Kirschner Dug

Arc Kirschner is a famous German surgeon who was born in 1989 in Breslau, Germany. He was one of the most talented scientists of his time and made significant contributions to the development of surgery.

Dugas Kirchner began his career as an intern with the famous German surgeon Dr. Nikolai Pihl, who later became a professor. In 1912, Kirchner received his doctorate from the University of Kühlenthal for his thesis on thyroid surgery.

At the beginning of his career, Kirchner treated thyroid diseases, and thanks to his knowledge and experience, he quickly became one of the best surgeons in Germany. However, he did not limit himself only to this area of ​​medicine, but also performed operations on the lungs, liver, brain and other organs.

One of Kirchner's important achievements was the development of new methods of surgery. For example, he invented the method of intraventricular anesthesia, which was used for pain relief during heart surgery. Kirchner also developed a unique plastic surgery technique that made it possible to restore the shape and size of the face after serious injuries.

However, Kirchner's most important achievement was his book "History of Surgery", which became a classic of medical literature and is still one of the main textbooks on surgical technique. In the book, he describes in detail his surgical techniques and all the technical aspects of surgery from start to finish.

In addition, Kirchner was known for his teaching talent and worked a lot with students. Due to its simple form and clarity of presentation, his book remains to this day one of the most popular manuals on surgical technique.
