Cosmetic procedures for dry facial skin

Cosmetology office. Cosmetologist Olga Konstantinova. Cosmetologist services in the Vyborg region

Beauty treatments for dry skin

Caring for dry skin at a cosmetologist and at home


Dry skin. Cosmetic care for dry skin

Most of the fair half of humanity suffers from dry facial skin, which is accompanied by flaking and an unpleasant feeling of skin tightness. Dry skin has the following symptoms: it is very thin, rough to the touch, pores are not pronounced and hardly noticeable, sensitive. Reacts to cold and wind with redness and irritation. Fine wrinkles appear very early (up to 25 years). Causes of dry skin: improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, age-related changes, various diseases: gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, often dry facial skin can be caused by a lack of vitamins, prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent washing with hot, chlorinated water and soap. In youth, dry skin looks more attractive than oily skin and practically does not cause problems, but with age, when the activity of the sebaceous glands naturally decreases, dry skin begins to require more and more careful and caring care.

What procedures does a cosmetologist have for caring for dry facial skin?

Cosmetology procedures for dry facial skin. The best natural skin moisturizer is hyaluronic acid, so the procedure of choice for dry facial skin is biorevitalization, in which hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin using a thin needle, providing long-lasting hydration to the skin. Superficial peels help improve complexion and remove flaking. Using ultrasonic cleaning you can gently and effectively cleanse your skin. Facial massage helps improve blood circulation, the oil nourishes the skin, making it more velvety. Alginate masks are also an excellent way to moisturize.

Daily care for dry skin

Daily care for dry skin. If your skin is dry, you need to drink more clean water. Water is the “basis of life.” You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Wash your face with neither hot nor cold water, the water temperature should be room temperature. You can also wash your face with filtered or settled water. Wash with milder products that do not dry out the skin and do not contain alcohol. Under no circumstances should you use soap. Only foam or milk for washing. After washing, you need to pat your face dry with a towel. Apply cream and oil to your face. Cosmetics should not contain alcohol. Use special moisturizing masks several times a week. Pay attention to products containing vitamins A, C, E. You can buy a complex of vitamins and minerals at the pharmacy, as well as fish oil. You need to sunbathe very carefully. Be sure to use creams with a high protection factor.

To restore skin balance and activate the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to carry out professional skin moisturizing procedures and care for it daily.

Salon care for dry skin

1. Non-injection mesotherapy

A powerful nourishing treatment. Using a special device (laser, ion or magnetic devices), the skin is saturated with a cocktail of medicinal organic acids, microelements and vitamins.

Unlike traditional injection mesotherapy, this procedure does not leave any scars or papules from injections - so you can safely do it on weekdays and go to work.

Mesotherapy is done not only for the face, but also for the hands, neck and décolleté.

Price: from 3,000 rubles per procedure

2. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid for laser biorevitalization FraxPen

Here you can also choose a non-injection method: using a laser, the skin will be saturated with a preparation based on hyaluronic acid, which effectively moisturizes the skin. The skin becomes elastic, healthy color and firmness appear.

Price: from 4,000 per procedure

3. Lactic acid peeling

The procedure belongs to a series of superficial peels, so you should not expect miracles in the form of the disappearance of deep wrinkles. But lactic acid perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives it tone - so the procedure is good as additional care for dry skin.

Price: from 1,200 rubles per procedure

4. Serum massage

Sabon Toning Facial Serum

A highly concentrated nourishing product, which is a serum, is perfectly absorbed by the skin thanks to massage. In addition to a rested look and nourished skin, the procedure brings a pleasant feeling.

Price: from 1,500 rubles

5. Thermolifting

It is used to rejuvenate the skin and maintain it in a young state. The essence of the procedure is this: the skin is heated with high-frequency currents, which stimulates the production of collagen in the skin by activating blood circulation.

The point of the procedure is regularity: since it stimulates collagen little by little, the effect should accumulate.

Price: from 2,500 rubles per procedure

Salon procedures have contraindications. Specialist consultation required

Home care

Creams, lotions and masks that you use for daily care should include components that restore the protective functions of the skin. Useful amino acids and vitamin complexes, sodium salts and minerals.

Avoid cosmetics that contain glycerin, propylene glycol and chitosans. They dry out the skin.

Instead of a scrub, use creams that contain low levels (3–5%).

Do not use clay masks or products containing alcohol.

Pay attention not only to the correct selection of cosmetics, but also to your lifestyle. Avoid anything that can strip moisture from your skin. The worst enemies of dry skin: alcohol, smoking, chlorinated and sea water, increased sweating. If it is useful to give up the first two things, then in other cases take protective measures. Lovers of pools and the sea can apply a waterproof cream before swimming, and in dry and hot climates, you can drink more clean water, keep a humidifier and plants with large leaves at home.

Order from Nonicare&Pulanna:

Mask for dry skin No. 1

Mix crushed ripe avocado pulp with one tablespoon of olive oil and apply the mixture to a cleansed face. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Mask for dry skin No. 2

Mix full-fat sour cream (it should contain at least 20% fat) with chopped oatmeal. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

In modern cosmetology, there are several distinct types of facial skin: oily, normal, mixed and dry. Dry facial skin is characterized by severe dehydration, a reduced number of sebaceous glands compared to other skin types, and sensitivity to external mechanical factors. On dry skin, pores are not visible, the skin looks thin like tissue paper.

Dry skin type needs careful, daily care, as well as constant protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, sudden temperature changes, various climatic conditions (dry air, strong wind, etc.) as well as man-made environmental pollution. All these factors can act as sources of dry skin, or they can aggravate the existing picture. Excessive use of cigarettes, even daily exposure to a smoky room, harms your skin.

Dry skin can be hereditary or acquired. In both cases, professional cosmetic care is required.

The main methods of combating dry skin, presented in beauty salons and medical clinics.

Beauty treatments for dry skin

Biorevitalization – hardware saturation of the skin with moisture through the use of hyaluronic acid. Lightning-fast effect, the face looks noticeably younger, the skin becomes firm and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the facial contour is evened out.

Peeling with glycolic acid – non-traumatic to the skin, gentle scrubbing of the upper layer of the epithelium. Peeling is also carried out with various fruit acids. The procedure rejuvenates facial skin and stimulates cell regeneration. The skin becomes soft, wrinkles are less noticeable.

Mesotherapy – a modern method of injection. Natural preparations that have a rejuvenating effect are administered in microdoses directly under the skin. The procedure has a rejuvenating effect and is recommended for sagging, aging skin.

Oxygen hardware peeling – saturates the skin with oxygen, the least traumatic way to deep cleanse the skin today. Has a massage effect.

Caring for dry skin should not be limited to salon procedures. Constantly moisturizing and nourishing dry skin is the key to its healthy appearance.

Some care tips

Choose cosmetics that suit your skin type. Avoid cosmetics containing alcohol. Be sure to use moisturizers, special delicate cleansing gels and foams, and use cosmetic creams to remove makeup. Be careful when using scrubs! Cleansing masks are suitable for dry skin; apply them no more than two to three times a month.

Do not use soap to wash your face; the water should be at room temperature. Using too cold or hot water to wash your face will harm your skin. Hot water provokes rosacea, cold water disrupts blood microcirculation, the skin will become tight, and peeling may begin. Let us repeat once again that it is better to use special products to cleanse dry facial skin.

Dry facial skin is the most susceptible to all sorts of negative influences, so it needs careful attention.

Gentle care and cosmetological hardware innovations are the secret to healthy, youthful skin.

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