Newcastle conjunctivitis

Newcastle conjunctivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Newcastle conjunctivitis is an acute eye disease caused by a virus of the paramyxovirus genus. This virus is transmitted to humans through contact from infected poultry. Newcastle conjunctivitis manifests itself in the form of acute follicular conjunctivitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva - a thin transparent film covering the white of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids.


Newcastle conjunctivitis is caused by a virus of the paramyxovirus genus, which is transmitted to humans through contact with infected poultry. The virus can be found on the feathers, beaks, legs and other parts of the body of infected birds. A person can become infected when they touch a contaminated surface and then touch their eyes.


Symptoms of Newcastle conjunctivitis include:

  1. Redness of the eye
  2. Burning and itching sensation in the eye
  3. Swelling of the eyeball
  4. Discharge from the eye
  5. Feeling sand in the eye
  6. Feeling of watery eyes
  7. Feeling of photophobia

Symptoms usually begin to appear 2-6 days after exposure to an infected bird and can last from several days to several weeks.


There is no specific treatment for Newcastle conjunctivitis, but symptoms can be relieved. It is generally recommended to use topical eye drops that contain antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents. It is also important to practice good hand hygiene, avoid contact with infected birds, and use safety glasses if you work with birds.

In conclusion, Newcastle conjunctivitis is a serious eye disease that is caused by a virus transmitted from infected poultry. If you notice symptoms of conjunctivitis, consult your doctor to get the right treatment and avoid complications. Remember also that practicing good hygiene and precautions when handling birds can help prevent infection.

Newcastle conjunctivitis is an acute follicular conjunctivitis caused by a virus of the paramyxoviral family (A24). The disease is transmitted through direct contact with infected birds, particularly pigeons, and through infected human tears or saliva upon contact. Conjunctivitis is one of the most common contagious eye diseases in children and animals. This problem is serious for people as conjunctivitis is responsible for a significant number of cases of visual impairment in children. Until now, the cause of Newcastle conjunctivitis remained etiological, but after a wide range of molecular genetic studies in 2015, the genetic basis of the disease was discovered. The generally accepted hypothesis is that exo