Starch for bags under the eyes

The skin around the eyes is too vulnerable. Therefore, she needs special care. If you do not take care of this area of ​​the face, very soon bruises, swelling, and sagging skin will form around the eyes. Of course, such a flaw does not decorate a woman at all. Therefore, you should know why bags under the eyes occur and how to deal with the problem. A homemade mask for bags under the eyes made from natural ingredients will help in this matter.

Why does blueness and puffiness appear under the eyes?

The main reason for the appearance of swelling in the eyelid area is a violation of the water-salt balance in the female body, as well as age-related changes in skin turgor. Excess moisture, as well as a decrease in firmness, as well as elasticity, of tissues are initially reflected in the vulnerable skin of the eyelids. To correct the problem, cosmetologists recommend using face masks for bags under the eyes.

What can bags and bluish circles under the eyes and sagging eyelid skin mean? In a healthy person, the problem arises due to:

  1. insufficient skin care or lack thereof;
  2. inflammatory eye diseases;
  3. stress, insufficient rest, insomnia - masks for bags under the eyes will help restore a fresh look to your face;
  4. hormonal disorders, age-related changes in the skin and body;
  5. alcohol abuse, smoking;
  6. poor nutrition;
  7. using inappropriate, low-quality cosmetics.

A high-quality mask for bags under the eyes at home will help eliminate the problem. However, the process must be approached comprehensively. This means that you need to find and eliminate the root cause of the problem: review your regimen, balance your diet, give up alcohol and cigarettes, take care of your skin, etc.

Recipes for face masks for bags under the eyes

In order for homemade cosmetics, in particular, a mask against bags under the eyes, to give the desired effect, it is important to use it correctly. So, any mask will be more effective if applied to a previously steamed face. To do this, use herbal decoctions, mixtures of essential oils with warm water.

Tip: Since the skin of the eyelids is sensitive and very thin, face masks for bags under the eyes should be applied with a cosmetic brush or spatula, sponge, or cotton pad.

Masks for bags and wrinkles under the eyes are used both to obtain a quick effect and to prevent the problem. The course of such therapy lasts a month with a frequency of application up to 3 times a week.

Recipes for masks for bruises and bags under the eyes

A parsley-based mask for bruises and bags under the eyes is one of the best and most effective remedies. The cosmetic mixture is prepared from fresh herbs, which are pre-chopped, and sour cream (you can replace it with cottage cheese or soft butter) in a 1:1 ratio. The components are mixed and placed on pieces of gauze. The resulting compress is applied to the areas around the eyes. After 20 minutes, the remaining product should be washed off.

A mask for bruises and bags under the eyes with walnuts, butter, lemon juice perfectly nourishes the skin and brightens it. Add 1 tbsp to a teaspoon of nuts, ground into flour. l. oil and 4-6 drops of lemon juice. Using gentle movements, distribute the mixture around the eyes, and after 20 minutes, wash off.

Another effective mask against bags under the eyes, which also helps get rid of blueness of the eyelids, consists of cucumber and sour cream. The components for the product are taken in equal parts. Finely grate the vegetable and add sour cream to it. The finished mixture is spread around the eyes and washed off with slightly cooled water or tea after 20 minutes.

And the easiest way is to cut cucumbers and place them under the eyes.

Recipes for masks for bags and wrinkles under the eyes

It is very important to prepare masks for the hated bags and fine wrinkles under the eyes immediately before using them. During long-term storage, their effectiveness decreases sharply.

  1. For this recipe you will need a banana and cream, which are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, then distribute the mixture around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the product should be washed off, preferably with warm water.
  2. A mask for fine wrinkles and bags under the eyes with hyaluronic acid works wonders. To prepare it you need water and 1 g of the main component. 50 ml of purified water is taken into the container, gradually adding hyaluronic acid powder. The product must be constantly stirred to prevent lumps from forming. The finished mixture is placed in the refrigerator for a day, after which the product is used every evening, applying it with light tapping movements to problem areas of the facial skin. After half an hour, the product is removed with a napkin. The finished gel can be stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days.
  3. Face masks for bags and wrinkles under the eyes with oatmeal and tomato cope perfectly with the problem. To prepare such a remedy, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal is steamed with boiling water, the tomato is peeled, the vegetable is mashed and combined with the flakes. The cooled product is applied for 10 minutes around the eyes, then washed off.

