Endobronchitic cavity (S. Endobronchitica)

Article about the endobroncheitic cavity (C. endobrontitca)

Endobarochytal cavity is a disease characterized by the formation of cavities in the lungs and bronchioles. It occurs as a result of various infectious and inflammatory processes that can lead to destruction of the walls of the bronchi and the development of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

This disease manifests itself in the form of cough, shortness of breath, frequent colds, fever, pain and heaviness in the chest, as well as decreased tolerance to physical activity.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of endobronchitic cavity is smoking. Many long-term smokers experience this disease because nicotine damages the lining of the lungs and causes inflammation.

In addition, the cause of the disease may be contact with chemicals at work, infections, tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, surgery on the lungs or bronchi, as well as chest injuries. In rare cases, the cause of the disease may be a genetic predisposition.

Clinical symptoms of endobronchiemic cavity appear depending on the cause of the disease. Typically, when the disease is present, symptoms include a persistent cough, coughing up blood, bloody sputum, chest pain, feeling tired and unwell, shortness of breath and vomiting.

Diagnosis of endobronchial cavity includes radiological diagnostic methods such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These methods make it possible to determine the presence of cavities and their sizes in the lungs. In addition, blood and sputum tests, as well as PCR studies, are performed to identify the cause of the disease.

Treatment for endobronchymal cavity may include antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy, physical therapy, and surgery. The main method of treatment is surgical dissection of the cavities connected to the bronchi and cleansing them of purulent contents. Treatment can be carried out both with the help of medications to improve immunity (for example, interferon drugs), and with the help of rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring lung function. As a non-drug method, it is proposed to use special devices to cleanse the lungs of phlegm. However, it is important to note that these treatments cannot completely cure the disease.