Which doctor deals with papillomas in intimate places?

Papillomas in an intimate place

The content of the article:
  1. Description of papilloma in an intimate place
  2. Which doctor is treating you?
    1. Oncologist
    2. Gynecologist
    3. Dermatologist
    4. Virologist
    5. Immunologist
  3. Who removes papillomas in an intimate place

Papillomas in the intimate area are neoplasms located on the external genitalia. In men they occur over the entire surface of the phallus; in women they mainly affect the clitoris and labia. Such growths are dangerous to health, as they can degenerate into malignant ones. In this case, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Today you will find out which doctor deals with papillomas in intimate places.

Description of papilloma in an intimate place

What do papillomas look like in an intimate place?

Photos of papillomas on intimate places

Such formations appear on the external genitalia of men and women. They can be located on the clitoris and vaginal mucosa, in the anus and on the phallus. Most often, numerous growths appear here, which form groups of 5 pieces. and more. Single tumors are extremely rare here, and in this case we are mainly talking about condylomas.

The growths on the male and female genitalia are mostly benign growths, the size of which can vary between 0.3 and 1.5 cm, depending on the type. They are pink or flesh-colored, with white splashes. Their surface is covered with papules and bumps, not smooth. Externally, such growths are uneven and have a deformed appearance.

Genital warts are very similar to cockscomb or cauliflower and form in several layers. These growths interfere with normal sexual life, usually causing severe discomfort during movement and sexual intercourse. They are quite dangerous for humans, since they can degenerate from benign to malignant.

If you are interested in the question of which doctor deals with papillomas in intimate places, then, first of all, you should find out that the reason for their appearance is infection with the so-called genital virus of the same name. This mainly applies to strains 6 and 16, which most often provoke the formation of formations on the mucous membrane in women and men.

If the body is not strong enough, then it cannot repel the attack of HPV and opens it up to attack healthy cells. As a result of this, their structure changes, and sooner or later they die. As a result, a papilloma forms at this site, requiring close medical attention. And in this case, it is no longer particularly important which doctor treats papillomas in intimate places; you need to at least go to a therapist.

There are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of papilloma in an intimate place:

  1. Promiscuous sexual contacts. Danger threatens those who do not have a permanent partner. Moreover, even condoms cannot guarantee 100% safety for a man or woman. It should also be noted that the latter become infected more often.
  2. Damage to the genital mucosa. If there are wounds on the surface at the moment of its contact with the tissues of a sick person, the virus can easily transfer to it. Then it is able to penetrate deeper and start the process of destruction of healthy cells, which will contribute to the formation of papilloma.
  3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Ignoring care for the intimate area when taking a shower and refusing it after coitus increases the likelihood of HPV penetration through the genitals into the body. This is especially true for people who have an intimate life with partners who have not been tested for the virus.
  4. Examination by a gynecologist or proctologist. If a doctor uses unsterile diagnostic instruments, they may well retain traces of the virus. In this case, they are able to penetrate the anus, vagina, urethra and activate the process of formation of growth in the intimate area.

When considering the question of which doctor treats papillomas in intimate places, it must be said that after the body is infected with a virus, it sometimes takes from six months to 2-3 years before the first symptoms appear. This period directly depends on the resistance of immunity to HPV, and the stronger it is, the longer the growths will be absent from the genitals. It can worsen due to a number of criteria - due to poor nutrition, when the diet lacks various vitamins, due to chronic stress, and the like.

When going to any doctor with papilloma in intimate places, you need to understand that those who take antibiotics for a long time, suffer from type 1 diabetes, or have ENT diseases are also susceptible to its formation. Such problems can also arise in people with gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, since they are unable to fully absorb nutrients.

  1. See also what papilloma on the scrotum looks like

Which doctor treats papillomas in intimate places?

Several specialists may be involved in the treatment of papilloma in an intimate area. Their circle is usually limited to an oncologist, gynecologist, dermatologist, virologist and immunologist. Such specialists are sometimes replaced by one therapist who has a broader profile. This doctor is often called a family doctor.

Consultation with an oncologist for papillomas in intimate places

Consultation with an oncologist for papillomas in intimate places

Before you decide which doctor will remove papilloma in an intimate place, you need to visit an oncologist. Physicians from other industries usually give referrals to such a specialist if there is a suspicion of malignant processes. His tasks are to examine the formation for ulcerations, take a sample for a biopsy, and prescribe the necessary tests that can detect pathological processes in the body.

You can contact such a doctor either in a regular clinic or in a specialized medical institution called an oncology clinic. If possible, it is better to choose a gynecologist-oncologist who combines the responsibilities of two specialists.

