Coma Adrenal

Contents: 1. Description 2. Causes and symptoms 3. Prognosis and treatment 4. Prevention and recommendations 5. Conclusion

Description Coma nadpochechnicovaya is a pathology associated with partial or complete loss of function of the adrenal glands.

Coma can develop due to various reasons:

- Infectious diseases associated with protein loss - burns, bleeding, sepsis and other infections - Damage to adrenal cells that occurs after injuries, surgeries, infections and intoxications; - Deficiency of adrenal hormones – develops with a deficiency of corticosteroids, as a result of which the body’s adaptive response to stressful situations is disrupted; - Diseases of the adrenal glands of various etiologies; - Tumors of the adrenal glands; - Allergic reactions; - Radiation sickness

Most often, coma caused by disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands occurs due to infections and tumors. Patients with this pathology are under close medical supervision, since quickly occurring negative consequences can cause death. Symptoms of adrenal coma are: a depressed, apathetic and sleepy state of the patient, loss of orientation, inappropriate behavior, the presence of mental disorders and seizures. In addition, the patient feels weakness in the muscles, his skin and mucous membranes become pale, skin rashes and hyperthermia appear, and vomiting occurs. Patients have a high body temperature (above 38 degrees). In mild cases of coma, drug treatment is prescribed aimed at reducing the secretion of hormones from the adrenal cortex (for this, drugs that inhibit the conversion of progesterone into cortisol are prescribed) Corticosteroid drugs - the introduction of mineralocorticoid drugs that do not penetrate into the blood through the hematogen