Caffeine for the skin around the eyes

Many industrial and home cosmetics contain caffeine for the face. A substance of plant origin helps to activate metabolic processes in the skin and effectively improves its condition.

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a neurostimulant found in coffee fruits, tea leaves, kola nuts, and guarana vines.

The substance is part of drinks (coffee and tea). Once in the human body, the plant alkaloid participates in metabolic processes, stimulates the nervous system, accelerates heart rate and increases blood pressure. Its use leads to an increase in the production of digestive enzymes, gastric secretory activity, and blood sugar levels. Caffeine has a mild analgesic effect.

Due to its therapeutic properties, the product is included in a number of medications. Caffeine in ampoules or sodium caffeine benzoate in tablets is used to eliminate many pathological conditions of the digestive, excretory, and cardiovascular systems.

Medicines are prescribed in neurology to increase mental and physical performance, stimulate mental activity and motor activity, reduce fatigue and drowsiness.

Effect of caffeine on the skin

The substance has the ability to be quickly absorbed into the upper layers of the skin and enter the bloodstream through the peripheral circulatory system. This feature of caffeine is widely used in cosmetology.

The product has restorative, anti-inflammatory, tonic and antioxidant properties. When using a plant alkaloid, it is possible to obtain numerous positive effects:

  1. blood microcirculation accelerates and oxygen flow to tissues increases:
  2. inflammation and swelling are eliminated
  3. muscle tone increases
  4. the secretion of sebum and the functioning of the sweat glands are normalized
  5. local immunity is strengthened
  6. old cells are removed, regenerative processes are accelerated
  7. the breakdown of adipose tissue is activated
  8. collagen and elastin are produced in large quantities
  9. water balance in cells is restored
  10. free radicals that affect the aging process of the skin are neutralized
  11. the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays are reduced.

This therapeutic effect of caffeine makes it possible to improve the condition of the skin in a short time. It becomes tightened and smooth, inflammatory processes go away, cellulite and increased pigmentation are eliminated.

Experts recommend using the cosmetic when signs of skin aging appear, to strengthen and accelerate hair growth. It is indicated for weight loss, acne therapy, and swelling under the eyes.

Methods of application

The active plant component is included in facial skin creams, cleansing and toning products for the dermis. Caffeine prevents the breakdown of vitamin C, which prevents wrinkles. The rejuvenating effect of such a cosmetic product is ensured by the content of UV filters that protect against harmful environmental influences and keep the skin moisturized.

Caffeine cream

Eliminating congestion, improving blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage - these effects of caffeine are especially noticeable in the area around the eyes. To remove puffiness and bags under the eyes, you can use the following creams:

  1. Idealia, Vichy. The product helps to enhance collagen synthesis and increase skin elasticity. Eliminates congestion, swelling, lightens pigmentation of the dermis.
  2. Redermic R. Yeux, La Roche-Posay. Anti-aging cream reduces deep wrinkles, brightens the skin and effectively restores it.
  3. L Oreal Paris. A product with caffeine for aging skin improves lymphatic drainage, increases the elasticity of the dermis and reduces wrinkles.

  1. Idealia, Vichy

  2. Redermic R. Yeux, La Roche-Posay

  3. L'Oréal Paris

Anti-aging cosmetics include face creams with caffeine. Among such funds are:

  1. Anti-wrinkle cream LiftActiv Supreme. Vichy. It has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in cells. Neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Increases skin elasticity.
  2. Night moisturizer Garnier, designed for anti-aging care. Slows down the aging process. Leaves skin fresh, firm and radiant.

  1. LiftActiv Supreme. Vichy

  2. Night moisturizer Garnier


Before using a mask or to eliminate acne on oily skin, use a coffee scrub. For dry and inflammation-prone dermis, a composition with smaller particles enriched with natural components that nourish and moisturize the skin is suitable.

DIY scrubs are often used to care for facial skin:

  1. Coffee-almond. The ground nut peel is mixed with coffee grounds. Take 2 tsp. each component and 1 tsp granulated sugar.
  2. Coffee-salt. Ground coffee and sea salt are used in equal proportions.
  3. With yogurt. Ground coffee is added to the milk product and used for dry and sensitive skin.
  4. With foam for washing. To prepare it you will need the same amount of ground coffee and care product. Foam before use.
  5. Oatmeal scrub. Freshly ground coffee and oatmeal are taken in a 2:1 ratio and brewed with boiling milk. Apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes until completely dry.
  6. Coffee-olive. At 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds use 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil and 6 drops of lemon essential oil.

