without makeup

Acne needs to not only be masked, but also treated. This is not a problem of one day or even one week. What if you need to look great in a few hours or minutes? How to hide acne on the face in this case? Knowing the rules of skin care and using cosmetics makes a difficult task easier. The main thing is not to forget to remove makeup from your face, cleanse it of excess sebum and dirt that clog pores and cause new acne.

How to hide acne on the face: only camouflage or treatment plus “camouflage”?

Correction of minor defects and blemishes in appearance, in particular acne, has a centuries-old history. In the era of Catherine the Great, you could put a thick layer of white powder on your face and go out into the world, but today few people dare to do this. But how to hide acne on your face with makeup? Use special cosmetics to disguise various imperfections! This decision is now supported by many dermatologists. Previously, they complained about the comedogenic effect of mass perfume and cosmetic products, widely represented on the shelves of boutiques and stores.

Continuing a short excursion into the history of the issue, we can recall the existence of masking medicinal powder, created at the beginning of the last century by the French dermatologist Jean Darier. He came up with the idea of ​​mixing white clay with a natural mineral paint - ocher.

The compounds of aluminum, zinc, iron and silicon in the powder had a therapeutic effect, in particular disinfectant and anti-inflammatory. At the same time, the powder hid acne, scars and other blemishes on the face. On the other side of the Atlantic, insoluble zinc carbonate was more often used for this purpose.

Modern acne concealers belong to the following groups:

  1. — dermatocosmetological camouflage;
  2. - decorative cosmetics;
  3. - theatrical makeup.

Decorative cosmetics are most widely represented in the retail chain and at affordable prices, but it is advisable to purchase products belonging to the first group. So, before hiding acne on your face at home, you need to purchase: foundation, compact powder, concealer, sponge, cosmetic brush.

Concealing cosmetics with a healing effect

In recent years, the cosmetology market has offered lines for the care of skin affected by acne, dermatoses, and hyperpigmentation. It is advisable to purchase just such products, although the price is higher than the mass series. Forms of manufactured tonal and concealer products: powders, creams, emulsions, mousses, pastes containing medicinal components:

  1. sebum-regulating substances - zinc compounds, extracts of seaweed, yeast, green tea, burdock;
  2. lighteners for the prevention of pigmentation - extracts of licorice, mulberry, scutelaria (scutellaria);
  3. ingredients that reduce the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands;
  4. matting compounds - starch derivatives, silicones;
  5. anti-inflammatory agent - salicylic acid;
  6. UV protection factors.

Leading cosmetic brands have launched the production of correctors containing lighteners, sebum regulators, antioxidants and vitamins. For example, Clarins concealer stick contains vitamins A and E and serves to mattify the skin and disguise certain defects.

How to hide acne on your face with makeup

The corrector is applied pointwise to a pimple, scar, blemish or problem area of ​​the face, and driven into the skin with a finger. Use liquid concealer to mask acne by rubbing the product with a sponge (thin sponge) soaked in water. The green color corrector successfully masks a red, inflamed pimple; blue - rosacea lesions, spots.

How to hide acne on your face in 5 minutes - instructions:

  1. Degrease and cleanse the skin with gel or tonic. To reduce redness, apply an ice cube to the inflamed area of ​​skin for 50 seconds or apply cold drops (have a vasoconstrictor effect).
  1. As a base, apply a non-greasy cream with anti-inflammatory ingredients.
  2. Apply foundation, the shade of which is slightly lighter than the natural color of the skin.
  3. Use green concealer to place a dot in the center of the pimple or red spot. Carefully blend this product with the other flesh-colored side of the stick.
  4. Lightly powder your face to create a matte finish.

There is also an option without foundation when only concealer and powder work

All of the indicated methods of masking skin defects have a common drawback - fragility. After a few hours, the face again acquires an oily sheen, and pimples become noticeable. A huge disadvantage of “camouflage” is the change in skin color under the rays of the sun, when foundation, powder and concealer clump together and blur from sweat. To avoid such difficulties, you need to pay more attention to acne treatment.

An additional impetus to improving the health of the body is given by maintaining a water regime, for which you need to drink from one to two liters of liquid per day. Drinking green tea and enriching your diet with foods containing vitamins A, B, C and E help keep your skin smooth.

