Constitution Normosthenic

The constitution of normosthenia in medicine is a state when the body is in balance and has neither excessive thinness nor excessive fatness, with the exception of some individual cases within the norm. It is a middle state between extremes where the ratio of body weight to height, the ratio of fat tissue to muscle mass, and organ function are within normal limits. The science of normosthenia itself appeared relatively recently. Attempts to describe the various norms of the body have been made before. For example, in Ancient Greece, during the era of Hippocrates, there were descriptions of the normal human physique. The scientist used the point principle, determining the number of points awarded for certain features of appearance: body length, weight, hair color and type, face type, figure, proportions of body parts. Interestingly, these assessments can be used to predict the results of various types of tests in an athlete.