Express masks for puffiness and cyanosis of the eyelids

Fast-acting masks for bags under the eyes are effective within 20 minutes of application. They help out when there is no time for lengthy procedures. Every woman should have at least a couple of such magical recipes in her arsenal.

  1. This express mask for bags under the eyes effectively eliminates the main problem and makes your look fresh and rested. It is prepared from cottage cheese (1 tbsp), parsley (2 tsp chopped herbs), mint essential oil (a couple of drops), starch (2 tsp). The components of the product are mixed and applied around the eyes. After a third of an hour, the mixture should be washed off.
  2. Brew 2 green tea bags, squeeze, cool and apply to swollen eyelids for 20 minutes.
  3. An express mask for bags under the eyes with fresh potatoes helps get rid of the problem in 20 minutes. For the remedy, you need to take a potato, peel it, grate it, squeeze out the juice and apply the paste under the eyes on the swollen area of ​​the eyelid. After a third of an hour, you need to wash your face or remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.

“Golden” masks for bags around the eyes

A mask with turmeric for bags under the eyes gently removes puffiness and fine wrinkles, tones the skin, makes it fresh, bright, and youthful. For the “golden” product you will need:

  1. turmeric (1 tsp);
  2. citrus juice, squeezed during preparation of the product (1 tbsp.);
  3. half a tomato;
  4. a tablespoon of chickpea flour.

Using a blender you need to mix the ingredients. Before applying the product, you should cleanse your skin. Apply the mask around the eyes with a brush or sponge. If the turmeric mask for bags under the eyes begins to dry out (usually this happens after 20 minutes), then it’s time to wash it off. Use cool running water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

Is it possible to find masks for bags under the eyes in pharmacies?

Very often you can hear that ointments intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids are used for wrinkles. Such drugs are effective, but they must be used with extreme caution, since they are intended for completely different purposes.

Masks for bags under the eyes can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of special plastic bags filled with a special gel. These bags are stored in the refrigerator, used if necessary, placed on closed eyes for just a few minutes.

Masks for bags under the eyes are also sold in pharmacies as oils. To solve the problem of swelling and blueness of the eyelids, you can use olive, castor, rose and other oils. The product is distributed on the eyelids, performing circular movements in a clockwise direction. After 10 minutes, you should wash with water.

Homemade cosmetics

A homemade mask for bags under the eyes is prepared from a variety of ingredients. Let's look at simple but effective options.

  1. Mask for bags under the eyes with egg white. For this remedy you need to take half an apple, 30 g of sour cream, 1 egg white. A puree is made from the apple, which is mixed with sour cream and protein. The paste is applied around the eyes, allowed to dry, and washed off with water.
  2. Vegetable masks, like other masks for morning bags under the eyes, are effective if used on cleansed skin. This recipe includes 10 g of cucumber and pumpkin, as well as liquid honey, slightly warmed (1/2 tsp). Cucumber and pumpkin are grated and combined with honey. The resulting face mask for bags under the eyes is applied to the problem area. The remaining product is removed with a napkin after a quarter of an hour, after which it is thoroughly washed.
  3. A DIY mask for bags under the eyes made from potatoes, sauerkraut and blue (green) clay removes puffiness of the eyelids and their cyanosis. The ingredients are mixed in approximately equal quantities and distributed around the eyes. After 5 minutes, the mask should be washed off. For the best effect after the procedure, the skin of the eyelids should be lightly massaged with an ice cube.
  4. Herbal masks for bags under the eyes are effective if the ingredients are chosen correctly. For example, sea buckthorn oil will help against cyanosis and swelling of the eyelids. You need to soak a couple of cosmetic discs with the product and put them in the refrigerator. After 20 minutes, you need to place these discs on cleansed and closed eyes and remain at rest for 30 minutes. Remove any remaining oil with a napkin.
  5. A coconut face mask for bags under the eyes and bluish circles under them is very good. Squeeze 30 ml of juice from sauerkraut and soak two cotton sponges with it. After this, the discs are placed on the prepared eyelid skin for half an hour. After the specified time, the discs are removed, and the eyelids are gently moistened with coconut oil.
  6. Honey masks for bags under the eyes are effective, especially in tandem with egg white and flour. A teaspoon of honey, heated in a steam bath, is mixed with wheat flour (1 tsp) and egg white, whipped into a stable foam. Apply the product around the eyes, wait 20 minutes, and rinse off.

