
Kineto is a Greek word that means "movable." The word kineto has become popular in the scientific community and many other fields due to its interesting properties and characteristics. It is a key word in physics, mechanics, astronomy and other sciences. In this guide, we'll explore several interesting aspects of the topic of kineto, including its use as a basis for the creation of new technologies, scientific discoveries, and ideas.

Use of kineto in sciences

Kineto is used in various fields of science around the world. One of the most significant applications of kineto is the creation of a new concept of “propulsion” geometry for the movement and orientation of space objects in space. Here our task is to guide our ships, satellites and other spacecraft properly in the system using kineto as a basis. It allows us to view objects from broader and more specific perspectives, apply innovative solutions and gain a broader understanding of the space system.

Another example of the use of kineto is the use of the word in many research institutes.