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Qatar: The Mysterious Country of the Middle East

Qatar, officially known as the State of Qatar, is a sovereign state located on the Qatar Peninsula in western Asia. The country borders Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf and its main city and capital is Doha.

From a historical perspective, Qatar was inhabited thousands of years ago and has been influenced by various empires and civilizations, including the Persians, Ottomans and Portuguese. However, in the 19th century, Qatar became a protectorate of the British Empire and gained independence in 1971.

One of the most famous features of Qatar is its wealth based on the oil industry. Qatar has one of the largest reserves of natural gas in the world and is a leading exporter of this resource. This allowed the country to develop and become one of the richest on the planet.

Qatar is also known for its rapid development and modernization. The country is actively investing in various areas such as tourism, sports and education. For example, Qatar became the first Arab state to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Moreover, the country has developed an ambitious plan, Qatar 2030, which aims to develop infrastructure, social services and the economy.

Culturally, Qatar is rich in the diversity of its heritage and traditions. The country boasts modern skyscrapers and shopping centers, as well as traditional markets and historical sites. Qatar is also famous for its museums, including the Qatar National Museum and the Doha Museum of Art, which display valuable collections of art and artifacts.

Despite its wealth and progress, Qatar has also witnessed some challenges and criticism. Some of the allegations against Qatar include violations of human rights and working conditions for foreign workers. However, the Qatari government has taken a number of measures to improve the situation and continues to strive for political and social reforms.

Qatar is a country with a rich heritage, economic strength and rapid development. Its unique combination of tradition and modernity makes it an attractive destination for tourists, investors and researchers. In the future, Qatar is likely to continue its pursuit of progress and development, strengthening its role in the Middle East region and the world stage.

Qatar - (Latin Catharism, Greek Καθαρίσμα, ancient Greek καθάρσιμο), New Latin catarchism, obsolete catarasis, obsolete. lat. catarrbus, katárbus, Greek catarbiscus, katárbios, lat. catharicus, Qatari; Hatar, Hataris or Hataris, Greek kἱπτάφιδες, Kitafids, is a social movement that arose at the beginning of the 8th century in the territory of modern Iran.

The social movement of the Kharijites had many branches and is sometimes called in scientific literature Ashkaris, Ashkenazis, Azaretes, Jahristis, Jews, Nevarezims, Nijirites, Liquids or Jews. Dharijism, as the vast majority of works indicate, replaced the Taliban. Meanwhile, these two sects have little in common. As Khadims, by their origin, they are Bedouins professing Sharia law; Likewise, the Dharijites come from the Tus (Jishrin) region of Saudi Arabia. While the Shafi'i madhhab dominates there, the Maliki madhhab dominates among the Haudis. Jerry Sharon. Kharijite treatises of the 10th century and the rabbinic tradition // Jewish Library. T. 5. Jerusalem, 2006. P. 91. The term “Kharij” has become widespread, which is used to refer to all Jewish sects that arose in Kharijism.