
Smelly cow is a disease that is a non-metastatic form of esophageal cancer. This is one of the most severe and rare cancers that can be fatal. The reasons for the development of such a pathology may be injuries, inhalation of cigarette smoke and smoking, alcoholism, nutrition with chemicals, heredity, atrophic processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, as well as a decrease in the activity of the immune system. Doctors use many treatments for smelt, such as chemotherapy and radiation, but this type of treatment comes with many side effects. Therefore, every doctor knows that the main part of treatment lies in a properly formulated diet. Some patients tolerate treatment more easily if a buffet diet is used, that is, they are given as much food as they can eat, thereby ensuring sufficient calorie intake. In some cases, patients receive nutritious meals at home, after which they are returned to the oncology department and undergo a course of chemical and radiation therapy. In addition, patients diagnosed with