The cleanser is applied along the massage lines and lightly rubbed into the skin with your fingers.

Wash off with hot or cold water if there is a need to close the pores. After half an hour, apply a nourishing cream.

For oily skin types, this procedure is indicated 2-3 times a week, for normal skin types - once, and for dry skin - 2 times a month.


It is easy to prepare a facial toner at home that contains a plant alkaloid. To do this, use mineral water to which liquid caffeine is added. The components are used in a ratio of 10:1. The resulting lotion has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It makes the skin healthy, fresh and elastic.

A homemade tonic prepared according to the following recipe is effective in anti-aging care.

  1. distilled water - 200 ml
  2. pearl powder - 2 g
  3. caffeine - 2 g
  4. ascorbic acid - 2 g.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a glass container and placed in the refrigerator for storage. If pearl powder does not dissolve well, this is normal. Just shake the product well before use.

Mask recipes

Using liquid caffeine in ampoules, you can prepare masks to care for problem skin, which often develops pimples, blackheads and inflammation.

The mask will also be useful for pronounced age-related changes in the dermis.

For wrinkles

A composition is prepared from natural ground coffee, honey and sour cream. The components are taken in equal proportions. Add 1 egg white to the resulting mixture and beat everything thoroughly. Apply to previously cleansed skin, avoiding contact with the area around the eyes. Leave for about 20 minutes, after which the composition is washed off with water.

To soften and moisturize the dermis, use a mixture of ground coffee and olive oil. The components are used in a ratio of 1:2. A little sour cream is also added to the mask. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

A mixture of 1 tbsp reduces wrinkles well. l. coffee grounds and 1 chicken protein. This composition is thoroughly beaten and applied to the skin in several stages. When the product dries on the face, apply the next layer. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

This recipe is often used. Take crushed green coffee, kefir and full-fat yogurt in equal quantities. The mixture is infused for 20-25 minutes and slightly heated in a water bath. The warm composition is distributed over the surface of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Keep for 10-15 minutes and then remove.

Before applying a cosmetic product, the skin is not only cleaned of dirt, but also steamed using a hot, damp cloth. This preparation allows you to enhance the effect of the mask.

For acne

A recipe for preparing a composition that includes coffee, cocoa and milk is in great demand among women.

Prepare the cosmetic mixture according to the following scheme:

  1. Place 2 tbsp in a glass or porcelain container. l. cocoa powder and coffee.
  2. Add 60 ml of milk or liquid cream. The components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. Apply to clean skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Effectively cleanses the skin of the face and eliminates inflammation with a product that includes white or blue cosmetic clay (2 tbsp.) and 2 tsp. ground coffee. Add 2 tsp to the mixture. orange powder made from dry citrus peels.

Boiled water is gradually introduced into the composition, achieving a uniform consistency. Add a little salt, which is pre-quenched with apple cider vinegar. After mixing well, apply the product to clean skin for 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A mask made from coffee grounds and low-fat cottage cheese deeply cleanses the skin of sebaceous plugs. Products are taken in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to previously cleansed and steamed skin. Massage lightly for 1-2 minutes and then hold for another 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water and rinse with cool water.


Irina, 34 years old, Vologda. My problem skin causes a lot of trouble. Pimples and inflammation often appear on it. It is difficult to choose a cosmetic product for care in such cases. I tried a lot of industrial and folk cosmetics and decided to stick with caffeine. It gives a good effect. I use it in masks and scrubs. The pores are perfectly cleaned, the skin becomes healthier and more attractive.

Svetlana, 41 years old, Novoshakhtinsk. I have been using DNC cosmetics containing caffeine for several years now. This gel is of natural origin, absorbs well and does not cause allergies. I use it as a mask every 1 day for 7-10 days. This course of treatment provides good results. Inflammation and irritation disappear, pores narrow, the skin becomes matte, smooth and fresh. The tightening effect is almost instantaneous.

If you want to send your bags under your eyes on permanent vacation, you have come to the right place. Whether you've been dancing until the wee hours or suffer from insomnia, the negative effects of insufficient sleep are written all over your face namely under your eyes.

