Map chart

A map diagram is a graphical representation of data on a geographic map, where statistical indicators are displayed in the form of various types of geometric shapes (rectangles, circles, sectors), the color of which can correspond to different values ​​or categories. Map charts are widely used to visualize geographic data and analyze relationships between various indicators.

A map diagram is a universal means of comparing statistical indicators for a certain period of time or in different regions for a specific parameter. This graphics tool is used to present relative or absolute values, which can include various data, for example, the number of crimes, the birth rate, the presence of armed conflicts, etc. A map diagram can be compiled for the whole world or for individual regions, countries or cities. Depending on the shape of the diagram, different types of map diagrams can be distinguished. In most cases, there are two types of such charts - radial and sector. So, radial map diagrams are:

Map diagrams are one of the most common methods of visually depicting statistics, allowing you to simultaneously present the distribution of units of a statistical population and their absolute or relative values ​​according to any indicators. A map diagram is a type of graphic image in which several indicators of one phenomenon are depicted not in the form of separate rows, but on a common geographic map.

Cartographic differs from pie charts in its greater generalizing power. The diameter of the point is proportional to the statistical material being studied. For cartography, topographic maps or special atlas maps of areas of different colors are used. For example, to characterize the financial situation of business entities in the city of Moscow in 2008, you can use city maps. In this case, the territory of each city is displayed in a certain color. Thus, dark red means the company's financial condition is poor, yellow means fair, and light green means good to excellent condition. The potential and directions of possible development of each region are assessed by a special government body. If necessary, you can build a cartogram (circle area

Map chart is a graphical display of statistical data, where cartography allows you to analyze data associated with different locations. This concept is useful for understanding and exploring large amounts of data that can be depicted as a map, but can also be used to display data by