Foundation anti-aging rating

Aging is inevitable, and withering inevitably comes after flourishing. But I really don’t want to put up with this. A foundation anti-aging cream will help make wrinkles invisible to others. Let's get acquainted with the features of this product and the best examples of such products.


Anti-aging foundation is becoming increasingly popular. Already after 25 years, women notice the appearance of the first wrinkles, and since then this process has only become more active.

Let's look at the features of a foundation anti-aging cream. Is it safe for health? The composition of such a cosmetic product is rich in substances that have a lifting effect. They tighten the skin. Therefore, such a foundation not only masks the imperfections of the epidermis, but also has the effect of smoothing its surface and improving elasticity. This product saturates the skin with moisture and micronutrients. It should be noted that the cost of such a foundation anti-aging cream is an order of magnitude higher than a simple decorative cosmetic product without an anti-aging effect.

To select such cosmetics, it is best to contact trusted suppliers, as there is a danger of purchasing a counterfeit. Original products are guaranteed to have an anti-aging effect.

As the skin ages, it undergoes physiological changes. Dryness appears, so there is a need to moisturize the epidermis. One of the functions of a foundation with an anti-aging effect is its moisturizing effect. This product is characterized by light texture and quick absorption. If the cosmetic product does not have such properties, the cream will clog in the folds, making the makeup look sloppy.


Appearance of the product

As a rule, the release form of anti-aging cream is liquid, so that such a product can be applied in the form of a thin layer. The presence of SPF filters is welcome to protect the body from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and the aggressive influence of the outside world.

If the SPF number is 30, this is considered the best option. Then the penetration of ultraviolet radiation is almost impossible. After all, it is known that the sun ages the skin faster. But you can protect yourself from it.

Cosmetologists categorically do not recommend that women over 25 years old use creams that have a mattifying effect. Then the presence of small peelings, which are inherent in skin susceptible to age-related changes, will be emphasized.

Secrets of choosing an anti-aging cream

Among the large assortment of such cosmetics, it is important to clearly know the features of choice. Knowing the principles of choosing an anti-aging cream will allow you to choose an effective product. The first step is to carefully study the components of the cream. After all, they are the ones that affect the skin.

It’s good if the cream contains the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid, which can effectively tighten and smooth out wrinkles;
  2. shea butter, which provides nutritional function;
  3. rosemary extract, which saturates the skin with portions of moisture, reliably providing protection against the aging process;
  4. aloe – this component effectively normalizes the water balance of the skin;
  5. green tea extract, which doubles the speed of regeneration processes;
  6. vitamins C and E, providing nutrition and protective properties;
  7. licorice extract – this component is a fairly strong antioxidant that prevents the appearance of new wrinkles on the surface of the skin.

Water comes first!

A high-quality foundation, be it anti-aging or regular, contains the words Aqua or Water, Eau in its name, meaning the presence of water in the composition of the product. Therefore, hydration is guaranteed. Such cosmetics will not only hide skin imperfections, but also take care of the condition of the skin after applying makeup.


No - silicone!

Cosmetologists do not recommend using creams that contain silicone components. Despite claims from manufacturers of such cosmetics that silicone is harmless, it is undesirable for the skin. Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is better that it does not contain the names Dimethicone, Dimethiconol or Cyclomethicone.

Under the silicone film, bacteria multiply, for which this substance is a favorable environment. This feature increases the likelihood of the formation of skin rashes, which no buyer of such a cosmetic product expects at all.

Girls like to use silicone-based cream, as it is very effective when applied. But the effectiveness of the product disappears after removing this cosmetics. After all, silicone tends to affect only the upper layer of the dermis. You can’t count on long-term tightening of wrinkles. For this purpose, use other means designed to smooth the skin. Silicone itself does not have this effect.

Secrets of choosing cream

When choosing a foundation, you need to take into account the time of year. In winter, it is more advisable to choose cosmetics that have a thicker consistency. This will help prolong hydration, since the skin is affected by aggressive factors and it dries out quickly. In the summer, it is advisable to choose a sunscreen cream that contains an SPF filter. Such creams do not become a film on the skin, allowing oxygen to reach the skin.