Important: A DIY mask for bags under the eyes is not only an effective remedy to help get rid of a cosmetic problem, but also very affordable, since you can prepare it from products that are in every kitchen.

A properly prepared mask for bags under the eyes can work wonders. With regular use of home remedies, the condition of the skin around the eyelids significantly improves, the cyanosis and swelling of the tissues disappear. The main thing is to take your appearance and health seriously, reconsider your habits and lifestyle. And then those around you will appreciate your efforts, and you will be proud of your beauty.

Bags under the eyes can significantly spoil your appearance; how to get rid of them at home will be discussed further. Before removing the bags, you need to find out what causes them to appear. After finding out the cause, you can choose one of the elimination methods, and there are several of them - these include folk methods, cosmetics and prevention rules that will help prevent the occurrence of bags in the future.

General recommendations

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes faster and more effectively, treatment must be supported by following simple rules. They also help in preventing bags:

  1. reduce bad habits to a minimum (smoking and alcohol);
  2. adjust your diet by introducing more fresh and natural products (vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products);
  3. take vitamin complexes regularly;
  4. do not eat salty or spicy foods before bed (and in general try to significantly reduce their share in the diet);
  5. include physical exercise in your daily routine;
  6. walk more often and be in the fresh air;
  7. monitor the condition of your facial skin, use moisturizer;
  8. try to get rid of stressful situations or reduce their number to a minimum;
  9. sleep at least 6 hours.

Traditional methods

Among the natural ingredients, there are those that help get rid of bags under the eyes. If you regularly use masks and compresses on the eye area at home, then after a short time you will notice how the circles gradually disappear.

Cucumber + lemon juice

Cut fresh cucumber into thin slices, dip for a couple of minutes in pre-squeezed juice from half a lemon. Or grate the vegetable, mix it with citrus juice, and apply the homemade mixture like a mask.


Raw potatoes are grated on a fine grater; there is no need to squeeze out the liquid. This mass is applied to the area under the eyes. You can cut 2 thin slices from potatoes and attach them to the bags. This home method helps to quickly eliminate swelling.


Pour a large spoonful of chamomile flowers with hot water (150 ml) and let the liquid cool. Dip cotton pads into the homemade decoction and apply to the bags under the eyes.

Parsley + sour cream

Another home remedy that has a quick effect is parsley, and sour cream will soften rough skin. Finely chop a small bunch of greens (the more juice is released, the better), add a fermented milk product (it is better to take a fattier variety) in such an amount that you get a thick porridge that will not run off your face.


Take a couple of spoons of buckwheat and turn it into flour using a coffee grinder or blender. Then add water until you get a sticky consistency. Form small balls from it and apply them to the bags under the eyes, lightly pressing.

Vitamin home mask

Mash a handful of black currant berries, add chamomile decoction (take a spoonful of flowers in a glass of hot water, cool and strain). Apply as a home mask or compress, soaking cotton pads in the composition and placing them on the eyes. You should not use this home recipe often (twice a week is enough) so as not to cause skin irritation.

Homemade pumpkin mask

Bake the pumpkin pulp and mash it into a puree with a fork. Pour in ½ spoon of jojoba oil.

Starch + yolk

Stir a spoonful of potato starch into the egg yolk. Starch is a good lightener, so this homemade mask is especially effective for dark circles.

Tea with milk

Prepare a strong tea brew. Black tea is also suitable for this, but it is better to give preference to green tea - it will help get rid of bags under the eyes much faster. If you add milk, the skin will become velvety and soft.

