Starch use in cosmetology

Homemade care products are now widely used. After all, they have a completely natural composition. They are safe, effective, and with regular use they can improve and rejuvenate the skin. How to use potato starch on your face? The article will discuss methods of using the product, recipes for masks and their effectiveness.

Composition and properties of starch

Potato starch for the face has a positive effect on the skin due to many nutrients. After all, it includes:

  1. Vitamin C. It helps bring the cellular structure of the skin back to life. Starch reliably protects it from destruction and promotes restoration.
  2. Niacin. Improves lipid metabolism and activates the growth of new cells, making them viable.
  3. Choline. The substance regulates fat metabolism and normalizes the process of sebum secretion.
  4. Potassium. The component helps moisturize the skin and helps it retain moisture in its structure.
  5. Iron. Helps improve blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen.
  6. Carbohydrates. Give skin cells energy.


Starch contains vitamins that improve the functioning of all tissue structures. These are thiamine, riboflavin and others.

What does starch give to the skin?

A mask from this product is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive ones. The effect is gentle, delicate and restorative. The facial benefits of potato starch are as follows:

  1. The product will help young skin regain its radiant appearance, eliminating signs of fatigue;
  2. on dry epidermis, peeling, redness and inflammation will decrease, the feeling of tightness will completely disappear;
  3. hypersensitive skin will reduce its sensitivity, significantly increase its protective functions, starch carefully cares for it;
  4. oily dermis will improve its appearance, thanks to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, the pores will be tightened and cleaned well, the skin will turn matte.

A face mask made from potato starch smooths out fine wrinkles on the skin, significantly slows down age-related changes and whitens it. Most often it is used for aging facial skin, on which the positive qualities of the product are maximally manifested.


The benefits of potato starch for facial skin are as follows: masks will transform the skin within a month. Many women claim that the product has the effect of Botox. The skin is tightened and there is no negative effect on it.

For the face, you can use not only potato starch, but also corn starch. The first product has a thicker consistency, so its anti-aging properties are higher. Corn starch is suitable for young girls, and potato starch is suitable for older women.

If there are no contraindications for the use of the product, it can be constantly used to improve the condition of the skin.

How to make masks correctly

The product can be used for any type of skin, taking into account a number of nuances. A potato starch face mask against wrinkles and other dermal problems has certain features.

  1. You must first prepare the skin for the procedure. Decorative cosmetics should be removed using foam or toner. Rinse your face with water.
  2. Using a sponge, brush or fingertips, apply the product to the skin along massage lines. Start using the mask from the bottom up. Initially, the product is applied to the chin area, from the corners of the lips to the ears. The mask is applied from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and temples. Additionally applied to the neck and décolleté area. The area around the eyes remains clean.
  3. The mask should be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin.
  4. It is not recommended to move your facial muscles for 20-25 minutes. You should also not touch the mask with your hands. The best thing to do is lie down and relax.
  5. The product is removed from the face using a soft sponge soaked in water. Then it is washed without using soap. Sometimes herbal infusions or milk are used instead of water.

At the very end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to your face to soothe and moisturize the skin.


When preparing the mask, you must follow the following rule: dilute starch only with warm liquid. It can be herbal infusion, milk and more. If you do not take this condition into account, then the mask will contain lumps and it will not fit well on your face. An even worse effect will occur if the starch is diluted with boiling water. In this case, you will end up with glue that will only harm the skin.

If you don't have potato starch on hand, you can use corn starch. It is also rich in beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the dermis. For masks, you must use only high-quality ingredients.

When choosing mask components, be sure to take into account their skin tolerance. A test must be performed before the procedure. Apply a small amount of product to your wrist. If redness and other allergic reactions do not appear, then the mask can be used without fear.

How to smooth your skin

According to reviews, potato starch for the face against wrinkles is used in combination with various components.

To prepare the mask, use starch (30 g), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 80 g of carrot juice.

The preparation process does not take much time. Starch is dissolved in 100 ml of water. Then the resulting mass is gradually poured into boiling water (500 ml). Cook the mixture over low heat until thickened. The result should be a mass whose consistency resembles a thick cream. Cool and add the remaining ingredients. To stir thoroughly. The mask is applied to the skin in a thin layer. If there are a lot of wrinkles on your face, you can use a second layer. This should be done quickly so that the previous one does not have time to dry out.

The product can be used every day. The positive effect becomes noticeable after 4 days of continuous use.

