Tragus (Tragus)

The tragus is a protrusion of the cartilage of the outer ear, which is located in front of the opening of the external auditory canal. This small but important element of our ear is one of the key components of our auditory system.

The tragus has the shape of a triangle and is located on the anterior wall of the external auditory canal, just in front of the eardrum. This protrusion of cartilage serves to protect the auricle from foreign objects entering it, as well as to improve the perception of sounds.

The tragus plays an important role in our ability to hear sounds. It helps to capture and amplify sound waves that enter our ear. When sound waves hit the skin around the tragus, they cause vibrations that are transmitted into the ear and further to the eardrum.

One of the features of the tragus is that it can be used to improve sound quality when using headphones. Some headphone manufacturers add a special protrusion to their products that matches the shape of the tragus to enhance sound and improve sound imaging quality.

However, like any other part of our body, the tragus can be subject to various diseases and injuries. For example, it can be damaged by blows to the ear, resulting in pain and discomfort. The tragus can also become a site for the formation of cysts and tumors, which requires medical intervention.

Overall, the tragus is one of the key components of our auditory system. It protects the auricle from foreign objects and improves the perception of sound waves. Due to its shape and position, it can be used to improve the sound quality when using headphones. However, like any other part of our body, the tragus can be subject to various diseases and injuries, so in case of pain or discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

The tragus or tragus is a projection of cartilage located on the posterior wall of the external auditory canal. It is an important part of the ear system and performs several functions.

The main function of the tragus is to protect the ear canal from foreign bodies such as dust, dirt and insects. In addition, the tragus is involved in the formation of sound, which is transmitted through the auditory canal.

The tragus consists of cartilage tissue, which is durable and resistant to wear. It is also shaped like a cone, allowing it to move easily and change its shape as needed.

In some cases, the tragus may be damaged or removed due to injury or surgery. However, this is not a serious problem as the tragus can be repaired or replaced through plastic surgery.

In addition, the tragus is one of the signs of normal development of the ear system in children. If the tragus is missing or has an irregular shape, it may indicate problems with the ear canal or other parts of the ear system.

Thus, the tragus plays an important role in the functioning of the ear system, and its absence or improper development can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, if you notice any changes in the tragus, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The tragus is a protrusion of the cartilage tissue of the outer ear. It looks like a neat bead and is located right in front of the opening of the external auditory canal. Its main function is to protect against bacteria and foreign objects that may enter the ear canal. The tragus plays a very important role in ear health, so it is important to monitor its condition.

What does a tragus look like? This is a small cartilaginous outgrowth, about one centimeter long. It is located right in front of the earlobe and has small seals at the ends. The color of the tragus can vary from brown to yellowish, depending on the individual characteristics of the person’s skin. On average, this protrusion is about two to three millimeters in height and may protrude slightly beyond the earlobe.

When we talk about a tragus, we mean the protruding cartilage that

The tragus or tragus (lat.) is a flat protrusion of cartilage tissue at the base of the auricle. Both adults and children have tragus.

It protrudes from the front side of the tragus - in front of the entrance to the auditory canal. Rarely appears on both sides, often only on one. At first glance, the tragus is a tiny booger, but in fact it is important for the perception of the world around us. As a rule, girls have fewer tragus compared to boys because they lose their height during puberty. Also, during adolescence, tragus can change. This does not indicate illness and is the norm. The shape may change and the color may vary slightly.