Limb Upper Free

Limb Upper free

The upper free limb, or hand, is one of the main organs of the human body. It consists of bones, muscles, ligaments and nerves that provide movement and control of various functions.

The upper free limb has two main parts: the shoulder and the forearm. The shoulder consists of the humerus, clavicle and scapula, and the forearm consists of the radius, ulna and carpal bones. Between these two parts is the elbow, which provides flexibility and mobility to the arm.

The muscles that control arm movement include the biceps, triceps, deltoids, shoulder and forearm muscles. These muscles help raise, lower, flex and extend the arm, and provide stability and balance.

Nerves associated with the upper free limb include the radial nerve, ulnar nerve, and median nerve. The radial nerve controls movement and sensation in the fingers, the ulnar nerve controls flexion and extension of the arm at the elbow, and the median nerve provides sensation to the skin of the palm and fingers.

The upper free limb also plays an important role in communication and interaction with other people. It allows us to write, draw, play musical instruments, manipulate objects, and perform many other tasks.

It is important to remember that the upper free limb is a complex and fragile organ that requires careful treatment and care. Avoid injury and damage by taking proper care of your skin and nails, and exercising regularly to maintain the health and functionality of your hand.

**The upper free limb** is the first and most important limb of the human body. The upper limb is a very complex organ consisting of many muscles, joints and ligaments. It performs many functions such as supporting the body, moving around and performing complex movements. Let's take a closer look at the upper free limb and its functions.

Upper Free Limb The upper free limb is also called the arm. The hand consists of five fingers, each of which has its own separate joint and muscle to perform different movements. In addition, the upper free limb contains the hands, wrist, elbow, shoulder and scapula.

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