A mask with the Botox effect can be left on the face for no more than 25 minutes. The remaining product should be stored in a cool place for 3 days. This should be done as a last resort, because then the mask loses many useful substances.

To get rid of wrinkles, a face mask with potato starch is prepared using several ingredients. One tablespoon of the product is combined with milk. Add a teaspoon of peach or olive oil to the mixture. Keep on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.

For dull and tired skin

Potato starch for the face against wrinkles can be used to restore the dermis.

The main components of the mask include: 1 teaspoon of starch, egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a little tomato pulp.

Before preparing the mask, pour boiling water over the tomato and remove the skin. Then the remaining components are added to its pulp. The resulting product is applied to the face in a thin layer. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. Then the product is washed off with warm water.


To bring life back to dull skin, the following remedy is prepared. The main components include: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch, 20 ml of cream and a small banana.

The fruit is thoroughly kneaded and the remaining ingredients are added. The result is a viscous mass. It is applied to the skin in several stages. When the first layer dries, apply the second and then the third.

The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes. The effect of its use appears after 2 weeks and lasts for 3 months. The procedure must be carried out once a week for 60 days.

Masks with rejuvenating and whitening effect

Products that have a similar effect are suitable for everyone. Potato starch for the face as a rejuvenator pushes dermal cells to active life and restores them.

To achieve this effect, you must:

  1. For sensitive skin. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch, 1 teaspoon of milk and 5 ml of peach oil.
  2. For oily dermis. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch is diluted with water to a thick cream. Add 5 drops of lemon juice and egg yolk to the mixture.
  3. For normal skin. For the mask, mix tbsp. a spoonful of starch and 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix the ingredients and dilute with warm milk to a paste.

Masks must be applied every other day, the full course lasts 1 month. The exposure time is 30 minutes.


How to whiten your face with potato starch? To obtain this effect, you need to prepare a mask. It contains starch and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. They are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained. The product is applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to keep this product on your face for too long.

As a bleaching agent, use a mixture that consists of 1 tbsp. spoons of starch and the same amount of lemon juice. The positive effect will become noticeable after the first procedure, and age spots will lighten. Sometimes 1-2 drops of tea tree oil are used to enhance the positive effect.

To rid the skin of yellowness, use egg white and 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir and starch. This product is applied to the face in a thick layer. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.


In cosmetology, acne is one of the most pressing problems. People of any age and gender suffer from them. There are unique recipes for face masks made from potato starch.

  1. For dry skin. To prepare the product, you need to mix 4 drops of tea tree oil, egg white and a spoonful of starch. Apply to skin for a quarter of an hour. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening.
  2. For oily skin types. Mix a teaspoon of starch, a tbsp. a spoonful of kefir and egg white. The mask adheres well to the face and does not spread over it. Apply it for 15 minutes. Sometimes a few drops of lemon juice are added to the mask to enhance the effect.
  3. For skin with signs of aging. To prepare the mask, mix 1 teaspoon of starch and cocoa powder, tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and a little liquid honey. Mix the components of the product thoroughly and apply to the face for a quarter of an hour.

The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures and is carried out every 2 days. After exposure time, rinse the product with water.


There is a recipe for an anti-acne mask for young skin that has a positive effect and does not cause harm.

To prepare the product you will need the following ingredients: 2 teaspoons each of starch and oatmeal, an egg. First, separate the whites and beat them. Grind the flakes. Mix them with protein and other ingredients. Apply to face and wash after 20 minutes.


Potato starch for the face may not be used in all cases; there are some restrictions on its use. This happens extremely rarely, because allergies to the product are extremely rare.

Masks should not be applied to the skin during periods of serious inflammatory processes. And these could be cuts or open wounds, as well as herpes. If there are no inflammations on your face, then you can safely use potato starch on your facial skin. The procedure should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a week.

An excellent effect can be detected after 10-12 sessions, although much depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.


Opinions about the use of the product are mostly positive. According to reviews, potato starch for the face has an effective effect on the skin. Women note the instant smoothness of the dermis. After removing the product from the skin, the face becomes smooth and even.

Girls who have an oily dermis mention matting the skin. After the first session, they note a decrease in fat secretion. The main thing in this case is regularity. It is recommended to use masks at least once a week.


Many women are satisfied with the pronounced tightening effect. As a result, you can feel the elasticity of the skin. This can be achieved by regularly using starch in home cosmetology.

Another group of women report a feeling of strong tightening of the skin after applying a starch mask. Experts say that this is how the lifting effect of the procedure manifests itself.

