Keratoscope, Placido S Disc

Keratoscopy, or determination of the shape of the cornea using a special device - a keratoscope - is carried out as part of a comprehensive ophthalmological examination. This is a diagnostic method that allows you to identify or exclude various diseases of the cornea and other eye structures, as well as assess the condition of the sclera.

Keratoscopy is performed using a keratoscope or keratotester. Both devices are based on the principle of constructing an image of light rays reflected from the cornea.

During the examination, the patient sits in a chair in front of the ophthalmologist, who fixes the examinee's gaze on a fixed point in the center of the lens. If necessary, special glasses are used.

The keratoscopy procedure is painless and does not require special preparation. After examining the cornea, your doctor may recommend additional tests, such as a CT scan of the eye or an ultrasound, to get a more complete picture of the condition of the eye structures.

Keratosk**o**p is a device designed to measure and analyze the abnormal curvature of the cornea of ​​the eye. The main part of the device is a black disk with a diameter of about 20 centimeters, on the surface of which there are white concentric rings (that is, a series of rings located at the same distance from each other), as well as a translucent mask that projects the image of mirrors. Thus, the doctor can use the device to diagnose various diseases of the cornea associated with its certain deviations from normal values.

A modern keratoscope makes it possible to print a contour map of the entire surface of the human cornea, which is especially important if it is necessary to create precise corrective lenses.

The device is used for both preliminary and final determination of the power of the contact lens, which is subsequently intended to be removed/made for the subject.

One of the advantages of the keratoscope is its high accuracy and the fact that it does not significantly affect the patient’s visual acuity after its use (although it directly depends on it).

The Keratoscope and Placido Disc are two important instruments for identifying abnormalities of the human cornea. Keratoscopes are used not only for diagnosis, but also for monitoring the health of the cornea during therapeutic procedures and surgery.

A keratoscope is a special device that allows you to obtain a clear image of the internal structure