Qatar Gletcherny

Glacier catarrh is a condition of the eyeball, as a result of damage or disease, its color and transparency change. The disease is also called snow ophthalmia.

It occurs when the membrane and vessels of the iris are damaged, causing the formation of a rash in the posterior chamber or anterior chamber, due to which a “sand” effect appears visually.

In this case, the vitreous body is noticeable, the sclera becomes pearl-colored. If catarrh occurs without complications, then the symptoms disappear within a few days without treatment. Serious consequences are rare. Most often, catarrh is diagnosed in children with ARVI and influenza. If left untreated, swelling of the membranes causes the development of inflammatory diseases. Most often you have to deal with rheumatism and heart failure. In the most severe cases, the nervous system is affected, and vision functions can be impaired for a long period of time.

**Diagnostics.** To determine the causes of tartaric catarrh, a number of studies are carried out - ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy. The fluorescence method is used to check the smear for the presence of the herpes virus. Therapy depends on what factors caused the disease. In the process, the source of infection is eliminated.

Glacier catarrh is an eye disease caused by snow ophthalmia (leukoma). This form of the disease can occur during travel, especially in high mountain areas where there is low air temperature and high cloud cover. This disease is a complication of cold eye burns caused by snow tears, which can damage the surface of the cornea and cause inflammation - snowfall.

Symptoms of glacial catarrh may include eye redness, soreness, burning and irritation. In addition, the eye may become cloudy and swollen, and blindness may occur. In severe cases, infection or