According to reviews, face masks made from potato starch significantly reduce wrinkles on the skin and improve complexion. They note that the product has a positive effect on the dermis if the procedures are carried out regularly.

Girls who suffer from acne and other skin problems notice a significant improvement in the condition of the dermis after several sessions. They managed to completely get rid of acne.


Potato starch for the face is a universal remedy that is suitable for almost all skin types. It practically does not cause allergic reactions. Adding various components to the mask will help achieve a quick positive effect. Starting with the fight against acne and ending with skin rejuvenation. Every woman has starch in her kitchen, because it is actively used for preparing various dishes.

Find out what a wonderful rejuvenating and tightening effect a starch face mask has on the skin: its beneficial lifting properties, basic rules for use at home, detailed instructions for use, the best recipes

Starch - a tasteless white granular powder that does not dissolve in cold water, and when compressed, produces a characteristic squeak caused by friction of particles. It is actively used in the food and textile industries.

Due to its chemical composition and properties, this substance can even be used in home cosmetology. A homemade starch face mask, according to reviews, can be an excellent alternative to the famous Botox.

It has an excellent tightening effect on already mature, wrinkled skin. In addition to this miraculous property, it has a lot of other advantages that deserve the attention of all beauties who strive to use natural cosmetics to care for their appearance.

The magical effect of starch on the skin

The rejuvenating and lifting properties of starch as a cosmetic product are due to the effect on skin cells of the beneficial substances contained in this powder. In addition, it has the ability, when diluted in hot water, to swell and acquire a sticky consistency, which also later affects the condition of the skin: it smoothes out, becomes firm and elastic. Vitamins and microelements such as:

  1. ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps damaged cells regenerate, bringing them back to life, protecting them from further destruction, and also kills free radicals that actively hunt living cells;
  2. thiamine (vitamin B1) is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, so face masks with starch can be recommended for teenagers who are tired of fighting pimples and acne, which cannot be avoided at this age;
  3. riboflavin (vitamin B2) improves complexion as it normalizes cellular respiration;
  4. pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) smoothes wrinkles, fights skin aging, gives starch masks lifting properties;
  5. pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has a healing effect, saving the skin from various diseases and fungal infections;
  6. niacin (vitamin B3, PP) participates in redox reactions, awakens cells whose development has been slowed down over time;
  7. folic acid (vitamin B9) minimizes the harmful effects of the environment on the skin;
  8. tocopherol (vitamin E) accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers in cells, which are responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin at any age;
  9. choline (vitamin-like substance) improves the functioning of the sebaceous and fatty glands, so starch face masks are universal in their kind: they are suitable for caring for both oily and dry skin;
  10. iron participates in the blood circulation process, thereby uninterruptedly supplying the cells with oxygen;
  11. potassium maintains a normal level of hydration in the skin, prevents the evaporation of moisture from the epidermis;
  12. carbohydrates nourish the skin, return energy to it if it is tired.

Such an impressive list of vitamins and other useful substances helps to understand why a starch face mask is increasingly being used at home instead of Botox: safe and effective.

Naturally, you won’t get the same result as from an injection of youth with a simple powder, but with regular use of such masks, you will notice how your expression and age wrinkles become less noticeable and deep, gradually smooth out, and the skin becomes firm and elastic.

To achieve all these results, you need to be able to properly prepare face masks from starch, since the substance differs from other conventional products in its properties.

Tips for using starch as a cosmetic product

Starch, if not handled correctly, can become completely useless as a cosmetic product. This is due to its unusual chemical and physical properties. Therefore, many young ladies simply cannot make face masks from it.

However, those who learn to use it will be pleased with the results that they will soon see in the mirror. Just consider the following nuances when using starchy skin care products at home.