Many plants can help get rid of edema at home, but aloe is the best at eliminating this problem. You need to cut off one leaf and put it in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. After this, grind and, without squeezing the juice, apply the porridge to the area under the eyes.

Cosmetical tools

Those who prefer to save time without spending it on preparing homemade formulations can be advised to use cosmetics. Various brands produce cosmetics with a narrow focus. The problem of bags under the eyes was no exception. In order to get rid of them, manufacturers provide creams and masks for every taste. Here are just a few of them that have proven themselves better than others:

  1. Gigi Eye Care Regu Age. A mask containing oxidoreductase, soy protein and white rice extract. These components improve blood circulation, improving skin color, which helps get rid of bags and tighten the skin under the eyes.

Shiseido Bio-Perfomance Super Eye Contour Cream. The cream, which has a gel texture, relieves swelling and provides nutrition. Stimulates collagen production in the body due to the presence of yeast and hyaluronic acid. The manufacturer recommends using this product in the morning.

Skin Doctors EyeTuck. A cream based on the Ayseril peptide allows you to get rid of swelling at home in a short time. Shows positive results even with chronic swelling.

Super Aqua Eye Serum from Guerlain. A moisturizing cosmetic product that delivers results instantly. Its effect lasts longer than a day. It can be used as a stand-alone remedy to get rid of bags under the eyes, or in combination with other procedures or remedies.

Express methods

There are methods that, after application, immediately help get rid of bags at home. These methods do not eliminate the problem, and they are recommended to be used when there is an urgent need to improve the color of the skin under the eyes and eliminate puffiness. Express methods can also be represented by home recipes or cosmetic products.


They are special strips that are applied under the eyes. They are kept for several minutes, after which the result becomes immediately noticeable. They do not act for long, but instantly eliminate the problem. Their action is based on active ingredients (algae extract, hyaluronic acid, herbs). The most effective are Perform Lift Yeux, Payot Design Lift, Gold Racoony from Secret Key, Koelf Bulgarian Rose, Tony Moly Panda’s Dream.

Fresh vegetables

Thin layers of some vegetables applied to the eye area have a smoothing property. These include: fresh cucumber, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant. Refrigerated products will solve the problem faster.

Tea bags

Tea bags also help get rid of bags at home. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over them and let them cool so as not to get burned. You can use both green and black tea.

Ice cubes

For emergencies, it is always useful to keep pre-prepared ice cubes with extracts of various herbs (chamomile, calendula, thyme, mint, lemon balm) in the freezer.


Metal tablespoons also help solve the problem. They need to make circular movements with light pressure in the desired area.

Photos before and after

The effectiveness of using various means can be seen in the photographs.

There are many different ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home. They can be more effective if used in combination. But before eliminating swelling, you need to find out the cause of its appearance by consulting a doctor.

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In this article we will talk about how starch is used to prepare cosmetic compositions. And today on the agenda is a homemade starch mask for wrinkles around the eyes, bruises, and puffiness. Starch masks around the eyes smooth the skin, making it silky and soft to the touch. The main signs of aging become less noticeable, wrinkles smooth out, dark circles under the eyes disappear.

What kind of starch is there?

Let’s immediately decide which starch to use for cosmetic purposes. After all, it can be different.

  1. Wheat contains many useful components, but at the same time, this type of product is characterized by an increased ability to absorb moisture. That's why you shouldn't use it too often, so as not to dry out your facial skin. Should not be used on delicate skin around the eyes.
  2. Rice has a delicate texture. It is good to combine with other components. It fits perfectly on the skin. One of its properties is to lighten the skin tone, so it is sometimes used if you need to remove a bruise faster.
  3. Potato starch for dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles is considered the most commonly used. They even say that such starch is comparable in effectiveness to Botox.
  4. Sometimes corn is also used. But it must come with some kind of thickeners, otherwise the cosmetic product will end up not thick enough.

