
Neurotomy: what is it and how is it used in medicine?

Neurotomy is a surgical procedure in which, through various techniques, certain nerve branches are cut or removed to relieve pain or other symptoms related to the nervous system. The term "neurotomy" comes from the Greek words "neuro" (nerve) and "tome" (incision).

Neurotomy can be used to treat various diseases such as back pain, cancer, spastic paralysis, neuralgia and other neurological disorders. It can be performed using various methods, including radiofrequency ablation, laser thermal ablation, chemical neurolysis and other methods.

One of the most common neurotomy techniques is radiofrequency ablation, which uses radio wave energy to create a high temperature that destroys selected nerve branches. This method is usually used to relieve back pain, as well as to treat other diseases related to the nervous system.

Another neurotomy method is laser thermal ablation, which uses a laser beam to destroy nerve branches. This method can also be used to treat back pain and other diseases related to the nervous system.

Chemical neurolysis is a technique that uses injections of chemicals to destroy nerve branches. This method can be used to treat neuralgia and other diseases related to the nervous system.

Although neurotomy can be effective in relieving pain and other symptoms related to the nervous system, it may also have certain risks and limitations. Some of the possible complications include infection, bleeding, and damage to other nerves.

In general, neurotomy is an effective treatment for a number of diseases related to the nervous system. However, as with any surgical procedure, it is important to discuss all possible risks and benefits with your doctor before deciding to undergo the procedure.

“Neurotomy” through the eyes of a neurosurgeon

_Usually, when we talk about neurosurgery, images of incredibly talented and brilliant people appear in our heads, who can, with one tip or glance at the patient, make a verdict and begin the operation. This story is very true and honest, because the doctor himself feels how some unknown force guides his hands, no matter what wonderful areas of the brain I have yet to open._

The topic of neurosurgery will at the same time be difficult for me, because here doctors first take some kind of tests, then build an action plan, and only after that everything is carried out in practice. Since I have undertaken to describe the story about neurotomy, and even in this vein, I would like to first find out everything related to this disease or process. I’ll try to tell you how this operation is performed, what it is and how it affects a person’s life. And at the same time I learned something else!

If you don’t want to dive into all the details of neurotomy, then I’ll tell you this: this is a kind of operation to eliminate some complications that arise in the patient’s skull. Tumors of different sizes appear in the brain, which can also have considerable weight. At the same time, they can still be in places that a person would never reach. That is, two problems arise at once: 1. the tumor is not physically allowed to grow quietly: the brain itself does not provide space, and the vessel located next to it does not allow it to spread to the body, since there is pressure there. Bottom line: over time, everything starts to shrink. There are times when we see something that seems like nothing special. Such patients come and simply ask for an examination, because they are scared. The surgeon conducts light anywhere, and it clearly indicates the presence of a damaged vessel between the bottleneck of the brain and almost the diameter of a matchstick head of that same tumor. 2. other nodes located near it become clogged with tissue and begin to interfere with blood circulation. If the brain stops receiving enough oxygen, this can lead to memory loss, weakening of muscles, blurred vision, and impaired motor function. Has this happened to anyone other than grandpa with a heart? Do you know how it is, it’s hard to even breathe? So this is already comparable to nervous stress. And it’s as if we experience the very pain that torments a person, and sometimes we can see it. Due to the fact that the plaque begins to grow, the passage for the vessel is disrupted and it gradually shrinks.