Before you consult any doctor to remove papilloma in intimate places, you need to make an appointment with an oncologist. This is due to the fact that not very experienced specialists in other fields sometimes confuse such a growth with a nevus, which it is he who should eliminate, that is, not a dermatologist or cosmetologist!

  1. Read more about the causes of warts on the genitals

Examination by a gynecologist for papilloma in intimate places

Examination by a gynecologist for papilloma in intimate places

A consultation with this doctor is mandatory for women who have discovered papilloma in an intimate area. He will provide guidance on safety issues during sexual intercourse, explain how to behave in order to avoid infecting a partner, and write out a referral for a smear test and other necessary tests to make a correct diagnosis.

If you don’t know which doctor removes papillomas in intimate places, you need to remember that the gynecologist’s task is to prevent the spread of the formation and exclude cervical cancer, the development of which can be triggered. He has the right to prescribe external agents such as Verrucacid, Lapis Pencil, CryoPharma, etc. for cauterization of tumors.

  1. See also what papillomas look like in intimate places in women

Consultation with a dermatologist for papilloma in an intimate area

Consultation with a dermatologist for papilloma in an intimate area

A dermatologist is competent to prescribe antiviral and cauterizing folk remedies, but, unlike a gynecologist, he makes a decision on this based on the results of the patient’s complaints and the recommendations of other specialists. It should be noted that this doctor does not externally assess the condition of papilloma in an intimate place.

When trying to figure out which doctor removes papillomas in intimate places, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a dermatologist can be involved in the process, suggesting the use of liquid nitrogen, electric current, laser or radio knife. He selects the most appropriate technique, depending on the situation, and controls the process itself and the restoration of the mucous membranes after the end of the session.

Important! If possible, it is better to consult a dermatologist-oncologist, who can independently determine the malignancy of the tumor. This is very important because physical therapy removal methods are ineffective if the growth consists of cancer cells. In this case, there is a possibility of its increase in size and the appearance of metastases.

Visiting a virologist for papillomas in intimate places

Visiting a virologist for papillomas in intimate places

Before choosing any doctor to remove papilloma in intimate places, you need to remember that, in particular, the role of a virologist is one of the most important. The fact is that eliminating the growth without suppressing the activity of the virus does not give positive results. As a result of this, it becomes possible for re-formation of papilloma in an intimate place in the same areas or in others.

The virologist’s task is first of all to determine the type of HPV, for which he performs the Digene test. This helps to select the most effective drugs for treatment, to which the pathogen will be less resistant. For this purpose, a smear is taken from the mucous membranes affected by the formations.

If you have not yet decided which doctor treats papillomas in intimate places, then it is worth considering that this specialist also prescribes antiviral drugs, which are needed to strengthen the body’s resistance to HPV. Otherwise, therapy may take many months and not bring the desired results. Such a doctor prescribes medications such as Likopid, Kagocel, Tsitovir-3.

Consultation with an immunologist for papilloma in an intimate area

Consultation with an immunologist for papilloma in an intimate area

Doctors in this area pursue the goal of improving immunity and increasing the body’s resistance to the papilloma virus. They have the right to issue a referral for blood, urine, and stool tests. Such specialists do not treat the consequences of HPV in the form of growths, but eliminate the causes of their appearance.

Before choosing any doctor to remove papilloma in intimate places, you need to pay attention to the fact that, for example, an immunologist must select the most effective immunostimulants to strengthen the body’s protective properties. These can be both herbal dietary supplements and medical products. They often prescribe Immunal, Imudon, Lymphomyosot, etc. to patients. At the same time, immunologists also monitor the treatment process, making sure there are no side effects.

Who removes papillomas in intimate places?

Cryodestruction of papillomas in an intimate area

Papillomas located on the genitals of men and women can be removed by gynecologists, proctologists, surgeons, and dermatologists, depending on the situation. If we talk about low-traumatic methods, then physiotherapists play an important role here, providing services to eliminate tumors using electric current, laser, liquid nitrogen and radio waves.

Regardless of which doctor will remove papillomas in intimate places, he must have all the necessary certificates and permits for this. Before this, the formation can be sent for histological analysis to exclude malignancy. In this case, laboratory assistants are also involved in the process.

  1. Read more about removal of papillomas using electrocoagulation

Which doctor treats papillomas in intimate places - watch the video:

It is best to decide which doctor will remove papillomas in intimate places with a therapist; he will examine the growth and help you navigate this issue. It is quite possible that conservative treatment with the use of medications and external agents will be sufficient for you.

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