The amazing properties of starch are determined by its composition, which includes:

  1. choline, which controls the activity of the sebaceous glands and restores the epidermis;
  2. vitamin C, rejuvenating and restoring the skin;
  3. vitamin PP, which enhances the regenerative abilities of cells;
  4. iron, which enriches the skin with oxygen;
  5. carbohydrates that saturate the skin with nutrients;
  6. potassium, which slows down the evaporation of moisture.

Cosmetologists compare the effect of anti-wrinkle starch on facial skin with professional procedures and even advise using it for wrinkles instead of Botox. Indeed, using home remedies with starch, you can give your skin firmness, restore elasticity, neutralize the effects of adverse factors and make your face glow. The value of the product is increased by its hypoallergenicity, due to which the risk of allergic reactions is minimal.

What result?

Starch masks against wrinkles under the eyes help, but you need to take a number of features into account.

So, do not expect any miraculous rejuvenation after the first procedure. The area near the eyes “loves” regular exposure. The first results will appear after the 3rd session. The effect will be best expressed after a course of about a couple of weeks. But if you stop doing the procedures, the effect will go away after some time.

If the wrinkles near the eyes are too deep, you don’t need to believe that starch is better than Botox, so much so that it will help make the skin around the eyes perfectly smooth. This is an external remedy, and the mask can only correct defects that have begun to appear. Read also: Gel eye mask: how to use, what it’s for

Starch masks for the skin around the eyes

Basic technique

Starch masks for procedures on the skin around the eyes are prepared according to different recipes. First, let's talk about preparing the base.

  1. Take a spoonful of powder, pour it into a container, then pour 100 ml of cold, clean water into it.
  2. Stir until the starch is completely dissolved. It's better to use a whisk.
  3. Place 50 ml of water on the fire and wait for it to boil.
  4. Pour the mixture into boiling water and stir.
  5. Be sure to monitor the texture of the mixture. When it starts to thicken, it needs to be removed from the stove.
  6. Important: do not boil the mass so that valuable components do not collapse.
  7. The prepared composition should be divided into three parts and stored in the refrigerator. Use for three days.

Skin rejuvenation around the eyes

It is believed that this recipe will help correct minor age-related problems: small wrinkles, sagging eyelid skin. Designed to nourish and enrich cells.

  1. Take a chilled starch base and add a large spoonful of sour cream with a sufficiently high fat content: not less than 30%.
  2. Next, prepare carrot juice - fresh. And add 5 large spoons to the mass.
  3. Mix and apply to problem areas that have been cleaned in advance.

Soon after applying the starch mask for the skin around the eyes, the mass will begin to thicken. You need to apply a little fresh composition on top. In general, keep it on your face for no more than a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, rinse off and apply a suitable nourishing cream.

If your skin is dry

Again, take the cooled potato starch, prepared in the manner indicated above, and add the yolk of one egg to it.

Next - a dessert spoon of vegetable oil - any one you like: wheat germ, peach or olive.

Mask with moisturizing effect

Aging skin around the eyes is often deprived of moisture. One of the recipes for this case:

  1. 3 tablespoons of starch and the same volume of milk,
  2. 1 spoon of honey - add to the heated mixture of the previously mentioned ingredients,
  3. 20 minutes is the time to keep the composition on the face.

From expression wrinkles

A starch mask against wrinkles, applied under the eyes. Prepare like this:

  1. 1 spoon - starch,
  2. 1 protein,
  3. 1 spoon – kefir.

Mix everything, beat it and apply it to the problem area. After a quarter of an hour, wash off.

Mask for puffiness and swelling near the eyes

Take one fourth of potato starch, two small spoons of warm water, and the same amount of banana pulp.

A kind of jelly is prepared from starch and water, and then it is mixed with banana pulp and applied for 20 minutes.

If, in addition to banana, you add heavy cream, preferably homemade, then the mask will be good for wrinkles. The preparation is simple: mix a dessert spoon of starch, the same amount of banana, heavy cream. A thick mass is obtained, and it is applied to the problem area with a soft cloth. Then remove it with a napkin and do not wash it off. Then apply moisturizer.

If you have a bruise

Starch helps against bruises, including under the eyes. But it’s rice or potato. It is used when there is a bruise or abrasions.

