Kyphosis Juvenile

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, with its convexity directed towards the front or back. Depending on the causes and location, there are different types of kyphosis - Scheuermann-Mau kyphosis, retrokyphosis, idiopathic kyphosis and Cervix kyphosis. However, among all these forms, the most common is Juvenile kyphosis.

Juvenile kyphosis or juvenile kyphosis is a progressive deformative disease of the musculoskeletal system, which includes kyphoscoliosis of the arcuate and kyphotic forms. The neoplasm is characterized by a gradual protrusion of the chest: over several years, the patient develops a hump with drooping shoulders. There is severe scoliosis - a pathological bend of the body in the thoracic region. Severe thoracic kyphosis is noticeable from birth and is often combined with other orthopedic diseases. Early detection and correction of pathology helps stop the development of the hump. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms, restoring spinal mobility and preventing complications.

Form of kyphosis

Juvenile kyphosis is characterized by a standing hump due to its direction. The bone structures in it are curved to the side, and the midline is formed