
And hello again! Welcome to my new article, which is dedicated to the wonderful science called “Karyotype”. If you don't know what a karyotype is, let me explain: it is the type that determines the genetic makeup of an organism. Karyotypes can come in different shapes and sizes, and they depend on the number of chromosomes in each cell.

Karyotypes are key to understanding the genetic structure of an organism, help in diagnosing inherited diseases, and are used in genetics and evolutionary biology research. In this article, I will discuss exactly how scientists use karyotypes to achieve these goals.

What is karyotypy? The first word is “Karyology” - (from the Greek karyo - core + logos - teaching). Karyotyping is a method for determining a karyotype - i.e. structure of the chromosome set of an organism at the cellular level. All living organisms, including viruses (as they are called DNA surrounded by a protein shell) have their own karyotype. According to Ozhegov's dictionary: A structure representing one type of cell. And now another explanation of the meaning of the term. The term cariolo or karyology appeared shortly after the discovery of meiosis. It means a method of counting the number of chromosomes. Moreover, it is emphasized that this is one of the methods for determining the karyological type of an organism (the structure of the cell nucleus). Today, the cytological method is widely used to clarify the karyotype.

So, let's look at each of them separately. The cytogenetic method is based on microscopic examination