Stone extractor Ureteral

Ureteral stone extractor: removal of stones from the urinary tract

Urinary tract stones are a common condition that can be painful and lead to serious complications such as urinary tract infections and kidney damage. Various methods are used to treat this disease, including a ureteral stone extractor.

A ureteral stone extractor is an instrument that is used to remove stones from the urinary tract. It is a thin tube with a tip that helps grab the stone and remove it from the urinary canal. A ureteral stone extractor is used when the stone is too large to pass on its own or when there is a risk of damage to the urinary tract.

The procedure for removing a stone using a ureteral stone extractor can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The instrument is inserted through the urethra and moves up the urinary tract until it reaches the stone. Then the tip of the stone extractor, using special grippers, grabs the stone and removes it through the urethra.

A ureteral stone extractor can be used to remove stones of various sizes and shapes. Typically, large stones are broken into smaller pieces using laser or ultrasound therapy before the extraction procedure begins.

Although ureteral stone extraction is considered a safe and effective procedure, it can cause some side effects such as bleeding, painful urination and urinary tract infections. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis and assess the risks and benefits of its implementation.

Overall, the ureteral stone extractor is an important tool in the treatment of urinary tract stones. It avoids serious complications and improves the quality of life of patients suffering from this disease. However, before using it, a thorough diagnosis and assessment of the benefits and risks of the procedure are necessary.

Urinary tract stone is one of the most common diseases in urology, which can lead to serious complications. In some cases, if the stone is in the ureter, it must be removed surgically. However, this procedure can be dangerous and time-consuming, especially for those with other medical problems.

To solve this problem, ureteral stone extractors were created. It is a device that effectively removes stones from the ureter without the need for major surgery.