Cosmetologists recommend choosing a foundation depending on your skin type:

  1. normal allows the use of any anti-aging type;
  2. dry needs the addition of substances that saturate the body with portions of moisture;
  3. oily skin requires a product that regulates water balance and protects against secretions produced by the sebaceous glands.

You can make the right choice after first studying the composition of the product you plan to purchase.

When choosing a foundation, it is also important to consider age. Anti-aging creams are harmful for 18-year-old girls. Some manufacturers have age restrictions on the use of products, for example, for 25-35 year olds, 35-45 year olds. The composition of such creams differs depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid and other anti-aging substances used.


The best of the best

According to reviews, the best quality anti-aging foundation can be from the following brand:

  1. Ageless Elixir from Max Factor;
  2. Perfectionist by Estee Lauder;
  3. "Sensation" from Faberlic.


Ageless Elixir from Max Factor

Ageless Elixir from Max Factor is a decorative cosmetics product that is produced in Ireland. This foundation has all the anti-aging properties. A sun protection effect within SPF-15 will help protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. This product has a mousse texture, light and pleasant, which will not clog folds and gives the skin a well-groomed appearance.

The product has a light, unobtrusive aroma that does not drown out the smell of perfume. The Ageless Elixir palette has eight shades so that every girl can choose the desired tone and create an excellent base for applying makeup.

According to user reviews, the disadvantage of this product is the low effectiveness of the cream in terms of masking acne. The light texture is not able to cover even areas of minor redness. Therefore, the cream will not be suitable if the skin has many imperfections. The release form of this foundation is a golden bottle. Users note that this foundation tends to protect the skin from drying out and provides gentle care, like a moisturizer. Moreover, the T-zone will not acquire an oily sheen, and the pores will remain clean, without traces of foundation.

Users note that the cream has a light aroma; the product itself does not form a film and provides a well-groomed appearance. The products of this brand are popular among users all over the world.



Perfectionist from Estee Lauder is an anti-aging foundation. Estee Lauder is a legendary manufacturer of cosmetics, so the cost of these products is quite impressive. But at the same time, the buyer pays for guaranteed quality.

Anti-aging foundation SZF25 Perfectionist tends to provide a brightening effect to the skin and hide the manifestations of many imperfections. After applying this product, the face is vibrant and radiant, wrinkles are almost invisible. The composition of the product does not contain oils, so oily skin is also suitable for using the cream. There is no effect of clogged pores, hydration is provided, since the product contains expensive ingredients. Maximum benefits for skin care.

This anti-aging facial foundation has been tested by professionals from the field of ophthalmology and dermatology, who have confirmed the high level of quality of this product. Due to the absence of fragrances, even allergy sufferers can successfully use this product.

Also, an advantage of the cream from Estée Lauder is its high durability. You can find out about this from customer reviews. As people say, the product can remain effective throughout the day, without the need for makeup adjustments. Using an SPF-25 filter would be advisable for summer. The color palette is represented by six shades. The bottle in which the cream is located has a laconic and stylish design.


"Sensation" from Faberlic

Anti-aging foundation "Sensation" was created by Faberlic. This product is enhanced with SPF-8 complex. The product contains algae, which provides excellent nutrition to the skin. Such components are able to cope with free radicals and provide anti-aging benefits.

According to reviews, after applying the Sensation anti-aging foundation, the effect of a slight natural radiance of the skin is observed. This is possible thanks to light-diffusing pigments that create a soft-focus effect.


This anti-aging foundation from Faberlic was created at a domestic factory located in Moscow. The manufacturer is engaged in research activities and has patented unique oxygen cosmetics. He became the creator of one of the best anti-aging foundations.


Let's sum it up

Foundation for women who have crossed the 25-year barrier should have anti-aging properties. After all, it is important to prevent the intense appearance of fine wrinkles. Decorative cosmetics can also help cope with age-related problems.

