Bone Pteral

Bone Pteric

In Greek mythology, as in biblical mythology, the image of the bones that were placed on the altar of Zeus at the moment of his death characterizes its tragedy. Execution in the form of burning at the stake, which was folded in the shape of a cross, symbolized the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God (Mohammed managed to circumcise the altar a few moments before his death and offered

**Pteral bone** - (os pisis) - is located in the joint cavity and protrudes towards the forearm bone of the same name. The bone has the shape of an elongated and flattened diamond. It is narrowed on the medial side and widened on the lateral side. On the convex side, the surface of the abrone is adjacent to the bone. It is the articular surface of the shoulder joint. On the flat lower surface there is a small depression for connection with the fossa of the greater tubercle.