A kinetochore

Kinetochores are special structures located on the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells that play an important role in the process of cell division. They are key elements in the mechanism of mitosis and meiosis, ensuring the correct distribution of genetic information between daughter cells.

Kinetochores are helical structures made of proteins and DNA. They play a role not only in the process of division, but also in other processes associated with the transfer of genetic information. For example, kinetochores are involved in the process of transcription, where RNA polymerase binds to DNA and begins transcription of genes.

During the process of mitosis, kinetochores play an important role in the correct distribution of genetic information between daughter cells. During cell division, kinetochores associate with microtubules, which ensure the movement of chromosomes to the division poles. At the same time, kinetochores also ensure the correct distribution of genetic material between daughter chromosomes.

In addition, kinetochores can be used to diagnose various diseases associated with impaired cell division. For example, in Down syndrome associated with trisomy 21, the kinetochores have an abnormal structure, which can be detected using special analysis methods.

Thus, kinetochores are important elements in the process of cell division and play a key role in the transmission of genetic information in the cell. Their study can help in the development of new methods for treating various diseases associated with disorders in cell division.

The name “kinetochore” comes from the Greek words “kineto” and “cheir” (literally “boil-bearing” or “movement to the west”). Cytokinesis is a mechanical contraction (not synthesis or division), but it is nevertheless an important step in the cell's life cycle during mitosis, which occurs in mitochondria. In addition, the lysosome cycle accompanies the interkinesis phase of cyclic division.

Functions of kinetochores • Connection of the prometaphase lateral cortex to the nuclear membrane of cytokinesis during metaphase of mitosis. Kinetochores ensure the transmission of impulses from the interkinetic microtubule - the filament of the spindle.

So, kinetochores are involved in the metabolism of major cellular components. They play a very important role in transmitting signals between different structural components of the cell. However, it is worth remembering that sometimes the absence of a kinetochore in a cell leads to cancer. For example, absence of kinetochores is a common cause of Gardner's syndrome.