
Article "Coordimetry: New technology for measuring and coordinating movements"

A person's physical capabilities depend on many factors, including the accuracy of coordination and speed of reaction. People are able to control the movements of their bodies without much conscious control, but to achieve maximum efficiency and accuracy of their actions, a certain coordination of movements is required. Nowadays, physical culture and sports cannot do without achievements in this area.

The word "coordimetry" is formed from two roots: "coordination" (from the Latin coordinate - coordinates) and "meter" (calculus). This concept reflects both the study and technique of physical coordination of movements.

Thus, a coordimeter is a means of measuring the physical properties of the body, such as the position and direction of the arms, legs, head and other parts of the body. It is a portable device consisting of a complex system of sensors that transmits data to a computer for processing. Data from sensors can be received directly, through special cuffs or bracelets, or transmitted via radio communication. Typically this method is also known as instrumental ergometry. Such sensors are used in sports disciplines that require maximum coordination and control of movements, for example, in swimming, gymnastics, tennis, etc.

The coordimetry method consists of several stages. First, the subject can familiarize himself with the equipment and configure it. The experts then write a detailed description of the type of movement that is to be measured, after which the individual performs the task. Several technicians must be involved to carry out measurements to ensure accuracy and continuity of the measurement process.

Coordimeters are widely used in sports and human health research, especially when it is necessary to determine the degree of improvement in movement due to a specific training program. For example, when testing a rehabilitation program for recovery from musculoskeletal injuries or after surgery.

One example is professional football. The speed meter measures the speed, body weight and reaction time of football players under various conditions, such as resting, playing for long periods of time, training in different conditions, etc. Such information allows coaches and doctors to assess the physical fitness of players and develop training programs to improve performance.

In conclusion, we can say that coordimetric data are of great importance for both sports and medical research. They allow you to assess the current state of a person’s health and improve athletic performance, helping to achieve high goals. But it is worth remembering that the accuracy of the coordinatemeter results depends both on the equipment of the laboratory and on the qualifications of the employees working with the instruments and studying the results.