A little starch is diluted with clean water to form a paste of thick consistency. Using gauze or a bandage, prepare a compress and apply it to the bruised area.

When the bruise does not appear on the face, it is recommended to keep the compress on all night. In the case of a delicate area, it’s still not worth experimenting like this.

Caring for the delicate eyelid area is a daily task. It is better to carry out preventive procedures. You should not expect that home sessions will help eliminate deep folds.

Super starch mask for the skin around the eyes

Wrinkles become a real tragedy for a woman, betraying her age. The first grooves always appear in the area around the eyes. In this zone, the fabrics are delicate, thin, and prone to drying out. Facial stress also contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Although there is no secret to eternal youth, if you properly take care of the delicate dermis, you can maintain a fresh look for a long time. An assistant in this matter is a natural mask against wrinkles around the eyes.

The network of wrinkles begins to actively increase in the “eye” area after 30 years. During this period, natural aging processes begin: the dermis loses elasticity, cells lack collagen. And the most delicate area of ​​the face is the first to suffer - around the eyes. If proper measures are not taken in time, the situation will worsen. In order for the image in the mirror to please you for a long time, you need to provide the delicate area with proper care. Natural masks will help reduce existing grooves and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Looking for a reason

The struggle for beauty will be successful only if the cause of the problem is determined. If possible, the predisposing factor must first be excluded. This will help consolidate the result. Why do wrinkles appear on the eyelids, in the corners of the eyes and under the eyes? There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. Active facial expressions. The early appearance of crow's feet is usually observed in Laughing Gulls. But fear of the “cobweb” is not a reason to refuse laughter. Expression wrinkles can be easily removed using “grandmother’s recipes.” The main thing is to react immediately.
  2. Heredity. You can't argue with genes. If there is a genetic predisposition, grooves may appear at the age of 20. But the process can be controlled. Proven home methods, store-bought cosmetics, and salon procedures will come to the rescue.
  3. Age. The launch of natural aging processes is inevitable. Over the years, the dermis loses its ability to retain moisture and loses its elasticity. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles in the “eye” area, but comprehensive care for this area will help bring the situation under control.
  4. Ultraviolet. The sun does not spare the dermis, especially the delicate one. Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory; they protect the eyelids from wrinkles and help prevent squinting, which prevents the appearance of crow's feet.
  5. Bad habits. Nicotine, alcohol, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep are the worst enemies of youth and beauty. All this negatively affects the skin, and the dermis around the eyes is the first to report its suffering.

Women who spend a lot of time at the computer become familiar with wrinkles around the eyes early. You need to follow the work schedule and give your eyes rest. It is advisable to use special computer glasses. They relieve tension from the organs of vision: as a result, there is no squinting.

Natural cosmetics can “work” just as well as store-bought ones. Homemade masks are favored by their availability, environmental friendliness, and speed of preparation. In order not to be disappointed with the result, you need to choose a proven recipe.

An anti-wrinkle mask for the skin around the eyes should contain natural ingredients that have a smoothing effect. A lot of them. Cucumber, potatoes, dill, parsley, apricot, peach, banana, oatmeal, and medicinal herbs can boast of such properties. Dairy products prevent the appearance of wrinkles: the nutrition and hydration they provide leaves no chance for wrinkles.

A natural mask against wrinkles around the eyes at home will additionally help get rid of a number of problems. Homemade cosmetics can remove swelling and bruises and slow down age-related changes in the eyelid.

Starch mask for the skin around the eyes, or an alternative to Botox

After 40 years, epidermal cells require special care. If previously universal formulations could cope with the grooves, now maximum action means are required, because the aging process has long been started. At home, you can prepare a mask against wrinkles around the eyes from starch with a Botox effect. First they make the base.

  1. Pour a large spoonful of starch with half a glass of cold water.
  2. Stir until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Boil 50 ml of water.
  4. Pour the starch mixture into boiled water.
  5. Stir over heat until it reaches a thick consistency. Do not boil.
  6. Divide the mixture into three parts and put it in the refrigerator.