To select a high-quality foundation with an anti-aging effect, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its composition, which is indicated on the packaging. The article lists the desired components of the composition. Cosmetologists do not recommend using products that contain silicone. The film it forms leads to the appearance of acne. When choosing a foundation, not only the composition is taken into account, but also the time of year and skin type.

The article examined three types of anti-aging foundation, both imported and domestically produced. By studying reviews about these cosmetic products, you can make the right choice for spectacular makeup.

For young girls who want to even out their complexion, finding a high-quality foundation will not be difficult, but which foundation with a lifting effect is better to choose among the variety? As for older ladies, camouflage of facial imperfections is a real problem for them.

Women with problem skin need a quality care product that will help them cover up their imperfections. Let's figure it out.

How to choose a foundation - recommendations from cosmetologists

To understand which foundation with a lifting effect is best to choose for a good tightening, you should seek help from experts. In this case, the opinion of professional cosmetologists is authoritative.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a cosmetic product, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Complexion;
  2. Comparison of foundation shade with complexion;
  3. Skin type;
  4. Density of the cosmetic product.

For mature skin, cosmetologists recommend the use of an anti-aging corrective foundation that includes an artificial material such as silicone. It is created on a silicon basis. What is the main advantage of silicone corrective agent? It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, giving it natural shine and smoothness.

Important! Women with sensitive skin are advised to avoid using silicone foundation for cosmetic purposes. Flint may cause facial skin irritation.

For girls with normal facial skin, cosmetologists recommend using silicone corrective foundation. The more of this substance it contains, the younger the woman will look.

Also, when choosing a corrective cream, you need to pay attention to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer. Some corrective foundations are designed exclusively for oily skin, while others are designed for dry skin.

And, of course, before purchasing this product, you should compare its shade with the color of your face. Ideally, they should match. Women with dark complexions should not give preference to foundations that are too light, and vice versa.

You might be interested in: you can learn about ultrasonic face lifting here.

What else can give an additional lifting effect?

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure used to tighten the face. Thanks to this procedure, the muscles of the body and face are kept in good shape for a long time. According to cosmetologists, lifting helps stop the aging process.

The main purpose of this procedure is rejuvenation. The positive effect is achieved by lifting the fight against age-related changes.

There are 3 methods of lifting therapy:

  1. Operation;
  2. Hardware cosmetology;
  3. Rejuvenating masks.

The maximum effect is achieved surgically. However, not every representative of the fair sex will agree to “go under the knife,” so many prefer the latter method, which can be implemented at home.

Rating of the best foundation creams with a lifting effect

The face is the calling card of every woman. Unfortunately, the signs of aging always show on him. Foundations with a lifting effect will help hide facial signs of aging.

In 2017, the ranking of the best foundations with a lifting effect was topped by brands such as Maybelline and Missha Perfect.

For dry skin

L'Oreal is one of the best corrective foundations for dry skin types. The base is applied in a thin layer without rolling off. It is characterized by high durability and degree of moisture.

L'Oreal allows you to hide minor facial defects. The main advantages of this cream:

  1. Does not have a mask effect;
  2. Doesn't dry out;
  3. Hypoallergenic composition;
  4. Evenly distributed on the face.

Note! For those with oily skin, it is highly not recommended to use this foundation for cosmetic purposes, as this will lead to shine on the face.

One of the main disadvantages of this product is that it clogs large facial pores. This contributes to difficulties associated with removing makeup. In rare cases, the use of L'Oreal Alliance Perfect leads to peeling of the face.

Also for women with dry skin, Max Factor Facefinity foundation is suitable.

Recommendation! To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to combine the use of this product with a moisturizer.

Advantages of this tool:

  1. Simultaneously performs the functions of a foundation and corrector;
  2. Hides significant facial defects;
  3. Protects the face from the negative effects of the sun.

It is not recommended to use this cream for girls whose face is flaky. One of the downsides of Max Factor Facefinity is that it tends to clog pores.

For oily skin

Maybelline Superstay is considered the best corrective foundation for those with oily skin. This product does not clog facial pores. Its main advantage is the reduction of oily shine on the face, while it does not dry out the face.

