
Cardiolysis: history, application, effectiveness

Cardiolysis is a medical procedure that was developed in the early 20th century and was used to treat heart disease. This method involves partially or completely cutting the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart.

The history of cardiolysis begins in 1903, when the German surgeon Ernst Schleich proposed cutting the pericardium to treat heart failure. He believed that such cutting could improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and improve heart function.

Subsequently, cardiolysis became widely used in the treatment of various heart diseases, including pericarditis, pericardial condensation, cardiac tamponade, and also to reduce pain due to angina pectoris.

The cardiolysis procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the pericardium and removes excess fluid and masses. In some cases, the pericardium may be completely removed.

Today, cardiolysis has ceased to be the main method of treating heart disease. It has been replaced by more modern methods such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, cardiac stimulants and others.

However, cardiolysis may still be beneficial in some cases. It can be used to relieve the pain of angina, as well as to reduce swelling and improve circulation in heart failure.

However, cardiolysis is a serious medical procedure that may be associated with certain risks and complications, such as bleeding, infections, cardiac arrhythmias, and others.

Thus, the use of cardiolysis in modern medicine is limited, but it can still be useful in some cases. Therefore, the decision to perform this procedure should be made only after careful evaluation of the patient and consultation with an experienced cardiologist.

Cardiolysis is a process in which heart cells are destroyed. This can be caused by various reasons such as infections, injuries, tumors, chemicals or medications.

When heart cells are destroyed, it can lead to various diseases. For example, cardiolysis can cause heart failure, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and other serious diseases.

Various methods are used to treat cardiolysis, including surgery, drug therapy, and electrical stimulation. However, the most effective treatment is the prevention of cardiolysis.

One of the ways to prevent cardiolysis is a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical activity, and quitting smoking and alcohol can reduce the risk of developing cardiolysis. It is also important to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.