  1. Indications: starch face masks are recommended for use by those who are already experiencing the first signs of aging, withering, with oily and dry skin, with vitamin deficiency in the cold season, if they are tormented by pimples and acne, if the skin is thin and sensitive. But the most important property of a starch mask is rejuvenation and tightening.
  2. Contraindications: cracked, flaky skin, open wounds and cracks on the face, serious infectious skin diseases.
  3. Testing: starch actually very rarely causes allergic reactions, but just in case, it’s still worth applying the prepared composition to the most sensitive and thin area of ​​the skin, which is located on the wrist. If after using it for 4-5 hours you do not experience any unpleasant or painful sensations in the form of itching and redness, you should not be afraid of side effects and you can safely apply the mask to your face.
  4. The most important rule that must be followed when preparing starch masks: the main substance must be diluted in a warm liquid. This can be plain water, milk or an infusion of medicinal herbs, but they all must be warm when in contact with starch! If they are cold, the powder will not dilute, the mask will be grainy and will not fit well on the face. It will be even worse if you take a hot liquid, because the starch will dissolve in it so much that you will end up with glue that will tighten your skin and turn out to be more harmful than useful.
  5. To obtain a high-quality cosmetic paste It is not recommended to leave starch in the liquid used for a long time. Once diluted, immediately apply it to your face, otherwise, again, you’ll end up with glue.
  6. To enhance the cosmetic effect, add a variety of products to starch face masks. If you have oily skin, it could be citrus fruits, berries, protein or low-fat milk. To care for dry epidermis, use moisturizing ingredients: yolk, vegetables and fruits, cream, rich sour cream.
  7. To make the starch mask as effective as possible and delight you with its rejuvenating properties, pre-prep the skin to this procedure. First, you will need to remove all cosmetics from it (mascara, foundation, powder, etc.). Then steam it: make a steam bath with herbs and hold your face over it for 5-7 minutes. The pores will open and be able to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. After this, take the time to cleanse your skin with a scrub. Now you can be sure: she is ready for the procedure.
  8. You need a starch mask distribute evenly over the surface of the skin. This can be done with your fingers or a cosmetic brush. Do not forget that the miraculous composition must be applied exclusively along the massage lines, while simultaneously massaging the skin with circular rubbing movements.
  9. While the mask is in effect, you will need to lie down and relax. Your facial muscles should not experience any tension.
  10. As soon as the starch on your face begins to dry out (5-7 minutes after application), the composition can be applied to the skin again, or it can be washed off immediately. The optimal duration of the mask is 10-15 minutes.
  11. It is best to wash off a dried starch mask from your face with warm liquid. Again, this can be a herbal infusion, milk or ordinary water. There should not be any low or hot temperatures upon contact with starch at this stage - remember this!
  12. After this, de-stress stressed skin with your regular daily cream.
  13. If skin problems are in advanced condition (many wrinkles, pimples, the epidermis is very dry or too oily), it is recommended to use a starch mask a couple of times a week. If you use it more for prevention, then 1 time a week will be quite enough.
  14. A course of treatment (i.e. eliminating serious cosmetic problems) should be at least 15 masks. The course of preventive procedures may be limited to only 10 masks.

If you use starch correctly, with knowledge of all these nuances, to prepare cosmetic masks, their effectiveness will definitely delight you and inspire you to try new tests of this amazing powder. A variety of recipes will allow you to choose something to suit your taste and individual preferences.

Recipes for starch face masks

Starch as a cosmetic product is universal because it can be combined with anything, as long as it is not hot. Therefore, there are a lot of recipes for masks with his participation. Usually they indicate not only the composition, but also the purpose, i.e. for what type of skin this mask is designed and what cosmetic problem it solves. Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing a recipe.

  1. Milk mask for sensitive skin

Mix starch (1 tablespoon) with fresh fat milk (1 tablespoon), add peach cosmetic oil (1 teaspoon).

  1. Protein mask for oily skin

Dilute starch (1 tablespoon) with warm water to obtain a sticky mass (called starch paste), which will need to be ground with 1 fresh egg white. For greater effectiveness, you can add 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the mask.

  1. Honey mask with salt for aging skin

Mix starch (1 tablespoon) with regular salt (1 teaspoon), dilute with warm milk, add liquid natural honey (1 teaspoon), melted until warm. The result is an effective scrub mask that leaves no chance for wrinkles and toxins to exist. It is recommended to apply it to the skin with circular rubbing movements, which will enhance the lifting effect of the mask.

  1. Kefir-protein mask with a tightening effect

Dilute starch (1 tablespoon) in warm medium-fat kefir (1 tablespoon), add 1 raw, whipped egg white. After the first use of this starch mask, you will feel that your skin has become more elastic, softer, yellowness has gone away, and fine wrinkles have smoothed out.

  1. Lemon mask against pigmentation

Lemon juice is well known for its skin irritating properties and is considered a very active ingredient. However, starch softens its aggressive effect, enhancing its anti-aging properties. Dilute potato starch (1 tablespoon) in the same amount of fresh lemon juice. The whitening effect will be noticeable after the first procedure: age spots of any origin will become noticeably lighter. Often 2-3 drops of tea tree ether are added to this mask, which also has a whitening effect.

