
Cybernetics is a science that studies living and nonliving systems using the principles and methods of control and communication. Cybernetics can also be seen as a related relationship between living and nonliving nature. Cybernetic technology is used in industry to control complex technical systems, automate technological processes in manufacturing and medicine, including remote control of prostheses and implants. For a cybernetics scientist, any technical system can become an object of study. The tasks of science include identifying patterns of development of such systems, creating models of their functioning, and developing methods for analyzing information about systems. In the second half of the 20th century, the science of cybernetics acquired general scientific significance. The first prerequisites for the development of models for representing semantic information have appeared. Linguistic and mathematical cybernetics have received great development. With the increasing development of technology and science, the boundaries of the use of traditional methods of cybernetic technology began to emerge