How to hide acne on your face without makeup?

Without makeup, it is more difficult to quickly get rid of red, inflamed areas of skin and make them invisible. You can reduce swelling and redness with vasoconstrictor drops: eye drops, such as Visin, or nasal drops (Naphthyzin). The method will be of interest to those who are looking for a way to hide acne on a guy’s face without makeup. It is better not to count on a miraculous disappearance of inflammation in a couple of hours, but the redness will decrease overnight.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with drops and place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  2. Then remove from the refrigerator and apply to the pimple for 1 minute.
  3. Take a short break to let the numbness of the skin go away, then apply again.
  4. Repeat this several times within an hour.

Acne will be less noticeable in the morning if you make a mask with aspirin at night:

  1. Grind the acetylsalicylic acid tablet, add a few drops of water. Apply the resulting paste only to the pimples.
  2. Place an adhesive plaster on top to prevent the powder from falling off.
  3. In the morning, wipe your face with salicylic alcohol or lotion with salicylic acid.

How to hide acne on your face without makeup, using folk remedies

Whipped egg white tightens, brightens and dries inflamed acne. This product is applied pointwise, and in several layers. Between applications, allow the previous layer to dry on the skin.

Instant coffee is used on red pimples. Sprinkle with a pinch of coffee powder and rub in lightly. After 10 minutes, shake off any remaining product and wipe the skin with lotion.

Mix the juices of lemon and aloe leaves in equal proportions. Apply several layers of liquid to inflamed pimples or make a lotion or compress. Leave the product overnight so that the aloe juice calms the inflammation and the lemon lightens the redness.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

Even with perfect care, acne sometimes appears on the face. And, as luck would have it, this happens at the most inopportune moment. Since a huge red lump does not add beauty to one’s appearance, and it is embarrassing to go outside, something urgently needs to be done. So read this article to the end and find out how to disguise acne on your face without the effect of a mask quickly and efficiently?

What do makeup artists advise?

Specialists who often encounter skin imperfections have developed many techniques to disguise them. Basic rules for successful makeup for pimples:

  1. Use a corrective pencil, which consists of two parts: green - hides inflammation, beige - masks. Most of these concealers contain substances that treat rashes.
  2. Get cosmetics with a shimmering effect. Thanks to diffused light, acne becomes less noticeable.
  3. Use only high-quality non-comedogenic cosmetics.
  4. To hide a pimple with foundation, apply a dark tone on its surface and a light one on top.
  5. Using concealer, cover the bump with a light product and the skin around it with a dark product.
  6. Foundation for problem skin should be slightly lighter than your skin tone.
  7. Avoid light pink blush and bright lipsticks. These colors visually emphasize acne and inflammation.

And one more trick: if several inflamed areas appear on your face at once, do a distracting maneuver - brightly make up your eyes.

How to quickly disguise acne on your face with cosmetics: general recommendations

To prevent the rash from becoming inflamed and new imperfections to appear on your face, wash with gel or foam for your skin type. Apply anti-rash gel to your face or use special patches. After using these products, the pimple will dry out and become covered with a film, which will block the path of infections into the deeper layers of the skin.

Base makeup

Apply the product before foundation, and the skin texture will become much smoother. The bumps will smooth out a little and will not stand out so much against the general background. In addition, the base forms an invisible barrier between the facial skin and the layer of decorative cosmetics, which prevents the appearance of new rashes. Wait until the product is absorbed.


If your complexion needs to be corrected, choose tinting fluids, serums, and BB creams. Do not try to even out your skin tone with foundations of a dense texture - at best, the makeup will look like a mask, and at worst, the pores clogged with cream will begin to become inflamed and a couple of more imperfections will form on the face.

Correction pencil

Depending on the size and color of pimples, you can hide them with beige concealer in dark and light tones or with a double-sided corrector. For camouflage, makeup artists recommend using products with a “stretchy” formula: they do not dry out the skin and the makeup of the damaged area is not noticeable.

How to cover up acne with concealer? Apply the product using patting movements and blend the edges with a fluffy brush.


Set your makeup with a matte setting spray or translucent powder. This way, cosmetics will not float, and the skin texture will be as uniform as possible.

