Constitution Schizothymic

Constitution Schizothymaic

The Constitution of Schizotism is a theory that develops ideas about mental and neurotic instability as the norm for humans. The basis of the position is the thesis about the special tendency of the human psyche to split and contradictory emotions. The term “schizothymia” was proposed by Alain de Mijolla in his work “Schizothymia” in 2018.

According to de Miolla, schizothymia is a mental condition in which an individual suffers from social anxiety and avoids social situations due to a lack of empathy, feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem in various areas of life. He also believes that schizothymia is caused by impaired brain function associated with traumatic brain injury, severe stress or emotional breakdown. In most cases, schizothymia is a mental condition and has a range of symptoms that affect social and emotional well-being. However, schizothym exhibits excessive attachment to online communication, as well as a low level of openness in interpersonal communication with peers and strangers. It is important to note that excessive time spent on computers and mobile devices creates a greater tendency towards drug addiction and addictive behavior from gambling.

The main symptoms of schizotism: - Antisociality - Indecisiveness - Anxiety and restlessness - Inability to solve problems - Decreased communication skills