Constitution Emotive Dupre

A constitution is a system of interconnected rules, norms and principles that govern relationships between people. It is the basis for the construction of any legal system, and its observance is mandatory for everyone. One of the key principles of constitutional law is the prohibition of discrimination. The Constitution must ensure equality of all before the law and equal rights for all citizens regardless of their gender, race, age, nationality and other social characteristics.

However, this principle is often violated in real life. People face problems of discrimination based on gender, racial and age prejudices, and stereotypes, which makes it difficult for them to fully participate in social processes and the life of society as a whole. To overcome these problems, the authors of the constitution are trying not only to formulate requirements for equality of rights and freedoms, but also to describe ways to achieve them.

An emotive approach to the study of constitutions is associated with the understanding that constitutional principles and rules are not just formal regulations, but actively influence society and society influences the constitution. In order for the analysis of constitutions to be more complete, it is necessary to take into account not only their material norms, but also their emotional and social effects.