How to disguise different types of rashes

Those whose skin is prone to breakouts know firsthand that there are two different types of acne. Therefore, to hide them, you need to use different tools in a certain sequence.

  1. Red. A colored concealer can hide redness. Cover the pimple with the green product first, then apply a thin layer of the yellow product over it. Shade the edges until the skin tone on the damaged and healthy area matches. Set the result with powder.
  2. Crusted. Apply a drop of moisturizer to a dry pimple, and carefully remove the peeled skin with disinfected tweezers. After a few minutes, cover the bump with a dense concealer.
  3. Ripe. A pimple with a bubble is the most difficult to hide, since cosmetics simply slide off the bump. To begin, cleanse, dry your skin and apply foundation. Take a drop of thick, thick concealer with a brush with a pointed edge and apply it to the pimple. Press down a drop of toner with your fingertip. Powder the dried concealer. If the bump remains noticeable, simply turn it into a mole. Place a brown or black dot in the center with eyeliner.
  4. Squeezed out. It is better not to disguise such pimples at all. However, if there is no other option, first wipe the wound with alcohol lotion. Then apply a light, almost white concealer, and then cover it with a product that matches your skin tone.
  5. The remaining trace. To hide a brownish stain, use compact powder. Just apply the product in 2-3 layers with a brush.

Covering pimples without makeup

It is better to apply makeup to inflamed skin only as a last resort, as more pimples may appear under several layers of foundation. Therefore, it is better to try to reduce inflammation rather than mask it. To do this, use one of these tools:

  1. Vizin, Naphthyzin or any other vasoconstrictor drops. Moisten a cotton swab with the solution and cool it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Apply a compress to the inflammation. If it is large, repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  2. Paracetamol, Streptocide, Citramon. Crush the tablets into powder and add water. Apply the paste to the inflamed areas and wait 10 minutes.

How can you disguise acne without makeup at home if you don’t have a single suitable medication on hand and don’t have time to run to the pharmacy? In this case it may help:

Acne is the most common skin disease. It not only causes discomfort, but also spoils the appearance. Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to hide acne on the face and neutralize the redness of inflammation. This can be done using both cosmetics and folk methods.

Disguising acne with cosmetics

Many girls are faced with the question of how to cover up acne using decorative cosmetics. This method of hiding acne marks is considered the fastest and most effective. Today there is a large selection of camouflage products aimed at eliminating this problem.


Foundation is the most versatile and popular tool for combating external defects. In addition, it evens out the skin tone, making it matte. In modern cosmetology, many types of such creams are available, differing in color, texture, degree of hydration, and composition. That is why it is very difficult to choose the right one.

Rules for choosing a foundation for problem skin:

  1. Liquid creams are suitable for hiding rashes, but if the pimples are large, you cannot do without a thick texture;
  2. You should avoid pink shades, they will only emphasize the redness of the inflammation;
  3. the composition should not contain a large amount of fats and oils; the content of antimicrobial components is encouraged;
  4. It’s good if the foundation is intended for a specific skin type, in this case for oily and combination skin;
  5. when choosing a color scheme, preference should be given to light tones, as they visually reduce traces of inflammation;
  6. You should not buy cheap products, there is a risk of encountering low-quality products.

It happens that covered pimples still show themselves with a red tint. In this case, you should purchase a cream with a dense texture with a slight presence of greenish color.


It comes in different forms, each of which is designed to eliminate problems in certain areas. Therefore, to understand how to disguise acne with concealer, you need to choose a product of the right consistency.

  1. liquid - has a light texture, applied to sensitive areas, masks minor redness;
  2. pencil – intended for spot application. Allows you to hide even scars, has an antibacterial effect;
  3. cream – retouches small skin defects, there is a wide range of colors;
  4. stick – suitable for camouflaging acne, scars, pigments and large problem areas, hides enlarged pores;
  5. dry – comes in the form of powder, dries out rashes, mattifies the skin.


Working with a corrector is based on its ability, with the help of a certain color, to neutralize imperfections in the epidermis. It is applied pointwise, applied in a small layer. Main types of correctors:

  1. milky beige – hides enlarged pores;
  2. yellow – removes dark circles under the eyes;
  3. green – removes acne and red rashes;
  4. pink – makes the face look fresher; lilac – suppresses age spots.


