
Conjunctivitis-rosacea: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Conjunctivitis-rosacea, also known as rosacea-conjunctivitis, is a condition that can lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. This condition usually manifests itself in people suffering from rosacea - a chronic dermatological disease that is characterized by redness of the skin, blisters and not only on the facial skin, but also on the eyes.

The causes of conjunctivitis-rosacea are not fully understood, but it is believed that it is due to dilation of the blood vessels that supply blood to the skin. This can lead to increased sensitivity of the skin and eyes to irritants such as sun, wind, cold, medications or foods. Also, rosacea is aggravated by stress, poor diet and other factors.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis-rosacea may include red and irritated eyes, burning and itching, a gritty feeling in the eyes, and eye fatigue. In more severe cases, there may be discharge from the eyes, an unpleasant odor and discomfort.

Treatment for conjunctivitis-rosacea may include the use of drops and ointments to help reduce inflammation and reduce eye redness. It's also important to avoid factors that can make the situation worse, such as exposure to irritants, reducing stress, and eating right. In some cases, your doctor may recommend taking oral medications.

Overall, conjunctivitis-rosacea is a condition that can lead to discomfort and difficulty in daily life. However, with proper treatment and lifestyle changes, people suffering from this disease can overcome it and improve their lives. If you notice symptoms of conjunctivitis-rosacea, contact your doctor to get the best treatment and eye care recommendations.

Conjunctivitis rosacea: **Rosacea**, a facial disease characterized by inflammation of the skin and dilation of blood vessels in the red border.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes can be the main manifestation or accompany the underlying pathology. Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva can be triggered by many factors - allergies, long-term therapy, certain diseases, and mechanical damage to eye tissue.

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases; it can be caused by various reasons. The disease manifests itself as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, affecting only one eye.

As a rule, symptoms of conjunctivitis appear within 4-5 days after infection. The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations: