Kerathis Lagophthalmo

Kerathis lagophathmo is a fairly rare ophthalmological disease in which inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye occurs. It is characterized by dryness, tearing and irritation of the eyes, as well as pain and visual disturbances. Moreover, this disease can lead to serious impairment of eye health and even loss of vision if not treated promptly. In this article we will look at the main symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of kerathis lopophathmo.

Signs of keratis lagophthalmus are the manifestation of dry eye and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, burning, covering the eye with a “film”, gluing of eyelashes, pain in the eyeball area.

Eye discharge is typical and comes from the affected conjunctiva or cornea. However, keratitis with lagofoptamma differs from other types in the manifestations of mucous secretions with an increased rate of their swelling. Along with this, an inflammatory reaction of the facial skin (conjunctiva) appears: swelling, redness, soreness. Symptoms of keratitis caused by lagopft are often accompanied by the development of a secondary bacterial infection with discharge from the corners of the eyes and lacrimal gland ducts, which become opaque. In addition, general symptoms may occur in the form of various ailments and low-grade body temperature. Lagopf infection can occur through eye contact with dirty hands or objects. The disease often spreads through contaminated droplets