Powder is a loose product and is applied with a brush or sponge. There are two types - tint and transporator. The first is needed to completely hide already disguised imperfections, even out the tone and get rid of oily sheen. Transporator is necessary for fixing makeup and prolonging its durability.

High-quality powder is based on talc; it applies well and does not clog pores. Antibacterial, mineral and sunscreen substances can also be found in the composition.

Correct application of cosmetics

In order to get the best possible result, you should use certain rules for applying concealers. This happens in several stages:

  1. Cleansing. Aimed at removing skin impurities, cleaning pores and degreasing.
  2. Hydration. Apply a thin layer of light moisturizer.
  3. Using the base. Using a sponge, cover the face and neck, slightly touching the décolleté area. This will ensure your makeup goes on smoother and lasts longer.
  4. Treatment of problem areas with a corrector. A precise and precise application of green is needed to hide the redness. It is important not to apply excessive force during the adjustment process, otherwise the swampy shade will show through.
  5. Cover with foundation or concealer. Apply to the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks, blend well. If the color of the skin on the face differs from the shade of the neck, then it is also treated in order to avoid the effect of a mask. Since the concealer has a denser texture, it will better hide obvious and large rashes.
  6. Setting with powder. It not only fixes makeup, but also gives the face a matte texture. It is better to powder with a special large brush.

Subtleties of makeup for acne

Having figured out how to hide acne with makeup, it is worth understanding the features of its application. Let's present some useful tips and tricks on how to use cosmetics correctly:

  1. use high-quality cosmetics of natural origin;
  2. periodically clean makeup tools, especially brushes and sponges that come into direct contact with inflamed areas;
  3. the use of blush is quite provocative if there are acne on the skin, as the redness will become even more pronounced;
  4. all products should not contain fatty components, this threatens to clog the pores and aggravate the situation;
  5. rich lipstick will help distract from a pimple on the forehead, and a pronounced emphasis on the eyes on the chin;
  6. if a pimple has settled on the nose, then you should not apply bright makeup, it is better to use pastel colors;
  7. do not overuse foundation, a thin layer is enough; Apply all cosmetics with light movements without damaging the skin.

Medical cosmetics

Another way to disguise acne on the face is to use special pharmacy cosmetics. It has a greater advantage than the decorative one, since with its help you can not only hide imperfections, but also solve the very problem of acne formation.

If acne bothers you constantly, you need to completely switch to this type of cosmetics.

Therapeutic concealers have the following advantages:

  1. correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing excessive fat formation;
  2. lighten the area around acne so that a pigment spot does not form;
  3. mattify, removing oily shine;
  4. suppress inflammatory foci;
  5. promotes scar regeneration and prevents infection from getting to the squeezed pimple;
  6. Protect from direct sunlight and other irritants.

Concealing acne without makeup

There are other ways to cover up acne. Let's find out how to cover up acne on the face without using decorative products. In this case, the problem cannot be retouched, but there are methods that can quickly remove acne, relieve inflammation and redness.

Folk remedies

Many recipes have been developed to combat rashes at home. They will help you get rid of problems without makeup or disguise.

Aloe compress

The sudden appearance of an abscess can ruin any makeup, since masking with decorative cosmetics will not help in this case. How to hide purulent acne? An aloe compress is required.

The crushed leaf of the plant is fixed on the treated area for a couple of hours. After the required time, the contents of the pimple will remain on the surface. Everything is carefully removed. If it is necessary to pull out hidden acne, apply a compress at night.


You can quickly get rid of a small pimple using toothpaste. It is important that it is without additives and dyes. The fluoride, zinc and soda it contains treat inflammation and reduce redness. Apply spotwise in a small amount and wash off after ten minutes.

Alcohol tincture of calendula

Small pimples can be cauterized with a cotton swab dipped in the tincture. It not only has a drying effect, but also eliminates inflammatory processes.

Despite the many ways to disguise acne, this pathology must be eliminated completely. It is worth contacting a dermatologist and undergoing a course of treatment in order to continue to enjoy clear and healthy skin.