Skin Dry

The skin is dry.

Dry skin is not just an aesthetic problem. Its causes may lie in internal diseases that need to be treated. To understand how to determine the stage of dryness and remove the pathology, you must understand the causes in more detail. Causes of dry skin There are many causes for this condition, which is why it is so important to take an integrated approach. The following factors most often influence: lack of vitamins, especially B8, A E in the body; gastrointestinal problems; hormonal imbalances in the body or endocrine disorders; heredity; allergy or atopy; stress - environmental and emotional; bad habits, for example, drinking alcohol, smoking; poor nutrition and dehydration; high intensity ultraviolet rays; unbalanced care. Dermatologists distinguish several types of dry skin: ***Climatic:** fairly low humidity levels, scorching sun, strong gusts of wind. Typically, about 40-50% of the population is affected. This type of skin cannot be called completely dry; rather, it can be called very sensitive to the environment. To protect against harmful factors, use light creams, gels or oils with additional sun protection components (SPF). Products that contain shea butter, hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, cyclomethicone are well suited; * **Coenotic:** the problem most often occurs in young children. The reason is a small amount of fatty secretions and poor composition of sweat. Such dry skin loses its natural characteristics at the age of 2 years, and keratosis pilaris develops. The sebaceous gland does not work properly, causing the dermis to look rough and strewn with white pimples. But such dry skin in itself is not considered dangerous. The thin layer of epithelium is easily injured, any defect can cause infection; * **Allergic:** with allergies of any degree, manifestation can occur along with a focus of dryness. The latter include cosmetics, as well as food, medicines and other allergens; ***Erythematous:** This includes skin diseases such as rosacea, neurodermatitis or psoriasis. Erythematous skin is covered with large plaques, on the surface of which there are redness and small wounds; * **Angular:**