Pyelocalicoplasty According to Michalovsky

Michalovsky-Modelsky pyelocalicoplasty (MPP) is a method of surgical treatment of urinary tract obstruction, which is used to remove the obstruction in the ureter and restore the normal flow of urine from the kidney. This method was developed in 1980 by the Soviet surgeon Nikolai Mikhailovich Mikhalovsky and his student, Professor Anatoly Petrovich Modelsky.

MCP is performed through a small incision in the lumbar region and includes several stages:

  1. Removing an obstruction in the urinary tract that may be caused by a stone, tumor, or other causes.
  2. Creating a new path for urine to flow by creating a new channel in the bladder and ureter.
  3. Restoration of normal blood supply and nerve connections in the operation area.
  4. Check the functioning of the urinary tract by injecting dye into the bladder and ureter.
  5. Postoperative monitoring of the patient, including monitoring the condition of the urinary tract and renal function.

The benefits of MCP include rapid restoration of urinary tract function, reduced risk of complications such as infection or bleeding, and reduced risk of recurrence of kidney stones. However, like any surgery, MCP may have some risks, such as damage to nerves or blood vessels, the formation of scars or adhesions, and the development of complications such as pyelonephritis or kidney failure.

Overall, MCP is an effective treatment for urinary tract obstruction. It allows you to quickly restore kidney function and reduce the risk of complications. However, before the operation, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and determine the optimal treatment tactics.

Pyelocalicoplasty is a surgical operation that is performed to treat various diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. One of the most effective techniques is pyelocalicoplasty according to Mikhalovsky-Modelsky.

Pyelocalicoplasty according to Mikhalovsky is performed in the treatment of hydronephrosis and other kidney diseases that lead to impaired urine outflow. During surgery, the surgeon removes the diseased tissue and replaces it with healthy tissue, which restores kidney function.

One of the main advantages of pyelocalicoplasty according to Mikhalovsky is its high efficiency. This technique allows you to achieve good results in the treatment of kidney diseases even in the most severe cases. In addition, pyelocalicoplasty according to Mikhailov-Modelsky is a minimally invasive operation, which makes it less traumatic for the patient.

However, like any other operation, pyelocalicoplasty has its risks and complications. The most common are infectious complications, bleeding and damage to nearby tissues. To reduce the risk of complications, before surgery it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient and choose the correct treatment method.

In general, pyelocalikaplasty according to Mikhalov-Modelny is an effective method for treating kidney diseases. It allows you to achieve good results even in the most difficult cases. However, like any operation, it has its risks and should only be performed by experienced surgeons.