Muscle, Lumbocostalis (M. Lumbocostalis)

Muscles can be strong and weak, wide and narrow. They participate in various movements, perform different functions and are an integral part of our body. One such example is the lumbocostal muscles. In this article we will look at what the lumbocostal muscle is and what role it plays in the human body.

The lumbocostal muscles are the muscles that are located in the lumbar region and chest. One of the functions of the lumbocostal muscles is to support the skeleton and bones. These muscles are also involved in breathing as they help expand and contract the rib cage.

Like any other muscles, the lumbocostal muscles have their own unique features and functions. One of the most important functions of these muscles is to support the back and ribs, which helps maintain correct posture and prevent spinal injuries. In addition, the lumbar costal muscles are involved in defecation, due to the expansion and contraction of the ribs when they are pulled in and out. They also play an important role in the contraction of the abdominal and pectoral muscles, including the diaphragm muscle - the main muscle that is involved in inhalation and exhalation.

The human body has many complex and diverse anatomical structures, and each organ performs its own function. For example, the spleen helps maintain the body's immunity, and the skin protects internal organs from mechanical damage. In this regard, the lumbocostal muscles are no exception. They provide us with correct posture, proper breathing and help maintain the functioning of our internal organs.

If the lumbocostal muscles are damaged, it can lead to severe back and chest pain, breathing problems, coughing and a feeling of fatigue. Treatment for this condition may include massage, physical therapy, swimming, stretching and other methods. In severe cases, surgery may be required. It is important to know that any symptoms of injuries to the lumbocostal muscle should not be ignored, as this can lead to more serious consequences.

Another important thing is to keep these muscles healthy. Regular exercise, massage, and moderate physical activity help maintain the health and flexibility of the lumbocostal muscles. A balanced diet also contributes to the normal functioning of these muscles, as it contains the necessary vitamins and minerals for their normal growth and development.

Muscles are an important part of our body that helps maintain health, posture and functioning of internal organs, one of such muscles is the lumbocostal muscle, which has a great influence and role in our body. If we take care of our muscles and monitor

The muscles of the belt between the sternum and the spine perform not only a static, but also a dynamic function when raising the chest. This muscle group is represented by two heads, each of which has its own purpose: the serratus anterior muscle raises the chest, and the posterior one does not lower it. For these qualities, the lifting muscles of the chest were called lifting, and for the lowering muscles - descending. When they contract, they all strain the bones to which they are attached.