When we are tired, we rely on caffeine and sugar, which give us a boost of energy. Unfortunately, this can become a vicious cycle that leads to disrupted sleep, which leads to dark and puffy delicate skin under the eyes. You end up looking like a raccoon. If you're a raccoon, that's fine, but since most of us aren't raccoons, you need to find a way to eliminate dark circles.

One innovative woman decided to take action and wage war against her black circles using coffee grounds. As strange as it may sound, the results are incredible. By simply applying coffee grounds to the skin under my eyes and waiting a few moments, it looked fresh. The secret to this home treatment is caffeine, which helps tighten the blood vessels under the eyes and reduce puffiness.

Although this is only a temporary solution, being able to reuse coffee grounds as a cosmetic treatment can help minimize dark circles. This may be the most exciting discovery yet.

Most often, caffeine is found in eyelid and body creams (mainly anti-cellulite). Why it is needed in these particular means and whether it has an alternative, we will tell you in our article.

  1. Functions of caffeine in cosmetics
  2. Effect of caffeine on the skin
  3. What beauty products is it used in?
  4. Caffeine creams
  5. Video

Functions of caffeine in cosmetics

Caffeine (also known as guaranine, mateine, theine) is the name given to a transparent substance extracted from coffee beans by chemist Friedlieb Runge at the beginning of the twentieth century. The same substance can be isolated from mate, guarana, and the fruits of the cocoa tree.

Caffeine in dry form is transparent crystals that dissolve in hot water.

Caffeine can be isolated from coffee beans, cocoa fruits, as well as yerba mate and guarana. © iStock

Caffeine has long been successfully used in the cosmetics industry. The range of its capabilities is very wide - from reducing the signs of cellulite to reducing swelling. Caffeine added:

in eye creams

in anti-cellulite products

and even in sunscreen cosmetics.

Caffeine has draining and tonic properties. © iStock

Effect of caffeine on the skin

This ingredient in cosmetics has the same effect on the skin as drinks based on it - on the body as a whole. That is, it invigorates and speeds up all processes. What else is it good for the skin:

has a draining effect, reduces swelling

stimulates lipolysis (breakdown of fats)

prevents damage to cell membrane walls

absorbs ultraviolet rays (but cannot act as a sun filter).

In cosmetics, caffeine is most often found in eye creams and anti-cellulite products. © iStock

What beauty products is it used in?

As we wrote above, caffeine is used very widely by technologists. The following products with this component can be found on the market:

anti-cellulite creams and body gels

tightening or draining eye creams

anti-aging face creams

Caffeine creams

For face

Anti-wrinkle and skin firming cream LiftАctiv Supreme, Vichy, contains several active anti-aging components. Day Proof complex (caffeine + adenosine) stimulates cell function and accelerates metabolic processes in them. Rhamnose increases skin density and elasticity, and neohesperidin helps neutralize the effects of free radicals.

Night moisturizer “Anti-aging care. Glow of Youth 25+”, Garnier, with caffeine and a moisturizing complex is perfect as the first anti-aging treatment and will help delay the appearance of the initial signs of aging for another five years. Gives skin radiance and freshness.

For eyelids

Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy, performs two functions at once: it works as a concealer, giving the skin radiance, and cares. Caffeine in the composition stimulates collagen synthesis to increase elasticity, fights swelling by dispersing stagnant fluid, and also brightens pigmented skin around the eyes.

Intensive concentrated anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic R Yeux, La Roche-Posay, contains retinol, which means it reduces the depth of wrinkles and lightens pigmentation. In combination with caffeine, retinol has an enhanced renewing effect.

Cream for the skin around the eyes “Age expert 55+”, L’Oréal Paris, with caffeine and adenosine provides natural drainage and accelerates collagen synthesis to improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.

For body

Modeling body gel Body Sculpter, Biotherm, It works in two directions: it increases the elasticity and tone of the skin on the thighs and abdomen, plus it fights cellulite due to its draining effect.

Anti-cellulite body concentrate Celluli Eraser, Biotherm, promises a noticeable effect after 4 weeks of use, and there is no reason not to trust the manufacturers. Caffeine and algae extract intensely tighten the skin, reducing the signs of cellulite. The result lasts a long time.