Advantages of Maybelline Superstay:

  1. Hides minor facial defects;
  2. Significantly reduces facial oily shine;
  3. Persistence.

The main disadvantage of this product is the lack of acne masking properties. It also emphasizes wrinkles.

For girls with oilier skin, the foundation from “Black Pearl” is suitable. This product has a lifting effect. Its main benefits are nutrition and hydration.

For normal skin

Max Factor foundation perfectly hides obvious facial imperfections. The cream is durable. It gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. In addition, max factor foundation has a lifting effect.

The main advantages of this cream:

  1. Protecting skin from sun rays;
  2. Concealment of facial defects;
  3. Properties of tone, corrector and cream.

Garnier BB cream is also suitable for normal facial skin. Advantages of the product:

  1. Low price;
  2. Uniform coverage;
  3. Hydration;
  4. Hiding facial defects;
  5. Reduce redness.

For hydration

Clarins True Radiance foundation helps moisturize the skin. Advantages of this tool:

  1. Masks obvious facial flaws;
  2. Distributed evenly;
  3. Durability;
  4. Protects from sun rays.

Since Clarins True Radiance has moisturizing properties, prolonged use may cause an oily sheen on the face. Also, one of the main disadvantages of this cream is its high cost.

Another quality moisturizer is Bourjois Paris. This cream effectively hides facial unevenness.

Its main advantages:

  1. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  2. Distributed evenly;
  3. Hides facial defects;
  4. Light texture.

Important! It is not recommended to use Bourjois Paris during the hot season, as this can lead to inflammation of the skin.

For sun protection

The best product that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation is the above-mentioned Max Factor. In addition to its protective function, this cream perfectly hides facial unevenness.

The main disadvantage of this foundation is that it accentuates flaking. Therefore, women who have flaky skin are not recommended to use Max Factor.

Another high-quality product that protects the face from the effects of the sun is Revlon Colorstay.

The main advantages of this cream:

  1. Sun protection;
  2. Uniform coverage;
  3. Hiding facial irregularities;
  4. Persistence.

The disadvantage of Revlon Colorstay is the ability to provoke peeling.


The best rejuvenating anti-aging foundation that has a lifting effect is Vichy Liftactiv. Using this cream allows you to tighten your skin and improve your facial contours in a short time.

Advantages of Vichy Liftactiv:

  1. High lifting effect;
  2. Durability;
  3. Concealing wrinkles.

A significant disadvantage of this base is its high cost.

Another effective anti-aging foundation is Faberlic Freeze Frame. This cream not only moisturizes the skin and evens out the complexion. It helps smooth out wrinkles.

This cream for aging skin, which has a lifting effect, has many positive reviews.


One of the best matte foundations is Estee Lauder Double Wear Light. Its main advantage is its durability of more than 15 hours. Natural shades are available for sale.

Svoboda Ballet 2000 cream also has an excellent mattifying effect. This product has a very delicate texture.

We advise you to watch a video about budget foundations for aging skin:


Reviews of foundation with a lifting effect and anti-aging properties are mostly positive.

“Despite its fairly liquid consistency, the cream perfectly moisturizes the skin and evens out wrinkles. The effect is almost instant! I will continue to use it."

“I have dark skin, but the tone of the corrective cream suited me. After applying it, I saw that my skin became smoother and small pimples were hidden. The foundation is long lasting."

“I was unable to find a shade of foundation that would perfectly match my complexion. However, I was very pleased with its quality and anti-aging properties. After applying the cream, my face began to look more youthful. I will buy more."

“The foundation perfectly moisturizes the skin. I look young and beautiful. The rejuvenating effect is excellent.”

Anastasia, 56 years old:

“I am pleased with the use of the anti-aging corrective foundation. Wrinkles are smoothed out quickly. The result is impressive."


After 45 years, the female body experiences difficult times associated with hormonal changes. Age is merciless, the skin becomes thinner, becomes firmer and more elastic. Other approaches and cosmetic products for face and neck care are required.

Especially for ladies of intelligent age, we have compiled a rating of the best foundations for aging skin, and selected critical reviews.

