
Keatosis is excessive keratinization of the layers of the skin, which occurs when dead cells accumulate deep in the dermis. It can be either localized or widespread over the entire surface of the body. Keratosis has two main types: senile keatosis and seborrhea keatosis. Senile keatosis is the most common form of skin pathology that appears in older people. They appear on exposed areas of the body, most often on the face, back and chest. These lesions are red in color and shaped like scaly, reddish formations, making them look like tan marks. With senile keatosis, yellowish scales appear in places where keratinous mass accumulates. They usually form in the groin and genital area. Sometimes they are found on the tailbone or hips.

Keratosis is a skin disease characterized by excessive keratinization of the skin. It can happen at any age, but is especially common in older adults and people with fair skin. In this article we will look at two types of keratosis - actinic and seborrheic, as well as their symptoms and treatment.

Actinic keratoses or solar keratoses – This most often appears in fair-skinned, blond individuals and is characterized by the appearance of red or flesh-colored patches on the skin. Such manifestations may be sensitive to light and intensified