
Coxarthrosis is the name given to degenerative-dystrophic changes that occur in the hip joint due to degeneration of the femoral head under the influence of mechanical load and the reverse effect of the muscles that support body weight. The appearance of coxartosis is characterized by pain, limited range of motion in the joint, and shortening of the joint (antacycyclis). The reasons for the development of arthrosis of the hip joint are associated with changes in the anatomical structure of the joint throughout its life, such as deformation of the articular surfaces, changes in the shape of cartilage, etc.

**Clinical symptoms** Initial symptoms may appear insidiously or with light exertion. However, at the moment there are scientific studies confirming the connection between the severity of the clinical picture and the speed of development of the disease: the faster arthrosis develops and progresses, the more severe the pain symptoms are, the longer a person walks with the disease, the less pronounced pain in the hip joint. The pain can radiate to the lumbar region, buttock, groin, and the area between the upper and inner thighs. The patient experiences a “clicking” sound when walking, and his movements are limited due to pain. The most unpleasant thing is that this type of disease has no age restrictions and is equally common in young women and men, starting from 25 years. Due to age-related changes, metabolism in body tissues is inhibited, and this only accelerates the development process. An additional unpleasant symptom is sleep disturbances: the patient constantly wakes up due to pain and lack of proper rest. Deterioration of local blood circulation and excessive compression of nerve fibers also contribute to the inflammatory process, negatively affecting blood supply and nerve cells. All of the above symptoms indicate that you cannot put off going to the doctor for a single day or week. By