  1. Masks uneven terrain;
  2. Evens out facial skin tone;
  3. Moisturizes.

Too thick foundation gets stuck into wrinkles and only emphasizes skin unevenness. When a powder tone with a mattifying effect is applied on top, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Powder on the thin skin around the eyes creates the effect of dry parchment. It clogs the pores all day and by evening the pattern of wrinkles becomes especially bright. Brrr.

5. Guerlain (Guerlain), France

Fifth place in the rating of foundation creams for aging skin: Guerlain, Parure Gold, smoothing foundation SPF 30. The cost of a dark glass bottle with a 30 ml dispenser is about 5,800 rubles.

The composition of Parure Gold cream is unique. It includes:

  1. golden pigments that give the skin radiance and even out tone.
  2. Myrrh oil nourishes the skin and restores youth and vitality.
  3. Reflective particles, sun protection factor SPF 30, which means it is suitable in spring and summer in bright sunshine.

The manufacturer offers 8 golden yellow and golden pink shades. They visually cover dark spots and pigmentation, erase traces of time and fatigue.


Karina: “I bought the foundation in a tester, it turns out cheaper. The Internet is full of such offers. The aroma of the product is magical, a mix of flowers, expensive powder and luxury. However, the Guerlain brand has always distinguished itself favorably from other companies in its scents.

Parure foundation makes my skin look perfect. Men and girlfriends give compliments. Nice! If he hadn’t once given me yellowness, I would have given him a solid A. And so, 4 plus. I recommend it to those who have money for it."

Maria: “A friend also gave me a Parure Gold tester. At first, a subtle aroma is felt on the face, but it does not have time to become boring and disappears. If we talk about the results without advertising blah blah blah, then the cream should give the skin radiance, smooth out wrinkles, and remove dark spots. What do we really have? In reality, it does not shine, but it looks decent and is practically invisible on the skin. I like."

AnnaKarina: “The Guerlain ParureGold cream with SPF 30 is very long-lasting and stays on for up to 12 hours without slipping or clogging pores. I love the slight glow that the cream gives to the face after application. It seems that the face does not shine, but glows from within, the skin looks well-groomed and “expensive”. At the same time, the product mattifies the skin, making it velvety. Magically! Still, it is rather a dense texture, so when a weightless coating is needed, I mix it in half with liquid meteorites.

To summarize, I can confidently recommend a product that really works and is beautifully designed. A bottle of ParureGold will decorate your dressing table!"

4. MaxFactor (Max Factor), USA

Fourth position: MaxFactor, ColourAdapt foundation. Bottle with dispenser, 34 ml. Price on Yandex Market from 458 rubles.

If you are wondering which inexpensive foundation to buy for aging skin, then pay attention to this new product from Max Factor. What is new? “Smart” cream particles adapt to your skin tone and create an even, natural coverage. In addition, evenness of tone is achieved by the presence of silicone derivatives in the composition.

The manufacturer indicates six shades in the palette:

  1. 40 - ivory;
  2. 45 - warm almonds;
  3. 50 - reddish-beige;
  4. 55 - pink-beige;
  5. 70 - natural;
  6. 75 - golden.


Consumer Opinions

Olga: “Max Factor color adapt outperforms all the foundations I’ve used. And if I add a little moisturizer, I get a mega thin coverage.”

Tanyusha: “I use tone No. 45, “Warm almond.” It seems universal to me. I like almost everything:

  1. packaging: plastic bottle with dispenser. It's very hygienic.
  2. The texture is quite light, more like a mousse.
  3. It applies smoothly to the skin, without streaks.

The coating is not too heavy. I don’t think it will hide serious imperfections, but it covers light acne spots well. Looks natural, no mask effect or foreign object on the face.

The downside is that it is not the most durable coating. Although it’s enough for me, it lasts until the evening. Yes, here’s another thing: in hot weather you have to use matting wipes.”

Larisa, 42 years old: “Yes, age has crept up unnoticed. Pigment spots, noticeable wrinkles appeared on the face, and the skin became uneven in color. I had to find a new foundation. I bought the Color Adapt cream and was not disappointed. He solved my problems, I look like I was 35 years old. The product is instantly absorbed, does not shine, does not stick. There is no need to use powder; it is enough to lightly highlight the cheekbones with blush.”

