Collomac for the treatment of papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description of the drug
  2. The benefits of Collomak for papillomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of using Collomak
  6. Real reviews

Collomak is a medical product with a keratolytic effect, which contains salicylic and lactic acid, as well as polidocanol. It is used to remove external manifestations of the human papillomavirus - papillomas, warts, condylomas and other benign neoplasms.

Description of the drug "Collomac"

In the photo, the drug "Collomac" for papillomas and warts

Collomac is a fairly effective remedy for skin tumors caused by various types of human papillomavirus. Approved for use in medical institutions, cosmetology centers, salons, and at home.

The basis of the drug "Collomac" consists of the following components:

  1. Salicylic acid. This substance is obtained by the synthesis of sodium phenolate with carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid. It is colorless, similar in shape to needle-shaped crystals or crystalline powder. Has no smell. It is practically insoluble in cold water, has an average degree of solubility in hot water and is almost completely soluble in alcohol. Removal of warts with Collomac is based mainly on the use of this substance. It is this that has the most important therapeutic effect.
  2. Lactic acid. This substance is actively produced in the human body. It is a breakdown product of glucose called “blood sugar.” Chemically synthesized using the enzymatic reaction of lactic acid fermentation of sugars. In its pure form it is crystals, but since it very actively absorbs liquid even from the atmosphere, it most often acquires the state of a viscous colorless solution with a specific odor. This is the odor that, when produced naturally, attracts mosquitoes to the body.
  3. Polidocanol. A chemical substance classified as scleroting. It is used in medical preparations as a clear, odorless solution. Its main task is to thrombose blood vessels, preventing the development of bleeding.

Collomak also includes Excipients. Their effect on the tumor is insignificant, but their mention is mandatory to exclude allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Dibutyl phthalate is a substance that is an ester of phthalic acid. Acetone is an organic compound classified as an unsaturated ketone. And ethylcellulose, which is cellulose ethyl ether.

Considering that Collomak contains chemicals that can cause serious harm to the body, its use is permitted only as an external remedy.

Collomac is used to treat:

  1. Calluses;
  2. Skin keratinization;
  3. Papillomas;
  4. Warts;
  5. Genital warts;
  6. Hyperkeratosis (plantar and psoriasis).

Available in dark glass bottles with a pipette applicator, which is attached under the cap. It is packaged in cardboard boxes that prevent direct sunlight from reaching the drug, which leads to a decrease in its medicinal properties. The liquid is transparent, has a pungent odor, and is packaged in 10 ml bottles.

The price of Collomak is from 319 rubles in Russia (from 295 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogues of Collomak are such drugs as Hemosol, Duofilm, Kerasal, Solkokerasal, Salicylic ointment and others.

The benefits of Collomac for papillomas and warts

Positive reviews and ease of use have made this drug popular among those who are trying to remove epidermal growths at home.

What beneficial properties appear when treating papillomas with Collomac:

  1. Keratolytic. The essence of this process is the rejection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The drug ensures the detachment of excess horny masses from the affected area of ​​the skin. It is worth paying attention to the fact that not only the skin, but also hair, nails, and mucous membranes are exposed to Catholic influence. This must be kept in mind when treating tumors located near these areas.
  2. Anesthetic. The acids included in the preparation can cause quite unpleasant sensations: itching, burning and pain in the treatment area. Due to the presence of polidocanol in the composition, pain relief occurs in the treated area. The presence of an anesthetic component makes the use of Collomak more comfortable compared to its analogues and popular among patients.
  3. Antimicrobial. Thanks to the ability of salicylic acid to resist pathogens, the skin at the site of application is disinfected. Acid can suppress the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, which helps clean the wound from putrefactive secretions and significantly reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Sclerosing. The drug also owes this effect to polidocanol. This substance is actively used in the fight against varicose veins. The principle of its action is to block blood vessels, which avoids bleeding during treatment of condylomas with Collomak. In this type of benign neoplasm, the capillary network is very well developed. The drug thromboses blood vessels, due to which blood stops flowing into the condyloma, which leads to its death.
  5. Destructive. The active ingredients kill cells infected with the human papillomavirus. This helps prevent warts from spreading to healthy areas of the epidermis.

According to the instructions for use of Collomak, only targeted use of the drug is allowed, that is, directly on the growths, and in no case around them.

Do not apply the drug to birthmarks, nevi, warts from which hair grows, neoplasms of a red color or with a red edge, papillomas in the genital or anal area, as well as those located next to open wounds.

Use of the product on the face is not recommended. The use of Collomak in this area occurs mainly in beauty salons or medical centers. This is due to the fact that the chemical can lead to a cosmetic defect if applied inaccurately. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust the treatment of facial growths to dermatologists or cosmetologists.

Instructions for use of the drug "Collomac"

Even if your doctor prescribed you treatment with this medicine, explaining in detail how to use it, you should also read the Collomak instructions in detail.

Directions for use:

  1. Open the bottle and use a special pipette applicator to apply a few drops of the solution to the papillomas.
  2. Leave the product to dry completely without rubbing it in.
  3. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day.

This processing algorithm applies to single neoplasms, such as genital warts, warts, and filamentous papillomas. If you are fighting a type of benign tumor such as pimples, before use you need to steam the papilloma and cut off as much of the keratinized part of the skin as possible with nail scissors or a pumice stone. After this, this area should be dried with a towel and the skin should be allowed to dry well, and only then Collomac should be applied to dry skin.