Typically, any housewife has starch in her kitchen, as it is actively used for preparing various dishes. Now you can safely use it in another area: to rejuvenate and heal your aging, wrinkled skin. This substance should not be neglected, as it makes amazing cosmetics - inexpensive and very effective. Now you can forget about many of your defects and troubles associated with your facial skin: starch masks will get rid of your complexes and increase your self-esteem.

Corn starch is an absolutely universal product that is used not only in facial care, but also in hair, body, nail care, etc. However, in this article I would like to dwell in more detail on the benefits of corn starch in facial care.


This starch in its structure is a fine white powder. It is a real find in the pursuit of healthy and beautiful skin due to the protein in its composition. And protein, as you know, is a building material and is involved in many vital processes in the body. Starch also contains microelements such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc. Therefore, one cannot help but appreciate its importance in the fight for well-groomed and beautiful skin.

The benefits of corn starch in cosmetology and facial skin care

Cornstarch is suitable for any skin, be it dry, combination, sensitive or oily.

  1. For dry skin, starch will help cope with flaking and tightness. Will make the epidermis moisturized and nourished.
  2. If your skin is problematic, with a lot of comedones, then frequent use of corn starch in the form of masks will help get rid of acne and inflammation. It also cleanses your face and evens out your skin tone.
  3. Corn starch is a powerful absorbent, which is an indispensable property in caring for oily skin. It regulates sebum production, helping the skin remain matte for a long time without greasy shine, and tightens pores.
  4. Starch also has deodorizing properties, improves the glide of cosmetics on the skin, and gives it a light texture. It is an excellent emollient – ​​it gives the skin silkiness and elasticity.

Corn starch is used both in its pure form and in homemade cosmetics. It should also be noted that starch is an absolutely hypoallergenic product and is not addictive. Protects skin from negative environmental influences.

It has no contraindications. It is recommended for all ages, especially mature skin.

The best cornstarch mask recipes

Corn starch masks have found wide application in home cosmetology. They are easy to prepare, and their benefits are not in doubt. When used consistently, they are very effective.

Rejuvenating mask with corn starch and milk

  1. - two tablespoons of starch
  2. - a few spoons of milk
  3. - teaspoon sea salt
  4. - a couple of drops of ginger and jasmine essential oil

Mix all components thoroughly and apply to face along massage lines for 15–20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water. Avoid the area under the eyes.

The mask is also suitable as a gentle facial scrub due to the sea salt in the composition.

It removes the stratum corneum of the skin, improves complexion, and gives the skin firmness, smoothness and elasticity. With regular use, facial wrinkles are noticeably reduced and the overall quality of the skin improves.

Mask with starch and lemon to tighten pores

  1. - two tablespoons of starch
  2. - teaspoon lemon juice
  3. - egg white

Mix all ingredients and apply tightly only to the forehead, chin and nose. Rinse off after 10–15 minutes with warm water. Do not use around the eyes.
This mask absorbs sebum well, tightens pores and slightly brightens the face.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the mask may sting slightly due to the lemon and salt in the composition. Women with sensitive skin types should be careful and perhaps reduce the duration of the mask to 5 minutes. The mask is ideal for girls with oily skin types.

Corn starch mask for dry skin

  1. - a small amount of corn starch
  2. - pure water
  3. - any cosmetic oil, be it grape seed, peach or olive. It is better to choose an oil that suits your skin type.

Starch is mixed with water to form a viscous paste. You need to take a little more water than starch. A little cosmetic oil is added to the resulting mass. Everything is mixed thoroughly. The mask should be applied for 20–25 minutes, can be used under the eyes, and then rinsed with warm water. It has nourishing, soothing and regenerating properties.

Mask with corn starch and honey for sagging skin

  1. - two tablespoons of starch
  2. - two teaspoons of honey

Mix all components thoroughly and apply to the skin for 10–15 minutes, then wash with warm water. This mask is very nourishing and has a lifting effect. If you do it on a regular basis, the skin will become more nourished, firmer and more elastic. Can be used for the area around the eyes.

After using the masks, it is recommended to apply cream according to your skin type. All masks must be done on clean facial skin.

Cornstarch face masks are a great addition to your basic skin care routine. They are very easy to make yourself at home, you just need to buy corn starch. The benefits of it are enormous, the main thing is regularity of use and the result will not take long to arrive.
Be beautiful and well-groomed!

Section: Face masks 2017-12-19 author: ledikic