3. Bourjois (Bourgeois), France

On the third line: Bourjois, City radiance foundation SPF30. Plastic tube, 30 ml, price from 670 rubles.

This new product from the French company Bourgeois is positioned as a foundation against the negative effects of external factors. Also contains filters against the penetration of sunlight.

The manufacturer also promises:

  1. Fresh and radiant complexion;
  2. A thin protective screen on the skin, against the penetration of polluting particles;
  3. Stay hydrated all day long.


Customer Reviews

Anastasia: “I won’t hide the fact that I purchased the new product from Bourgeois with caution. After the first use, I noticed that the product visually smoothed out my facial skin. My son noticed that I looked rested. And on the weekend we went skiing, and I exposed my face to the warm March rays without fear. By the way, my friend didn’t like this cream; it doesn’t cover age spots and redness. Might need a proofreader."

AnnaMaria, 52 years old: “It seemed to me that Max Factor is too dense for aging skin - it emphasizes every wrinkle. I prefer lighter textures, but then the covering qualities of the cream are lost. I found a new budget product from Bourgeois, City radiance. The foundation is inexpensive, very light and comfortable on the skin.”

2. Shiseido (Shiseido), Japan

Second place in the rating: Shiseido, Foundation with a radiance effect Future Solution LX. Glass jar, 30 ml. The price fluctuates around 5850 rubles. The product has not yet been promoted and some stores offer gifts, for example, when buying Shiseido cream you receive a gift - cleansing foam (50 ml).

Japan is a recognized leader not only in the production of electronics, but also in innovation in the field of facial care. When developing a new generation of foundations, optical illusion technology was used. Maybe that's why the Future Solution formula allows you to create a perfectly even coverage and flawless skin tone.


  1. Aura Radiance Powder is responsible for maximum light reflection and gives the skin an inner glow.
  2. The Skingencell 1P component is responsible for blocking the production of a protein that accelerates the aging process.
  3. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for hydration.


Anna: “Shiseido is my favorite cosmetics. This creamy product gives the face a healthy glow, making the skin more youthful and toned. The only real disappointment is the price.”

Marina, 48 years old: “The only weak point of the new foundation from Shiseido is that you have to constantly reach into it with a spatula, this is not very convenient, and not hygienic. I didn’t get used to the product right away; there were difficulties with application. Now before the procedure I spray my face with thermal water.”

1. Lumene (Lumene), Finland

So, the best foundation for aging skin (reviews after the description): Lumene CC cream Color Correcting Cream (Absolute perfection). Plastic tube, 30 ml. The price of the issue fluctuates around 530 rubles. Excellent combination of price and quality.

We will present a short description of this classic foundation for aging dry skin, leaving more space for reviews from satisfied beauties.

Unique product of European quality 6 in 1:

  1. instantly blends with skin tone (only three shades - 10 Light, 20 Medium, 30 Deep);
  2. smoothes perfectly;
  3. perfectly masks imperfections;
  4. glows nobly;
  5. lasts all day;
  6. Effectively protects against UV radiation (SPF 20).


Customer Reviews

I sat, thought, and got down to business again. She moistened her face with cream, squeezed out the sponge properly and spread the cream over the skin with dipping movements. As a result, I really got almost perfect coverage. Now I use this foundation all the time."

Caramel: “I gave my mom Lumene CC Color Correcting, she was pleased)) At 67 years old, the cream was perfect! (there are problems: rosacea on the wings of the nose, age-related wrinkles, sensitive, thin skin).”

Natka: “And I support Lumene. CC cream is the best of all the luxury ones I have tried in my life. True, my skin is still oily. I don’t know how it looks dry.”

Ilona: “I like his narrow nose. The right amount of cream is always squeezed out. I apply with a damp sponge. Within minutes my face is glowing! Yes, I walk and shine all day long!”

Useful video

Age makeup: how to choose a foundation?