A starch mask for wrinkles around the eyes can be anything, the main thing is that the starch mixture plays the “first fiddle”. Sour cream, cream, carrot juice, banana, and essential oils are added to it. Read also: Masks for wrinkles around the eyes at home

Products based on starch tighten the dermis, get rid of deep wrinkles, and promote regeneration. Reviews about this mask are positive: fans of the product claim that it slows down the aging process, “working” no worse than botulinum toxin injections.

Starch mask for the skin around the eyes recipes

Potato starch is a universal substance suitable for all skin types. By regularly making vegetable masks, you will see that your skin has become silky, soft and smooth. Starch also has excellent bleaching properties. A potato mask is a universal remedy that can be used without any restrictions by women of all ages.

The gentle and delicate effect of such a composition cannot harm even the most sensitive facial skin. That is why the use of such cosmetic mixtures is allowed even for the most vulnerable area - the area around the eyes. A properly prepared potato mixture can eliminate signs of fatigue, relieve swelling and remove dark circles under the eyes.

Soothing composition against fatigue and redness of the eyes. Sleepless nights, fatigue, prolonged exposure to a computer monitor and other factors are reflected on our face. Puffiness appears around the eyes, the epidermis takes on an unhealthy tint. A potato mask will help cope with a tired and exhausted state, restoring freshness and vigor to the skin.

For this you will need 1 tbsp. l. grated raw potatoes and 2 tbsp. l. milk or cream. After mixing these ingredients, add a little flour to the mixture to make a thick paste. Spread the mixture over your face, not forgetting to pay special attention to your eyelids. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse off any remaining product with cool water.

An effective remedy against bruises and bags under the eyes. Potato starch copes well with this problem. Try to enrich the healing substance by selecting additional ingredients. We suggest combining a few tablespoons of grated raw potatoes with the same amount of oatmeal. Add a little warm milk to give the mask the required consistency. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes.

Starch instead of Botox for wrinkles around the eyes

Recently, the popularity of Botox has been rapidly declining. The reason for this is the synthetic nature of Botox, which, by acting on nerve endings, can cause a “mask” effect. Starch can have an effect on the skin of the face similar to Botox, but it is absolutely safe for the body.

A classic starch mask that can compete with Botox includes starch (a tablespoon), water (about 250 grams), carrot juice (5 tablespoons), sour cream (a tablespoon).

Starch should be added to water; After the starch “disperses,” the mixture should be put on fire and slowly heating to achieve a certain specified viscosity of the mask; After this, carrot juice and sour cream are added to the mixture. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which the remaining mask should be washed off.

After the procedure, apply a thin layer of cream to the skin (preferably the simplest one - for children). This mask is applied once a week.

You can also add oil to any starch mask - the effectiveness will only increase. How to choose it correctly?

The skin loves to be oiled. The main thing is to choose the right oil for this. You can use it alone, in combination with other vegetable fat or products.

To prepare masks against wrinkles around the eyes at home, lipids from the following plants are used:

  1. avocado;
  2. jojoba;
  3. wheat germ;
  4. green coffee;
  5. cocoa;
  6. shea (shea);
  7. peach pits;
  8. sesame;
  9. lavender;
  10. almonds;
  11. mint;
  12. sea ​​buckthorn;
  13. olives;
  14. flax seeds;
  15. sweet almonds.

The listed fats act approximately the same - they nourish, saturate with moisture, and make wrinkles less noticeable. But there are still some differences between them.

Thus, avocado seed oil gets rid of dark halo under the eyes, and sesame oil helps with swelling. Coconut and castor oils tighten the skin, and those obtained from peach and apricot kernels are indicated at an early age - they delay the onset of wilting.

Those with oily skin should be careful when choosing this product due to the possible comedogenic effect. The most dangerous oils are those obtained from cocoa, coconut, flax seeds, and wheat germ.

If vegetable fat is used independently, the time of the first application should not exceed 5 minutes. It is preheated in your hands or in a water bath to a comfortable temperature.

In the absence of allergic reactions and the product is well tolerated, the exposure time is increased.

Video: Starch masks for the skin around the eyes