Contracture Congenital

Congenital contracture in medicine is called contracture, which consists of a persistent deviation of the hand or finger in the direction of their shortening, occurring both simultaneously with the lengthening of the shortened segment of the limb (shortening), and extension, due to stretching of the biceps brachii muscle, extensor of the hand and fingers; are detected by repeated radiographs, U. allows one to determine both the stage of development of the defect and the degree of its severity. According to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, contracture is a congenital reduction in the range of motion in the joints and refers to the abnormal shortening or excessive restriction of movement of any limb, usually affected by the disease. Most often we are talking about the legs, as well as paralyzed limbs or the body after serious damage to the spine or brain, with diabetes and other diseases. The causes of contracture will depend on which joint is affected. It is also possible to simply have physical contracture when a person is injured in an accident.

Contracture is a restriction of mobility of a joint, the articular end of the bones. It develops as a result of injury, diseases of the joints, bones, muscles, ligaments and bag-shock-absorbing devices. In newborns and young children, contracture is often combined with a position that causes shortening of the corresponding limbs. Contracture must be distinguished

Congenital decrement contracture is a congenital change in the motor functions of the stump, as a result of which movements and the range of flexion-extension in the corresponding joint are significantly limited. Causes: Toxicoses, severe infectious diseases and intoxication of the body during pregnancy, neuroinfections, injuries, etc. The course of the disease differs somewhat depending on the cause. Determining the severity of contracture for diagnosis is carried out exclusively by specialists only after an initial examination. Treatment: conservative, initial treatment (in children without mental retardation) - bed rest on an elongated plane until acute phenomena subside, exercise therapy, special physical exercises, massage of the stump to prevent fusion of the segment in severe forms of contracture. Prevention of contractures is possible only at the level of primary and secondary prevention.