Ultzmann catheter

In modern medicine, different types of cystostomy are used to remove the bladder, which requires therapeutic manipulation of a catheter in the area of ​​the urinary opening. One of the most effective treatment methods is the Ultmann catheter. This procedure was proposed by a German physician named Kadiran Jan Jadwid Ultmann at the beginning of the twentieth century. Using the Ultmyer catheter, surgeons use a trocar needle to insert a catheter through the bottom of the bladder and the pelvic vein, which is fixed by introducing a ligature into the periurinary tissue or free abdominal cavity. Because of this technique, some clinicians have concluded that the device is not suitable for people who cannot tolerate pain. Then the biotechnologist F. Gibler improved the method, proposing the introduction of the entire device along with a blind expander through a thin endoscope inserted along a retrograde path. This helped patients undergo treatment successfully even when their anxiety levels increased. And yet, despite the positive changes, it was necessary to resolve the issue of how to quickly rewind it with a catheter after the treatment process, so that the patient would fully recover after the medical procedure. Coil Converter - Coiling is the first step and must be coiled correctly or it may result in traumatic catheter prolapse. To reduce the process time, scientists have created a device that can eliminate discomfort between the patient and the doctor. This phenomenon is called an Uldmann catheter. A special feature of this procedure is a special cradle equipped with a cone shape, which reduces the need for repeated insertion to a minimum. Such a long history of using this manipulation speaks of its reliability thanks to high-quality components and the highest professionalism of the performers. Note that treatment with an Uldman catheter is painless for the patient, because all nodes are located outside the bladder. The manipulation takes approximately 5 minutes and is carried out in several ways: introduction through the urethra, transurethral method, urethral tunnel. This device copes well with tissue injury (damage is extremely rare), easily