Immediately after treatment, the skin may turn white. A change in its color indicates that certain processes necessary for its mummification are taking place in the neoplasm. To protect the area of ​​application from mechanical damage, it will not hurt to seal the papilloma with a plaster. When you remove it after 12 hours with a bandage, part of the tumor may also come off. Further treatment with Collomak should be carried out according to the algorithm described above until the growth completely disappears. There is no need to steam the wart before each treatment. It is enough to carry out this procedure once, before starting treatment.

Note! When treating children, simultaneous treatment of several areas of the epidermis is not recommended.

When treating pregnant women, treatment of warts with Collomak on skin areas larger than 5 cm is not allowed.2.

When treating tumors in nursing mothers, it is not allowed to use a product to combat tumors on the chest and arms, that is, those parts of the body that have direct contact with the baby. If these rules are followed, treatment of nursing mothers is permitted, since spot treatment with the drug is not capable of causing substances to penetrate into mother's milk.

For adults, the use of more than 10 ml of the drug per day is not allowed. For children, pregnant women and women during lactation, the use of no more than 1 ml of the product per day is allowed.

If you use Collomac in the maximum permissible daily doses, the course of treatment should not exceed 1 week. For spot treatment, the drug can be used for up to 1 month. After a break of 2 weeks, the course of treatment can be repeated again.

  1. Read also the instructions for using Condilin

Contraindications to the use of Collomac

There are several absolute contraindications to the use of this product. These include the following prohibitions:

  1. Age up to 2 years. Even targeted use of the drug Collomak is prohibited for children, as it can cause necrotic reactions in tissues.
  2. Renal dysfunction. The absorption of salicylic and lactic acid may adversely affect the health of people with kidney failure.
  3. Tendency to allergic reactions. People prone to any manifestations of allergies - seasonal, food, to household chemicals, medications - should test it using a spot treatment before using this product on large areas. If no serious allergic reactions occur, further use of Collomac is possible.
  4. Skin diseases. This is due to the fact that salicylic acid is absorbed much more strongly through skin susceptible to epidermal disorders, in particular with erythema, erythroderma, and erosion.

However, even if you do not fall into any of these categories, side effects from using Collomac are possible. Hypersensitivity reactions are possible, including the following:

  1. skin irritation;
  2. burning;
  3. redness;
  4. pain syndrome;
  5. itching;
  6. peeling;
  7. bleeding;
  8. epidermal rashes.
If one of these symptoms appears, be sure to rinse the affected area of ​​skin with plenty of cool water and stop using the drug. If you experience more serious signs of an allergy, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid deep breathing, seek medical help immediately.

Since the use of Collomak is not recommended when using certain medications, in particular those containing methotrexate and sulfonylurea derivatives, before purchasing a remedy for warts, it is better to consult with your doctor or temporarily discontinue all types of concomitant therapy.

Results of using Collomak for papillomas and warts

Preparations containing salicylic acid are quite effective in combating tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. Collomak is considered a product with an average degree of effectiveness, since among its analogues it is distinguished by a milder effect due to the reduced concentration of acids in the product. At the same time, this composition allows you to get rid of warts more comfortably, avoiding significant thermal burns, itching, burning, and pain.

Manufacturers note that small papillomas and calluses go away after 3-4 days. According to reviews of use, treatment of chronic plantar papillomas may take about a month, and sometimes a second course of treatment will be required.

Real reviews about the use of Collomak for papillomas

Collomak has a lot of reviews. Mostly they are positive. The negative characteristic applies only to those cases where the treatment was carried out on large areas of the epidermis and related to old tumors that have not been treated for several years.

Veronica, 38 years old

I have been suffering from warts for a long time. It's all about regularly visiting the pool, where I constantly become infected again. I tried everything - I smeared it with celandine, applied garlic, used ointments - everything was useless. I settled on a product with salicylic and lactic acid. I like the fact that you can buy Collomac at any pharmacy. No need to deal with online orders and deliveries. I went in, purchased it, and within a week I had healthy skin. The drug is very easy to use and does not cause discomfort. But the most important thing when using it is to avoid contact with healthy skin, since severe burns, even wounds, are possible in these areas.

Karina, 27 years old

Collomac was prescribed to me by a dermatologist at the clinic. The product, frankly speaking, is not cheap. I decided to resort to his help after several years ago I underwent a painful procedure for removing papilloma with nitrogen. This time I decided on a more gentle method. I treated the growth twice a day for a long time. Unfortunately, there was no effect. My friend got HPV from a manicure. I gave the drug to her, she also had zero effect. But I was able to remove dry calluses well with the product. The dermatologist suggested that my situation was due to the fact that I had not sought help for a very long time. I am again preparing for cauterization with liquid nitrogen. I don’t want to, but I don’t see an alternative yet. After the laser, you don’t want to remove a possible scar.

Vladimir, 49 years old

My wife and I developed several papillomas on our necks. She went to a beauty salon to have them removed, and I bought Collomac at the pharmacy. It was inconvenient to apply the solution myself, so I trusted my wife. Twice a day I washed the papillomas with warm water, blotted them with a soft towel and treated them with the product. After 3 days they disappeared. In their place, white spots appeared that did not go away until the summer, until the skin tanned. I also realized that the sooner you start processing, the faster they will disappear. Therefore, I recommend this drug. No discomfort and good effect.

How to use Collomac for papillomas - watch the video:

Collomak is a popular remedy for papillomas and other neoplasms, which is generally positively characterized by consumers. At the same time, the manufacturers themselves recommend getting a prescription for treatment with their product from a dermatologist, because it is important to understand how oncogenic your tumor is and whether it can be treated with this solution. Please note that the drug fights only the external manifestations of infection with the human papilloma virus, and its use does not guarantee that a relapse will not occur and tumors will not appear again.

  1. Read also a review of the drug Solcoderm for papillomas and warts