Fatigue Physical

Physical fatigue (physical fatigue) is a state of the body that occurs during physical exercise or physical activity, which is characterized by a decrease in physical performance, as well as changes in the functional state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and muscular system. Physical fatigue can be caused by both intense physical activity and prolonged exercise.

When performing physical activity, the human body experiences various physiological changes that can lead to fatigue. For example, when performing intense physical exercise such as long-distance running, swimming, cycling, etc., the body is subjected to significant stress, which can lead to fatigue and decreased physical performance. This causes an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in breathing rate and a decrease in muscle strength.

In addition, physical fatigue can occur when performing long-term physical activities, such as hiking, playing sports, heavy industrial work, etc. In this case, fatigue may manifest itself as tiredness, drowsiness, headache, muscle pain and decreased concentration.

To prevent physical fatigue, it is necessary to properly distribute physical activity, ensuring sufficient rest between workouts and exercises. It is also important to monitor your diet, consuming enough protein, carbohydrates and vitamins to maintain optimal energy levels and body performance. In addition, it is recommended to exercise regularly to increase endurance and improve the functional state of the body.

Physical fatigue is a natural reaction of the body to physical activity, which is expressed in a decrease in overall endurance, increased fatigue, difficulty breathing and performing motor acts. It can occur both during systematic training and during sudden, unexpected loads. Physical activity includes various sports, exercise, work, etc.

**Signs of physical fatigue** are manifested in the following: - Decreased performance, strength, and coordination of movements. - Shortness of breath appears, heart rate and breathing increase. - Muscles and joints hurt after training, bruises appear. - Possible disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, changes in the nervous system.

Causes of fatigue The basis of physiological fatigue is a decrease in muscle performance and the need for rest. According to active rest theory, fatigue is caused by intense muscle activity. During exercise, the muscles work, but the tissue around them does not. However, after