Massage Classification

Massage can be classified according to several criteria:

  1. According to the form of application, general and local massage are distinguished.

  2. According to the performer - massage performed by a massage therapist, mutual massage and self-massage.

  3. According to the method of implementation, manual, hardware and combined massage are distinguished.

  4. By purpose, massage is divided into therapeutic, hygienic, cosmetic, sports, reflex and oriental.

Therapeutic massage is used to treat various diseases and injuries.

Hygienic massage serves to prevent diseases and promote health.

Cosmetic massage is used to improve the condition of the skin.

Sports massage improves the physical performance of athletes.

Reflex massage (segmental, acupressure) is based on reflex connections between various organs and systems.

Oriental massage is practiced in Eastern countries and has its own characteristics.

Hardware massage includes vibration, hydro, pneumatic and other types.